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I propose the following idea: Add the appearance of a certain event or a certain choice in an event as a condition for completing a mission. And also allow or prohibit events from appearing after completing a mission. This will allow you to compare the time frames an element of probability theory and specific decisions with the variability of available and blocked missions. Example - according to the event in the south of Italy, the efficiency of taxation periodically decreases and unrest increases during the event “Mafia Activities in Southern Italy”. Options: 1)in the event, you choose the path to fight the mafia. Then, with sufficient investment in the …
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski A while back, you have posted a video which showed that hours has been added into the game. Referring to this: But in one of your most recent videos, they are nowhere to be seen. Is the idea of clock in the game has been removed? Or it is just that you can choose to disable the system in options? If this feature were removed, it would be quite disappointing to most of players especially those obsessed with WW2 and modern day mods.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 24 replies
I've figured out how we can play as mercenaries. We will have a camp (where buildings can be built) And in the province we will be able to hire recruits or by events (here is one event we met homeless people. We have a choice to hire, invite them to join, this will give fewer recruits, but it's free, or ignore) in the province we will be able to form regiments only studied by the state where we are located) We will have a limit on regiments, this limit can be increased with buildings, events or ask for help from some state We will have a unique resource, provisions, well, everything is logical here (you can get it from buildings, events,…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
This is a key guide. I'm one of the Cerebrozen movers and shakers. I must quit feeling that way. Rather honestly, we can surely see, if done right, how that could be prodigious yet it was easy. In the long run, what I have is a disapproval about that strategy. Using that makes this look so easy.
Last reply by svelzurtoy, -
In the game should be the happiness of the population, which will affect various details. Happiness should be measured from 0%-100% and every province should have its own. High happiness equals more income and rapidly growing manpower. Accordingly, low results in less income and less manpower, and in case of too low results in rebellions. Happiness must be influenced by various facts, for example, if the country is at war, or if food is low, it decreases. to increase it, various festivals can be held, special buildings can be built and so on.
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
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Hello y'all, I have an issue about some era or civilizations having some cities that don't existed during this time. For example, the city of Mardid was founded at the end of the 9th century by Arabs, then lost to the Spanish during Reconquest of Spain. So it's weird to see Madrid in the Roman Empire, or in Carthage. I propose to add a mechanic to hide province by two factors: The civilization: Like dynamic cities names, a set of cities can be hiden according to the civilization. The date: The city will have a date of foundation, and the date of the fall. This option is my favorite, and I think this is the most important one. A nameless provi…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 reply
What purpose do alliances serve in the game? Do alliances grant extra research, manpower, money, resources, etc? Alliances seem like a natural part of any grand strategy game such as this, watching some of these videos, I can't help but wonder what the benefit of alliances for the side coming to aide. i.e. if my country is being attacked, of course having another country help defend is useful. But what purpose does it serve the player the other way around?
Last reply by Matvey, -
Last reply by Brianman, -
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Question, will the game continuously be updated after it's release? And not just bug fixes or quality improvements, perhaps more new features incoming. Also, will AOH3 mobile have a PC version map as an option? Imo iPad and certain android tablets might be able to handle it And would people be able to mod in mobile version of the game? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by sky woke, -
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- 1 reply
In fact, I think AOH3's spy system should have more functions. It should not just call up the diplomacy menu, press the button, and only let us see the opponent's military deployment. This turns the spy system into a large watchtower. I suggest that the spy system should have a separate menu, or even a separate advisor, so that we can perform many actions 1. Infiltrate other countries •We will see the deployment of domestic troops in the infiltrated target within a certain period of time •The attack power and defense power of the infiltrated target’s army will be reduced for a certain period of time •The time and cost required for dome…
Last reply by sky woke, -
Hello Łukasz Jakowski.What about making certain ideologies unique to certain civilizations. For example, that "Swedish socialism" could only exist in Sweden. And add the opportunity to create such ideologies. Thank you
Last reply by Maksu4ka, -
- 4 replies
I suggest a new mechanic similar to changing the flag by government system, but instead of the latter, it would be by which Country Controls it. Example: If Mexico is a vassal of Spain, then: Mexico will be New Spain and its flag will be New Spain. The dame for Canada, colombia, USA, etc. EOr instead of putting a single flag on each conquered country, then let the countries have a double flag known as: Colonial flag/triumph flag or Total flag Just as the USA puts its own flag in colonies (Liberia) or France its flag but with its own touches and the British with stars or representative figures. The Spanish repeating their own original flag or with few change…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
