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It's simple, major cities are one province so there can make the capital or other big city under siege in a war. I think it's better if thera 2 provices. The first is a enclave and it's the city. The second is like the suburb. Here's in red Paris the city and in yellow the suburb : It's can worlk in colonialism too. If France colonize Louisiana, the first city discovered is logically New Orleans (Nouvelle Orléans).
Last reply by Haci9552, -
- 0 replies
Countries should be able to send request to other countries to become their vassal. This is something countries did all the time in medieval times in order to protect themselves from other threats
Last reply by Ranio, -
- 2 replies
Demokratik ülkelerde bir seçim sistemi olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum Örneğin: Çok fazla mutsuzluk ve işsizlik varsa, kendi partiniz hükümetten çıkarılabilir. Ve oyunun başında kendiniz için bir parti oluşturabilmelisiniz. UMARIM BÖYLE BIR ŞEY ORTAYA ÇIKAR
Last reply by Haci9552, -
- 2 replies
Dummnynation oyunundaki gibi direniş gelmeli,örneğin a devleti b devletine savaş ilan etti a devleti işgal ediyor b devletini,b devletinin halkının bir kısmı direniş ile a devleti ordusuyla savaşmalı
Last reply by Haci9552, -
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An option to leave war with one nation that you are at war with without having to peace with the whole alliance of the opposition(i know you can do it in AOH2 but it still had to be agreed with our allies if there was) A probability of the alliance members(some or all) leaving the alliance after the war(the probably of this should increase if the relations between the allies worsen and gets better with a different alliance member or just a different nation which would make improving relations with allies something that worths because in AOH2 you could have insulted your ally and nothing would happen An option to choose war repretions's amount and also to get t…
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 1 reply
Sometimes when you have captured any part of the country, uprisings may occur in this territory that you have captured, thus raids of the rebels may occur on these provinces, for example, you captured a province called Burgos, thus after some time raids may occur every 5-7 minutes to seize weapons in the province and because of this, uprisings may arise, to stop the uprisings in time, you need to send troops there, if you don’t stop, then such a state will appear as rebels with the same ideology “rebels”, then you will have to redirect troops there again and destroy rebels (I used Google Translator because I had no experience in writing large texts in English)
Last reply by Cengiz Kahan, -
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Many aoh2 players have bad computers, that's why I'm asking
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
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Since we can capture a big territory when we are at war. İ think there should a system where capturing a lot of territory is costly. Because it's unlogical to capture whole France with Aragon (just like you did in the video) So what i am suggesting is, after we capture a city and make peace deal and take that city, there should be a lot of revolts,raids and etc. Or maybe there should be a system where we can't take too much lands from the country (İf we take other countries will form a coatiltion) Also if those rebels are very much this will also allow the game to from the history. For example when the ottomans had many territory too…
Last reply by Cengiz Kahan, -
- 4 replies
Would be the war system and occupation different and no based on province ?
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
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There should be a special unit that can only be unlocked in a specific era: Air and Naval Units. So they're basically buffed land units that can move more. Naval Units can only move on sea but can unleash attacks on coast. Air units use more movement points and cost more to make (2.5x) but they can move 4-8 provinces depending on their technology type.
Last reply by NotSabaton, -
- 1 reply
Players love to make the copies of modifications originally intended for Hearts of Iron IV. Therefore, when playing them, there is a desire to help another country not by send money, but by separate troops. How about adding to the game: VOLUNTEER SYSTEM You can send volunteers to another civilization if that at war with another state. This allows you to send from 1 to 8 force units to help the nation at emergency situations. AI can't do this but it can do by events. The enemy of the nation will not be revealed as an enemy for supporters of the country, as in Hearts of Iron IV.
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
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I think this should be a great mechanic especially in the 15th century europe where it was filled with feodalism. I am imagining a system where you pick a nation and also a governtment/leader in the nation like france's burgundy feodality and i can try to use influence to centralize and unite france without needing to declare war as if we both are completely seperate nations. this can also be fun for roleplay where we want to make an autonomous state independent and stuff like how russian revolution started or we can use this in modern world again like staging coups or starting civil wars etc. This system also could add a colony, state, puppet kind of system to the game. …
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 2 replies
Fire and Ice: Russo-Japanese War is a mod concept for the unreleased strategy game "AOH3" developed by Łukasz Jakowski. This mod introduces the intense conflict between the Russian Empire and the Empire of Japan, commonly known as the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), which marked the first major conflict of the 20th century. The mod aims to provide players with an immersive and historically accurate experience of this pivotal war. Key Features: 1. New Factions: - Russian Empire: Play as the Russian Empire and lead its powerful military and vast resources. - Empire of Japan: Take command of the Empire of Japan and utilize their fierce samurai warriors an…
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 2 replies
Another suggestion, which is player lead peace deals/conference which will reduce border gore, how does this work you'd may ask? Well first off it's like your ordinary peace deals, but the AI wouldn't be able to make the decisions it'll all be decided by you! The player, you can choose what the AI will get, etc. But.... What if you like the border gore? We'll I got you! This option can be turned on/off when you started your campaign.
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 2 replies
So.. Attache will allow player to send their army to a foreign land to help with war, without declaring said war with the aggressing civ. And for foreign aid mechanic, it will allow player to send lendlease to another nation. Lendlease can be weapons, material, etc.
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 1 reply
ok is accetable cultures for 3 countries' germany - austria, switzerland, german, bavarian, saxonian, other poland - silesian, kashubian, pomonerian, gdansk, polish uk - english, scotland, walish, uk, irleland, west ireland, australian, new zeland, indian, london
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 1 reply
So of course the point of Age Of History 2 was war and conquest, but the economy and the population is an element of the game too. Wheter I was trying to dominate the World as a nation economically peacefully or with wars as well, the AI of the game in AOH2 was always able to catch up. It seems like as in the beginning of games you are able to totally dominate the AI but after a few thousand round, the AI just comes up a lot faster than you progress. This is the worst with the seemingly overpowered AI countries - these countries always achieve playerwise unachievable economies in the end - Japan, Cuba, The Philippines, Taiwan etc. So in AOH3 I would really like to see thi…
Last reply by Aexolenius, -
- 2 replies
Please build Age of History 3 for linux.
Last reply by Raphael Didacus, -
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We need realism for Age of History III. Our first problem is colonization, in Age of History II, even Crimean Khanate colonizates America, Australia. For colonization, we must have good economy, technology, money (like 600.000 economy, 1.1 tech and 500.000 golds 'for a one province') and be one of the top five strongest civilizations. If we colonizate anywhere we should take neighbour provinces. (If there are no another civilizations.) Our second problem is war system. Example: AI Libya takes Belarus or Estonia, a random African country declares war against Mongolia. These problems needs to be fixed because it ruins realism in game and realistic Age of His…
Last reply by goodguy_26, -
- 3 replies
Hello Lukash, I watched the video with the alpha version of aoh 3 and it's great, but I think it's better to make a different land occupation system so that several provinces around the army are not captured, but one province, for example, as in the game hearts of iron 4 I think not everyone will like this occupation system, given the experience of playing victoria 3
Last reply by anonymous8, -
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How about adding private military organizations to AoH3? They can be hired under a contract for a certain period of time, and for a certain fee You can also do something for some countries, you can hire terrorists for a certain period of time
Last reply by Night_2024, -
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In AoH2, not being able to load into previous saves is pretty annoying (as in loading into different times). Will there be a way to load into older savefiles of the same single game? For example, if I save in 1450 and then again in 1452 I would be able to load into the 1450 save.
Last reply by Milklord, -
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If the advisors can’t be changed, it may face problems like a French being the Ming’s advisor unreasonably
Last reply by Yanxue, -
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If there will be a union or federation I just want to know the system.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Hello Lukasz and the community, happy new year. While watching alternate maps and videos, I though about alternate maps. This idea is to create some alternate territories such as project Atlantropa in the Mediterranean sea, Zealandia, and a flooded world. For the map of the project Atlantropa , Aryan already did this, but I don't think it was as accurate as the map below. For the ethnic map, he land discovered is in the same ethnic group than the country who conquered the first. It can be an Easter egg if the countries who built these dams, one in Gibraltar, one between Tunisia and Sardinia, and the last in the Dardanelles in Turkey. EDIT : s…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh,