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I would like to see an improved migration system added where a country from another part of the world can migrate to another part of the world, not only can they migrate to the country that is next to the country of origin. Like this:
Last reply by Pizzzze, -
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Sphere of Influence System: Definition of Spheres of Influence: Each nation would have the ability to establish its sphere of influence over neighboring countries or specific regions. This could be done through treaties, alliances, strong trade relationships or even through military pressure. Benefits and Consequences: Having a sphere of influence over a country or region could provide benefits, such as access to resources, increased diplomatic and commercial influence or a type of "protectorate" over that area. However, it could also generate struggles with other great powers or even lead to war if the sphere of influence comes into conflict with another country. …
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier, -
- 2 replies
After researching early artillery units, the mechanics of occupying neighboring provinces as a result of a successful siege should be turned off, reflecting the loss of importance of forts in the modern era. This should force the player to build a front to control the occupied provinces. The mechanic can be disabled in several ways: 1. Only if the army has artillery units 2. Only during a siege by a civilization that has researched the relevant technology 3. For all civilizations, which would reflect a change in worldview Forts, in turn, become either less important or completely lose their significance: 1. They still need to be sieged, but it does not affect…
Last reply by MarerjhAdditionalAccount, -
- 0 replies
Age of history artificial intelligence has many aspects that need to be improved For example: In AOH2, artificial intelligence states insult us for no reason. There are many issues like this that need to be improved.
Last reply by Hüseyin Berken, -
What predictions do you think will be shared by him in this announcement?
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 follower
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Creating Regional Blocs: Allow players to form regional blocs or more complex alliances, with common economic, political and military goals, to increase collective influence on the world stage. What it would look like: Creation and Membership: Players had the ability to create a regional bloc, inviting other nations to join or accepting invitations from other nations to join an existing bloc. Common Objectives: The bloc could establish common objectives, such as increasing trade between members, coordinating foreign policies, mutual defense or military cooperation in times of conflict. Benefits and Commitments: Participate in a regional bloc of economic,…
Last reply by qxz, -
- 0 replies
Since in AoC3 we would have different types of units, i suggest a few things to add for them (maybe they already planned, but still): 1) Unique units for different countries. Create an option when creating a custom unit (i really hope such thing is also gonna be implemented) add ability to make unit specific for some country(‘s)/eras/maybe even ideologies. 2) Ability to “craft” units. So as far as i know the resources is defined going to be a thing. I suggest to add ability to pay for some units not only in money but also in some resources.
Last reply by NoRulez2, -
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Add a trade icon to the game which will include icons such as food, everyday items, etc. each country will have its own need for these things, if you run out of them the population may revolt, now there are three ways to get these items, 1-war food everyday items are added with each conquered province 2-building factories with food, etc. this is expensive but can pay off because you can sell these items to neighboring countries at your own prices (The country you send proposals to can refuse) 3-trade with neighboring countries, this is also expensive but is always better than rebellion in a country
Last reply by dumbi, -
- 2 replies
Id like to see added cultures and religions. Especially Religions: There could be a pie chart as in Age of History II. The people would either convert over time or you could convert them. Also set and change state religion and a map mode for it. Same thing goes for cultures. I do not find it realistic that, for example Augsburg and Trier have a different „culture“ which must be assimilated by the other, despite there being no such significant difference in real life. Id like to see something like German or Polish or Basque, etc. added. A culture and religion designer/editor would also be welcome. And maybe make cultural assimilation slower. Nations should be able to …
Last reply by bizacjum, -
- 2 replies
What do you think about the idea of being able to send ambassadors like in Crusder Kings 3 and killing them and breaking relations diplomatically?
Last reply by furkayser, -
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It would be nice to have casus belli required for wars, or at least have a penalty for declaring war without an justification like eu4
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
- 2 replies
people need it. ability to turn edge scrolling off. multiplayer mode. building houses for more people better bots opportunity to choose who is leader of country and upload their photos ability to force people who is not from your country to leave it fixing losing army when the country which i used to cross declares war. province gethering feature again. people need it
Last reply by qxz, -
- 3 replies
Please make colonization logical, I don't want to see a random civilization like Majapahit colonizing Texas or Ragusa colonizing Baja California. I don't mean euro-centric colonization. I mean it is very confusing that civilizations which clearly don't have the means colonize the opposite side of America. Could you enlighten us about what system you'll implement Lukasz? Thanks & have a great day if you read this.
