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Dynamic Leader Mechanics for Age of History 3 An idea that I’ve had for a long time is dynamic portraits. Here is how they might work: Mortal Leaders: For leaders like presidents and chancellors, they update every set number of years to a new elected president, which could be random or historical. Each random leader could have a unique set of traits. Combat Leaders: Leaders that are also generals or just generals have portraits/flags representing their location on the battlefield and need to be protected. They can withdraw if necessary. Dynamics and Detail: For monarchs and dictators, their portraits will change as they age. For example, if Alexander…
Last reply by AustrianPainter2.0, -
- 0 replies
There should be parties/ideologies and hence elections but also different parties which can change due to events and poltical party support shown by a piechart just like in hoi4 I think this should be present in 1700/1800s onwards to represent poltics in the last few hundred years till now where they had many parties/ways of doing things you know Just like in base hoi4, milluniem dawn and also in ww1 Era aswell where there were lots of parties that could and have existed you know
Last reply by xox, -
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Bom, o que acha de adicionar um sistema de culturas mais completo? Estilo CK3, onde cada cultura pertence a uma "linhagem" exemplo: português e castelhano são da linhagens ibérica; ou Inglês e Americano são da linhagem Anglo-saxã; cada cultura também pode ter sua língua, suas tradições. Além de você poder promover sua cultura e em províncias que tivessem culturas diferentes. Você também poderia divergir de sua cultura original, criando assim uma variante dela, podendo mudar as tradições desta cultura, inclusive as tradições poderiam dar e tirar atributos e coisas específicas para aquela cultura. Você também poderia, promover aceitação cultura com outras culturas da sua c…
Last reply by Casgamer, -
- 0 replies
Will Map Editor be included in the AoH 3 or will it be released as an external program like AoH 2's map editor? And how will AoH 3's map editor improve...? AoH 2's map editor is inconvenient a little.
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
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Religions for example sunni islam can further people what their specfic denomination/sect specficially for example sunnis can pick one of the 4/5 tradinaol madhabs (hanafi, hanbali, maliki, Zahri,and shafi) Holy wars (called crusades if playing as Christian country, jihad if Islamic country) can be called by papal states/Vatican and also jihads can be called by the biggest caliphate at that time Microstates exist for exmaple Vatican, Liechtenstein, san Marino etc
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I think it would be an excellent idea to be able to have a way to cancel elections as a nation. Like if your nation were to elect a fascist government there could be a decision to cancel the next election or rig it by building secret police stations to clamp down on protests and opposition. But in contrast this could also lead to inflation, stability hits (if there ends up being a stability system) maybe event different research buffs and nerfs or there could even be more attempts of assassination towards the leader or generals if the government previously allowed elections. And on the flip side if you wanted to play in an alternate history path you could all…
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier, -
- 1 follower
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Hi guys, I don't want to rush anyone into developing the game, I just want to know your opinion/theory. Do you think the game will be released by around June or July? I'm asking because the alpha phase of the game is incredible and I believe the game can be released even sooner, remember, I don't want to rush Lukasz into development, I just want to know your opinion/theory. (Obviously I know that everything that comes out will just be hypotheses, but let me know what you think about the game's alpha).
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier, -
- 0 replies
The HRE should be able to do stuff, like the emperor can summon imperial diet to declare war and have the whole empire be called to war stuff like that. Also it would be cool to add houses and arranged marriages etc.
