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Just asking
by Zwerf- 4 replies
How many province will be added?
- 0 replies
Nhóm xây dựng: Quân sự Tên: Căn cứ không Quân Giá: 2900 vàng Thời gian xây dựng: 5 turns Chi phí bảo trì 700 vàng/tháng Tên công nghệ mở khóa tòa nhà: King of Air Phần thưởng tòa nhà cung cấp: Quân sự: +23% Nhân lực hàng tháng +35% Ô nhiễm tiến ồn: +13% Các cấp độ cani cứ: Căn cứ sơ cấp Căn cứ cải tiến Căn cứ hiện đại
Last reply by khoanguyen, -
- 0 replies
Nhóm xây dựng: Kinh tế Tên:Nhà máy điện nhạt nhân Giá 8500 vàng Thời gian xây dựng: 10 turns Chi phí bảo trì 1500 vàng/tháng Tên công nghệ mở khóa tòa nhà: Nuclear Phần thưởng tòa nhà cung cấp: Tiền thưởng: 4500 vàng Hiệu quả thếu +10% Nhân lực hàng tháng +35% Tỉ lệ ô nhiễm: +38% Phóng xạ: +26% Tỉ lệ sinh sản -39%
Last reply by khoanguyen, -
- 0 replies
Nhóm xây dựng: Kinh tế Tên:Nhà máy thép Giá 1500 vàng Thời gian xây dựng: 3 turns Chi phí bảo trì 100 vàng/tháng Tên công nghệ mở khóa tòa nhà: Steel Phần thưởng tòa nhà cung cấp: Tiền thưởng: 2500 vàng Hiệu quả thếu +5% Nhân lực hàng tháng +30% -Nhà máy gồm 3 cấp độ 1.Nhà máy thép 2.Xưởng sản xuất thép 3.Khu công nghiệp sản xuất thép
Last reply by khoanguyen, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
So… Personally for me, ability to play with my friends from one pc together was one of my main reasons while i liked AoH2. Even more: i learned about this game from my friend, who told me about it and with whom we played it during classes so question is - would that feature be there, or it would be completely replaced by fully-functional multiplayer? p.s. Sorry if this question is stupid or already was answered, but please can you provide me with answer anyway, please?
Last reply by marszalek, -
- 0 replies
Seoul 2033 Mod --- Shelter paints a vivid picture of a post-nuclear Seoul, weaving a compelling narrative around survival, family, and tough choices. The blend of military adventure, resource management, and emotional depth promises a gripping gaming experience
Last reply by warniorjames, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
What is the planned release date? Or just in general, what time period?
Last reply by SerenDippTheGreat, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I think you can make games maps different for every century. For example of we play in 15th century we can play on this centurys maps. Like we can play on Colombs map which he used to explore the world. It can be really good for game. Please answer if it's possible.
Last reply by ageofkayseri, -
- 0 replies
My suggestion is than regime and the ideology could be split in two parts : The first part is the regime of the country : republic. monarchy. dictatory. provisional governement. rebels. junta. The second part is be the ideology, we can put 3 of them, but they must match (not like fascisme and communism) and obviously, this provide bonus and malus : autocraty liberalism conservatism democraty federalism (union) separatism constitutionnal monarchy parlimentary monarchy absolute monarchy anarchy imperialism (required for empires) fascism ( nazism is…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
could you make more ideologies and more recruitable countries?
Last reply by podval, -
- 0 replies
As you know, world war history is full of innovations. But for a certain period of time, there were pitched battles, and for a certain period of time, there were modern wars. For example, pitched battles continued until 1850. My question is, will there be pitched battles in this game? If so, can we get a little information about it? I'm waiting for your answer Lukazs
Last reply by egemen özker, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Well, AoH II can't display the Chinese Characters properly when "charset" in overdosed (usually 6000 Chinese Characters). And I think the Simplified Chinese translation now ingame is using google translate, many civ names have problems or don't make sense(and some missing or dont match the newest version). Even though chinese players have made an overhaul mod called "New System" that makes chinese characters in android AoC II don't mess up and I sent email a more correct translation to Lukas(of course lukas didn't pay attention to me), the problem still troubled chinese players. Will there be a chance to change this in AoH III?😭
Last reply by Lafion, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
PL: Wpierw chciałbym powitać społeczność AOH ale i również samego twórcę (Łukasza Jakowskiego) i inne osoby które prawdopodobnie pomagają w tworzeniu 3 części gry. Gra wyjawiła się bez ostrzeżenia i to wydarzenie stało się miłą niespodzianką dla graczy serii AOH. Jako że przyszło mi parę pomysłów których trochę brakuje w najnowszej (do czasu) części gry, chcę się nimi podzielić z wami a przedewszystkim z panem Łukaszem. EN:First, I would like to welcome the AOH community, but also the creator himself (Łukasz Jakowski) and other people who probably help in creating the third part of the game. The game revealed itself without warning and this event became a pleasant su…
Last reply by Hahmynt, -
- 1 reply
Add Multiplayer to the game because its so boring without it And everyone wants it and Add A LAN Option like on minecraft where we can join A Nearby singleplayer game (The Multiplayer Button Can Be Found On Start Game Screen)| Add Split Screen To the game like on playstation 5 and When we start a game single player or Multiplayer there should be A split screen button When u press on it there should be Split screen settings like: choose countries and other things | Extra:Add A Open LAN Button to Singleplayer/Multiplayer choose Country settings |
Last reply by Carlx129, -
- 0 replies
Add Multiplayer to the game because its so boring without it And everyone wants it and Add A LAN Option like on minecraft where we can join A Nearby singleplayer game (The Multiplayer Button Can Be Found On Start Game Screen) | Add Split Screen To the game like on playstation 5 and When we start a game single player or Multiplayer there should be A split screen button When u press on it there should be Split screen settings like: choose countries and other things | ExtraAdd Multiplayer to the game because its so boring without it And everyone wants it and Add A LAN Option like on minecraft where we can join A Nearby singleplayer game (The Multiplayer Button Can Be Found …
Last reply by ILostMyPotato, -
by İbrahim_TV- 0 replies
Last reply by İbrahim_TV, -
A couple of ideas for the game. Trade, natural resources, colonization, a separate peace...
by WATER- 0 replies
Не знаю правда куда link post, пусть будет здесь. Пара предложений по нововведениям в AOH3: Колонизация. Его необходимо изменить. В последней части игры, когда вы создаете новый город (например, в пустой Америке), появляется небольшая нация. Население в таких поселениях в 5-10 раз меньше, чем в уже сформированных поселениях. Такие города требуют сложного подъема на том же европейском уровне. Поэтому в новой части игры вы сможете сделать колонизацию более реалистичной. Например, в Европе есть город с населением в 100 тысяч человек, и есть новая колония с населением в 10 тысяч человек. Это можно сделать с помощью системы звонков, где люди будут стиму…
Last reply by WATER, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
In AoC2 the UI of the game is in multiple folders, in multiple sizes, one for each size, this makes it quite a pain to make graphical mods, unless you make your own tool or find one that resizes images to all four sizes, it would be just a small quality of life thing but I'd be glad if the UI in AoC3 was just multiple big images scaled with each UI size increase. If you need even better of an argument, it would also save space if you didn't have five of what is essentially "copies" of the same image files So in summary: Could the UI in AoC3's files just be a bunch of big images to make modding less of pain and save space?
Last reply by Minemaster552, -
- 0 replies
I'm sharing my ideas to add on AoH3... • More Provinces • More Leaders • More Country's States • Advanced Scenario Editor • Online Gaming • More Ideologies • Tech Trees • Events in Scenarios • More Resources • Nukes • Automatic Assimilate • More Musics • More Conquests got no ideas now, ty for the learn
Last reply by Eyorine, -
- 0 replies
I think it's pretty obvious, there should be National Buffs that you can add in the scenario editor, and remove via events or other means. For example, there could be a buff that'll improve building speed, and cost. Or, there can be a Debuff that weakens your units. And for Advanced Leader Buffs, there should pretty much be different sections, similarly to HoI4. Like one could be 'Charismatic' and buff improving relations. And one could be 'Warmonger' and if justifications are in the game, improve justification speed. Also, there should be leader descriptions, instead of a Wiki page, but that can still be in the game. Leader descriptions would be great, especially for alt…
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
- 1 reply
Oyunun hazır versiyonunda (ev.nts) dediğimiz "olaylar" eklenirse çok iyi olur
Last reply by AxCfore, -
- 2 replies
This mechanic will be similar to Hearts of Iron IV: For example, if you set this function in the game rules for the 1440 year scenario, then the countries in this scenario will develop the same way as in real life: European powers will be the first to colonize America and so on
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
It's a new system where we can plan where our army will attack and conquer. It can be similiar to HOI4's system. For Example:
Last reply by AbKutay, -
Last reply by WATER, -
- 1 reply
Hi Lukasz. I think if you add past centurys maps to game it can be really good. For example if we can play in Colombs map in 15th century it can be really good. Like in those centurys they didn't know America so we don't see there on map.we play on some old maps I mean. Please answer if it's possible 🙏.
Last reply by xox,