I have a crazy idea but in my head it seems good So you know the governments like republic, communism and much more, and now you can make mods pretty easily. Well the custom governments would be cool having a button on the customizing countries or adding countries section, you can edit the buffs and debuffs, but players would make it op so it would need to have a cap to prevent that or a percentage that you needed to use like the maximum you can is 150% to each buffs, but if you decide to add a debuff it adds more percentage for example (you have -20% attack and defense you gain 20% more to use on other categories). It makes creating mods even more interesting i…
Last reply by s1mplekatz, -
- 0 replies
The Ability to change flags of nations during scenarios: Changing flags can be done by customising the flag or by a file (rectangular and cube flags are only allowed). To access the flag editor, go to diplomacy, scroll until you find Change flag (in between Vassals and Take Loan), you can choose between Customising and File (it should not be a gif)
Last reply by AndroitIsBack, -
@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
- 6 replies
Hello Łukasz and everyone else who reading this. I would like to introduce my idea that could fit AoH3 easily. As a person who tried making game and publishing it to the peoples, I know that period between game release date declaration and that release the most intense. So I guess that there no chance for my idea to be added at release. But game would be updated, right? Right? Alright, lets go. Civilization traits is a thing that belongs to a certain civilization, not a leader or province. Civilization thaits for each civilizations in each scenarios are different. Civilization traits couldn't be removed or added easily, instead some conditions should met. Civil…
Last reply by Casual, -
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There should be an Event Outcome that makes the country that gets the outcome intervene in a war of a specific country. Example: France and Germany are at war and player civ is the UK, the UK gets an Event due to having good relations with both Germany and France, the Event is about both countries being at war and the UK can choose a side through the Event, or choose to stay Neutral in the conflict. Excuse me if this is already in the game as an outcome.
Last reply by Haloele, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Regarding buildings, once more. Buildings should also be upgradable. Why, you may ask.. It'd be nice to upgrade buildings. Whereas the bonuses, especially in resource-specific buildings - Mines, Plantations -, would increase every upgrade. For example: Farm -> Farm I -> Farm III -> Mechanized Farm Iron Mine -> Iron Mine I -> Iron Mine III Limits: Each upgrade is limited by the technological advances the player has made. Also, administrative-cost will surely increase per said upgrade. Thus, concludes the topic. Note that I do not expect this to be done before release-date..
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 0 replies
Add chemical weopons & biological woepons with the same system as nukes, thanks @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 reply
this is really simple, you can change the province state from colonized to uncolonized and even to wasteland territory (maybe) thoughts? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hi! This is a repost. I think I posted in the wrong area before. Looking at the last videos, I thought a lot about how to make nukes work better, in a more realistic way, so we don't have everyone nuking everyone when the tecnology is achieved. I thought a simple but effective way to make it works. Atomic doctrines - Tec tree First of all, we need a more sophisticated tec tree for nukes, not for add more atomic weapons types, but to update how we use them. I thought at something like this: FIRST STRIKE DOCTRINE > TACTICAL BOMBING DOCTRINE > ASSURED DESTRUCTION DOCTRINE I am going to explain them. First Strike Doctrine: If at war with a…
Last reply by Aliex999, -
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In AOH2, changes in government do not significantly impact the civil issues of a nation, so I hope that changes in religion in AOH3 will have a strong influence on the population, thereby adding more diversity and richness to the gameplay. - Religion should be able to increase various individual stats, such as happiness, economy, military strength, population growth, technological development speed, and especially the relationships between different religions and countries sharing the same faith, based on the real characteristics of those religions (for example, Muslim countries might have higher diplomatic scores, while relationships between Buddhist countries may n…
Last reply by Minhcity, -
- 0 replies
the title may seem weird but the idea is very good, it's pretty much a better version of the switch player civilizations event outcome, the idea would be that this event outcome would allow the player to return to the choosing map and choose a civilizations from the currently existing ones without the need for a specific event that makes him switch to ONE particular civilization that you have to enter the tag for, this would allow the player to actually choose from wherever civilization they want, it's like a ''switch player civilization'' pro max @Łukasz Jakowski thoughts?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
since we have alot of localized and more province based event outcomes and triggers, i think an event outcome that allows us to change the demographic of a province should be a good idea, it'll work like this: Province_Demographic_Change:30% CivTag:Pol ID:2444 This is a pathetic illustration of what it would look like, you would be able to enter the percentage of the people that'll change their group and what group they will change to (the ID in the code is the province ID) @Łukasz Jakowski thoughts?
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 2 replies
GDP, GDP per capita, territorial expansion There should have more accurate ways to mensure the data of the country. The territorial expansion of countries, not just in provinces, but also on Kilometers or Miles. Example being showing Russia with 17m KM². GDP being the national treasure of the country, that will replace the economy system of the second game. This would show how much the country you're taking a look has in gold, and would give you an idea of how difficult it would be to invade it. However, this should only work on modern scenarios, as older eras, the countries wouldn't know the GDP of other countries. And GDP …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan,