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The game needs to have casus bellis in it to have a more realistic way to declare war, rather than just beign able to do it whenever you want to whatever nation you want without any consequences.
Last reply by SrKactusJaen, -
- 1 follower
- 18 replies
In the current version of the game, resources are only human and economic resources. Also diplomacy and steps points. In my opinion, this is too simple a resource system that needs not only processing, but complete creation a newer, more interesting and most importantly expanded system of resources and economy. The first aspect I would like to touch upon is the above-mentioned resources. I don’t want to “discover America,” but it would be nice to do a resource extraction system, a separate map and the creation of industry, the industry of which is determined by province, to which resources are tied. For example, coal, iron, tungsten, gold, silk and various dish…
Last reply by Bastien, -
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I would like to suggest adding a mission tree system (like in the Europa Universalis IV) that will allow you to complete mission branches for more interesting gaming campaigns.
Last reply by Fire, -
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Multiplayer system can be added to the game
Last reply by EMOBABEY48, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I suggest adding the police to the game as a mechanic for maintaining order / stability and organizing this mechanic as a separate kind of troops or something similar
Last reply by transhumanist0, -
- 2 replies
1)The Ottoman city Edirne is not a desert 2) Ottomans are not pagan 3) The head of the Ottoman Empire is wrong Suggestion: In the game, you can put vassals on states, we call them to war, they rebel, we fight with them, they provide us with income.
Last reply by Mert_551, -
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The game should also be added to the Epic Games store. After Steam withdrew from some countries, most players switched to Epic Games. Therefore, it might be a good idea to add the game to the Epic Games store.
Last reply by FlashPower, -
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I think Not one such person who wondered how will be realized combat in AOH3, since the game is present Units from modern times, I would like to ask how will be implemented this system ? If it has not yet thought about it, then I will offer my idea. In the Json files for units will be able to choose true\false whether the troops will besiege the fortress, or they will capture provinces. If there are enemy troops in a province, a battle will start, and the invaders will immediately take over a part of the province (this is visually displayed) in case of parity, the province simply begins to formally have two owners, it will be possible to choose the tac…
Last reply by HUSKYFRESKO, -
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Don't forget it
Last reply by xox, -
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Self explantory
Last reply by xox, -
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Would the retreat system be different in each era, like in WW1, the army retreat after a battle lost of only one province insteat of coing back in their country ? Would I be able to customize it too?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
If not, will modding allow you to create it?
Last reply by Russbear, -
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The game could have a slightly different government system, for example: Forms of government: Republic Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship Ideologies - Conservatism - Nationalism - Communism - Socialism - Anarchism - Reactionary - Fascism - Liberalism - Federal Republic - Congress - Representative body - Party Systems - Political parties - Conservative Party - Socialist Party - Communist Party - Liberal Party - Reactionary Party - Fascist Party - Anarchist Party And so on, the government instead of just being a republic or a dictatorship, they could have ideologies that can give…
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier, -
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When specfic major well known cities of the world get nuked it gives our a specfic event like in hoi4 /news that such a city got nukes also if a major city was captured like Berlin bY polish or British forces
Last reply by xox, -
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Also change name of clothing to fabric it would sound wway more betteer
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 follower
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I came up with the idea that it would be possible to add something like seasons that would pass with time. These would affect the map and other conditions, for example: WINTER the training and recruitment process may be difficult due to weather conditions Seasonal changes affect food availability. In summer, agricultural production may be high, while winter may require the use of stored resources. Food shortages can lead to public dissatisfaction. In winter or during periods of unfavorable weather conditions, wars may be less likely and diplomacy may play a greater role. Players can focus on developing alliances and trade instead of direct mili…
Last reply by ETERNAL PEACE, -
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- 1 reply
Personally, I have seen the last photo of the game on Steam (which I already noticed) I saw that the bomb costs 550 gold (possibly subject to changes in the future) so I have come to propose how to balance the cost of the atomic bomb, for Generally, in real life it takes a few years or months to complete one, with a cost of around a million to a hundred million or billions, so the bomb could cost that, and to give greater prominence to resources and Its importance would suggest that it add ores of uranium, plutonium and other radioactive material for the construction of bombs, which are scarce, of course, that would encourage international trade. and there is another sugg…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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Lukas, in android its a problem that we haven't access to our maps folder, so, when we change of smartphone we lost all our progress, in AOH3 we need access of these folder, you should make it like TheoTown did
Last reply by Kazuto, -
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Лукаш, будет ли открытое альфа- или бета-тестирование для заинтересованных игроков?
Last reply by WATER, -
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Hello Lukas. As a fan of your games, I have a suggestion and a request for you. We know how hard you worked for Age of History 3. That's why I want a multiplayer mode to be introduced in order to get the reward of your efforts and to attract more players. In this way The pleasure we get from the game also increases. Please read and evaluate what I wrote.
Last reply by Morpheus, -
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There should be a need for justifications for war. For example like in EU4, you can declare war on rivals to humiliate, you can declare wars for claimed provinces, you can declare to reconquer cores. A system for this would be good, it can be simple, if a system exists modders can make it more complex
Last reply by Milklord, -
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I think there should be special units only for states in Age of History 3, such as the Janissary units of the Ottoman Empire.
Last reply by GkTigin, -
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I hope Asia and africa in aoh3 will have morr provinces than in aoh2
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
The perfect number would be something cool like 10k and not 8k please increase them to 10k lukas
Last reply by Belgen, -
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National debt system u must pay and stuff also other countries in debt
Last reply by xox,