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Laws like in vic3 and eu4 should play a significant role too from consriciption to roles of women, slavery, economic (free trade, restricted & closed) To border police (closed open or restricted/controlled) Etc
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Like in hoi4 counterattack attack breakthrough circle spearhead when one clicks on a battle and it shows type of attsck being used like in hoi4 also ability to control it to some degree like spearhead or breakthrough or what they did in ck where I think you could pick the direction left or rifht Also Add fronts(maybe for post 1800s) cuz it would be cool
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Dont forget to add Small hsitorical religions Shinto zonstratranism zunist (like in eu4), Mormons sikh all I'm pretty sure which in eu4 Islamic specfic sub sects like hanafi maliki shafi hanbali ability to choose them Also Different forms of paganism not just generic like Slavic, hellnic, roman, greek and ancient Arabian polythiesm/paganism whatever u wanna call it Holy wars in general and to be sprcfic holy wars to do with abrhaamic religions(can be callied by biggest caliphates and papal states/vatican/who controls such holy cities) so add obvoisuly holy cities maybe 3 per each for the 5 major religions (the 3 abrahamic ones + Hinduism and buddhism…
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
It would be nice to have Holy Roman Empire mechanics similar to those of EU4 since the Holy Roman Empire was very significant in European history that existed for 1000 years. Mechanics such as Free Cities, Electors, Kingdom, and the Emperor each having its own buffs and nerf attributes, and it would be really great if Austria yieled good buffs as an Emperor since they only had crownlands and territories so that they can be on par with France since the two of those were historical rivals. It would also be nice if the AIs arent leaning into bordergored territories like it did in AoC 2
Last reply by conychama, -
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System of justifications for war (casus belli), claim of provinces based on the interest one has in them. For example: Castilla wants to recover the French Roussillon, it should establish it as an area of interest, and after that begin to invent claims about the place in order to declare a war, so that declaring each war has a cost and has a purpose. In this way border gore could also be avoided. (sorry for my English)
Last reply by mikeeee, -
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There is an idea to add unique units to the game that not everyone would have, but only some states. And in this case, it's worth adding a unit editor so that the player can add their own unique units for their states.
Last reply by TritonCA, -
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Perhaps it is worth adding subideologies (sub-governments) to the game, which can give the same bonuses as the general group, but have a different icon, name and color. That is, for example, democracy can be divided into conservatism and liberalism, socialism into communism and marxism, etc.
Last reply by TritonCA, -
- 0 replies
Will there be an Advisor editor in the game? That would be a very good idea!
Last reply by TritonCA, -
- 1 reply
I • Make a historical AI system like the game Hearts of Iron 4, for example, real events occur in scenarios like WW2 II • Objective Tree Also an idea copied from the game Hearts of Iron 4. It has a technology tree, but it would be cool if it had the literal focus tree from HOI4, and it would also be cool if you could modify it. Those are my thoughts for now!
Last reply by Iraqi marshal, -
- 1 reply
Ресурсы в провинциях за которые можно строить здания,или же призывать армию
Last reply by amir.rommel, -
- 1 follower
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When applying the image, don't look for it in text, but let it be found in the inner file of the gallery.
Last reply by Zhchj2006, -
- 1 follower
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Medieval times - In medieval times, instead of political parties, we could place interest groups or factions. For example: Church, Intelligentists, bourgeoisie, armed forces and the people. Each of these groups would have their own vision of what such a thing should be like in the country. For example: Church: Spread the maximum influence of your religion to the population. And with that they would be against the intellectualists who would be in favor of the academy. In addition, the church would support a theocratic state with a strong influence of religion under the country's government. Armed Forces: Their main interest would be for the government t…
Last reply by RMaRe, -
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Adding a coup attempt by any ideology and to have ability to change flag depending on ideology
Last reply by zomy lol, -
Last reply by RMaRe, -
Capital moves
by xox- 0 replies
make ai be able to move capitials to other major cities once their capital is occupied just like in hoi4 same thing the player does if his capital gets occupied
Last reply by xox, -
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Various natural conditions affecting troops Mountains - the army cannot overcome them. Forest, plain, hill, field - some types of soldiers have different pluses and minuses when they are in that area. Rain, thunder,snow - Appears randomly on certain tiles, delaying troops and weakening them. Whirlpool - Appears randomly in seas and oceans on certain tiles and delays ships and causes damage. deserts/icy are - Delays the movement of troops. rivers - Only infantry can cross it/ But you should be able to build a bridge, after which everyone will be able to do it.
Last reply by DualTo, -
A civil war system should be added to the game. For example, we can start a civil war to change the ideology or religion of a state, but in order to start a civil war, the happiness of that state must be below 45%.
Last reply by sclamb, -
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!Hola Comunidad de AOH Soy Abel que Viene de la Comunidad Española! Hoy voy A Mostrar Ideas para el Futuro Proyecto de Age Of History III IDEAS: 1- Objetos Gustomi zables Quien no quiere la gustamizacion lo tuvimos dede el AOH2, Crear Escenarios, Editar Civilizaciones, Mapas, Mods, etcétera Deberíamos Tener Más Gustamizacion Desde Nuevas Ideologías, Eventos más Mejores, Un Tutorial, y Modos de PC para Android como puede ser el Editor de Mapa y Mods y Acceso a Archivos que Solo puedes Con Programas Externos 2- Aún No Tengo más Ideas Deja Tu Opinión En Los Comentarios? Adiós Escritor: Abel
Last reply by Abel, -
Last reply by sclamb, -
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Hi Łukasz I would like you to add things from the list to the game such as: 1 - New religion variants like; Slavic paganism or Maya religion. And possibility of creating new religions 2- Administrative divisions. And possibility of creating administrative units 3- the ability to create new leaders 4- the ability to create new regimes and Ideologies and the ability to unlock them in a certain historical period 5- New Ideologies like Conservatism or Liberalism. I have an idea to create elections 6 - Ability to create new provinces 7- the possibility of meeting fictional countries like: Oceania (Nineteen Eighty Four) One State (We) etc; …
Last reply by handsiednjiwssw56666, -
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Is there a possibility of you putting a customs union and trade agreements into the game? it would be very interesting
Last reply by Eduardo furlaneto, -
- 1 follower
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AOH3 would be VERY good to have Steam Workshop as it would provide the ability to install modifications and also it would be nice to make a Launcher for the game, like Paradox Launcher.
Last reply by HUSKYFRESKO, -
Don't forget the mosque in medina, bukhara, isfahan and also various holy places in jeruslaem and also the pyramids as wonders
Last reply by xox, -
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Bank should be added in AoH3. Like IMF and World Bank. Bank operators are shareholder of Bank. They have power to vote for loans for other countries and fixing bank rate also. Vote power is amount of shareholding percentage. If any country fail to repay...then lion share holding country take control of their GDP... For 10-20years.
Last reply by Abhishek, -
Holy cities
by xox- 0 replies
To do with religions (maybe each religion can have 3)
Last reply by xox,