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I feel it should be Generals here, not the civilizations leaders.
Last reply by qxz, -
Хотелось бы что бы в игре были сценарии. Например такие как: 1.Рассцвет Римской Империи 2.Разделение Рима на два государства 3.Восхождение Османской империи 4.Семилетняя Война 5.Северная Война 6.Революция во Франции 7.Наполеоновские войны 8.Венская конференция (в котором наполеон терпит поражение и капитулирует от России Пруссии Австрии Испании и Англии) 9.Первая мировая война (с периода 1910 по 1918 годы чтобы были 1 и 2 балканские войны 10.Революция в России 11.Восхождение Гитлера 1933г. 12.Вторая мировая война 1939-1945 13.Холодная война 1945-1971 14.Развал Советского Союза 15.2000 год …
Last reply by Impnicol2, -
- 0 replies
Selam. Başlangıçta çok oyunculu oyun mu olacak? Eğer olacaksa oyun çıkarken zaten içinde mi olacak yoksa oyun çıktıktan sonra bir güncelleme ile mi getirilecek? İkinci olarak, oyun deniz gücü mü olacak? Olacaksa sistemi nasıl olacak ve gemi seviyeleri nasıl olacak? Üçüncüsü ise oyun uçağı sistemi nasıl olacak? Sonuçta bunlar uçak değil mi? Kara gücü gibi yönlendirilemezler. Dördüncü ve son olarak, oyunlara farklı zamanlarda oynayacak mısınız? (Farklı senaryolar olacak mı?) Eğer olacaksa senaryolarda tamamen alternatif, kendi yarattığımız bir tarih mi olacak yoksa gerçek olaylar olaylar ile yaşanabilecek mi? Paylaşılan ilk AoH3 videosunda hiçb…
Last reply by the_kemalist, -
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just a list of forms of governments that stack up, anything to add? Imperio antiguo Monarquia antigua Imperio Moderno Monarquia Feudal Monarquia autoritaria Monarquia absoluta monarquia tradicional monarquia mixta monarquia parlamentaria monarquia constitucional monarquia Constitucional parlamentaria Teocracia cristiana monarquia electiva monarquia representantiva monarquia Centralista monarquia Confederal Bonapartismo Archiducado Principado Ducado Condado Zarato(russian autocracy) Korol(slavic monarchy) mamlakah(muslim monarchy) Califato sultanato emirato monarquia islamica electiva teocracia islamica …
Last reply by Minemaster552, -
Здравствуй,Лукаш я игрок из России и у меня есть такой вопрос.Будет ли игра на андроиде С любовью 3000 тысячи игроков из России
Last reply by Impnicol2, -
Здравствуй,Лука я игрок из России и у меня есть такой вопрос.Будет ли игра на андроиде С любовью 3000 тысячи игроков из России
Last reply by Impnicol2, -
- 2 replies
I'm sorry if someone has already suggested it because I don't know. Occupation without direct war, means that a country could occupy the territory of another country without going to war. The country that occupies the other's territory would do so using troops and that would drastically diminish their relations, the occupying country would have to be stronger than the country from which they have occupied territory. It would help if the country that has suffered the occupation was in a war (with a country other than you), civil war or was suffering an economic or political crisis, etc. The country that has suffered the occupation may try to recover it, but if it cannot re…
Last reply by MarerjhAdditionalAccount, -
- 8 replies
There are disputed territories in the world. And I propose that when a country invades the territory of another country, it should not legally be its territory. (Agreement and Temporary Armistice) This is a sample map. For your better understanding: Armenia occupied the territories of Azerbaijan until 2023. But these territories were legally Azerbaijani territories f
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 1 reply
It's like if Italy wants to italianized south tirol, if can send the german minorities in Germany but it's must have a agreement.
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 1 reply
this mechanic is going to be like the one in vic2. Basically the super powers can influence a non-superpower country to choose options(alliances,peace treatys,wars, ect. ).I think it would be really fun to see how dictates the game here is the vic2 influence sistem:
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 5 replies
add Coup d'état system and civil war system to game
Last reply by Haci9552, -
- 1 reply
i was thinking some forms might need puppets, like to form ottoman you need walachia and moldova as puppets in addition to having the land the ottomans had
Last reply by Aexolenius,