Last reply by Ashtavius, -
- 4 replies
I wish there was an elections system in AOH3. Employee as follows: Ideologies that can have elections: Democracy, Republic, Monarchy (Prime Minister) Ideologies that cannot have elections: Communism, fascism and socialism. How it would work: Every 4 years, elections were held in democratic countries, these leaders continued political parties for example (socialist party). The candidates who win the election will put their ideological line into practice, whether in the economy or in politics, that is, if a socialist wins the election he will bring socialist measures such as strong state regulation, limitations on private property, social assistance, etc. ... Nominating par…
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier, -
- 1 follower
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First I will emphasize that my level of English is questionable so please be patient. I starting with an explanation of a somewhat complex and advanced suggestion, which is about allowing greater creativity in the editor mode for all players, what I mean is for example, Create new custom units, buildings, ideologies and even religions. This could facilitate the unlimited creation of content that players have to offer, not just limited to what the game offers, but the community as well. I also want to highlight a suggestion that the "Creation of Civilizations" section could be improved, What do I mean? I mean that users can make specific flags for a specific ide…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
Lukas round resources in the game from 47 to 50 that would sound/be better in number to be honest Also war Master said in his video to rename clothes to fabric and I think that would sound/be better or if there is away to rename them/everything like in aoh2 u could rename stuff then we can do that ourselves id appreciate it officially being called fabric tho instead of clothes as fabric sounds better ina historical context
Last reply by xox, -
Self explanatory
Last reply by xox, -
Ability thru the menu to select to embrago another nation, that's it lol
Last reply by xox, -
- 2 replies
On behalf of all Korean users who enjoy Age of History, I send my sincere support and encouragement to AoH 3 and Mr. Lukasz.🫡 (I want more information and screenshot about AoH 3...😅)
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 follower
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There could be something related to you being able to send an army to help in a war without needing to declare war, as if they were volunteers, it would be very useful in a civil war
Last reply by Eduardo furlaneto, -
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I'd like to see something like age changing as the years go by. The king would get old, he would have successors (as if death were random), and there would be events from the example: Assassinations etc. I'd also like to see something like the support of the authorities, that would spice up the game
Last reply by seedzior, -
- 4 replies
Hello, I Have A Idea for Aoc3 I would absolutely love if Lukaz Jakowski Added Army Generals because when we invade multiple counties it is pain to attack all of them at the same time I want generals to also have a front line just like in hoi4 it would be cool because Aoc3 has a lot of similarities in hoi4 and I would also like if you added offensive line to make it easier to attack and also add production(weapons, aircrafts, ships, etc) and if you made recruiting/training easier. Thank you for your time. Images:- Production: Generals:
Last reply by Turkish Nationalist, -
Nukes system
by Emer- 1 follower
- 4 replies
i think it should cost more the farther back you get, that way you dont have nukes in 1834 or smth also maybe like uranium deposits that u need to own to get nukes maybe small and big nukes? maybe the actual province is inhabitable and the provinces around have buildings destroyed just some ideas
Last reply by seedzior, -
- 2 replies
I would like aoh3 to have alot more to do politically such as actual elections if democracy & or parties/leaders xhanging when parties change or events that allow for such things to occur naturally As for missions/focuses id like hisortical ones for each era like ww2 missions during that time for most countries, conquering and devoloping ur country if playing as Rome expansionist focuses/missions for certian empires that allow them to do such stuff and conquer countries for example Mongol focuses/missions that have to do with expanding westward and some titled like conquer Korea & conquer Japan (even tho irl they couldnt) As for religion then reli…
Last reply by xox, -
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Você poderia adicionar um sistema de justificativa de guerra ao jogo Age of History 3 ?
Last reply by felypegama77, -
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Você poderia adicionar um sistema de imigração ao jogo Age of History 3??
Last reply by felypegama77, -
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Could you add an Immigration system to the game Age of History 3 ??
Last reply by felypegama77, -
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Employee as follows, there would be real houses, each of which would have its advantages and disadvantages , some royal houses would have Rival royal houses, which fought to have more influence, this system of rivalry and relationship between royal houses, I will address He works as the diplomacy of bad countries to use this system will be with his king, and he will have his share of the royal house, in which he can do the actions of declaring rivalry, improving relations The same as countries only changing that will not be against a country but against the royal family, the system only works in countries with absolute monarchies (obviously)The usefulness would be that th…
Last reply by fretodg, -
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I think you should add chemical weapons such as mustard gas, chlorine gas, and phosgene gas.
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
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Like the title. When use auto build, it will build the available buildings if it has enough budget to build
Last reply by angamo123,