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Hi Lukasz. I think if you add past centurys maps to game it can be really good. For example if we can play in Colombs map in 15th century it can be really good. Like in those centurys they didn't know America so we don't see there on map.we play on some old maps I mean. Please answer if it's possible 🙏.
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Being able to separately edit things like population and economy would add some more realism to the game.
Last reply by Meci, -
- 0 replies
In AoH2, You can make your own countries, but the process for this is not very customizable. You practically only get to make a flag and a civilisation color. In AoH3, This process should be expanded upon. How? Simple; 1: Allow the player to make different flags per ideology. This way you do not need to dig all the way deep into the files to be able to get to adding ideological flags. 2: Be able to select a Capital province for your country to appear in when you make a scenario. 3: Have the possibility to add a leader DIRECTLY into the civilisation, so you do not need to go to the leaders tab to put it in manually.
Last reply by Meci, -
- 1 follower
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In the previous work, when changing the city name from the file content or writing text to the event, some letters are omitted in Korean. For example, 스톡홀름 (Stockholm) looks like 스홀름. I hope you solve it in next work. Translation: Papago
Last reply by Zhchj2006, -
- 2 replies
Wheres the AoH3/AoC3 Trailer Jakowski?????
Last reply by WhoGainer, -
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Similarly to the Paradox game converters, where you can take a save from one game and convert it to the next, it would be nice to have something that converts between the AoHII map and the AoHIII map. This would also be good to have for civilisations(I don't want to remake all mine :P), and maybe also save games? There could also just be a general one that converts all your AoHII data to AoHIII on first startup, or something similar. I think it'd be nice(and helpful! I don't want to remake all my scenarios and events on the new map, it'd take ages)
Last reply by Jay248, -
- 0 replies
Things such as the country's race and religion can be added to the game and this can give + or - points to the alliance. For example,countries of German origin may be more likely to form an alliance.
Last reply by Maniy4, -
- 0 replies
pls create a new mode for AoH3 with a Zombie Apocalipse 😄
Last reply by kzcappi, -
- 1 follower
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My suggestion for the new game is that there could be an option to turn on/off Dynamic Province Names. For example, if you play as France and conquer London it should rename itself to Londres; if you play as Hungary and conquer Cluj-Napoca it should rename itself to Kolozsvár. Provinces can also have fictional dynamic province names for each language. One of the examples is that a Canada colonised by Japan could have Japanese province/city names.
Last reply by deleteduser-0, -
- 0 replies
What about adding a new feature where you can send a specific amount of money to other players? And what about the adding the currencies to the game?
Last reply by Jim, -
- 0 replies
I'm sorry if someone had already suggested this idea because I don't know. Colonial wars, try to ensure that two or more countries that have colonies can start a war but with the condition that they can only capture colonies from each other. But if the war progressed to a very tense point they could start an all-out war. In the event that one country wins the colonial war against another, it could only ask for territories that are colonies.
Last reply by Live88, -
- 2 replies
This is the idea, colony administration. It would be nice if you could manage your colonies in a better way, dividing them into several zones, for example: French West Africa, British Raj, French Equatorial Africa, South African Union, etc. I would also like you to be able to name it whatever you want and be able to change the flag, also that you could choose how it will be governed: Put a military man to govern it, a native of that area or give your government total control over that area. And that you could recruit people in that area and invest and build in that area, building factories, farms, etc.
Last reply by Live88, -
- 0 replies
Jxhkcyodtdfdixtixi kxkc xxykcclj x6ocyocxu c
Last reply by İbrahim_TV45, -
Lukash said that: if one country captures any provinces, they will be renamed. I have made several examples like this Russian city - Finnish name of Russian city Vyborg - Viipuri Arkhangelsk - Arkangeli Gdov - Outva Pskov - Pihkova Svetlogorsk(Russia Len. Oblast) - Enso Podporozhie - Koskenala Kingisepp - Jaama Roschino - Raivola Petrozavodsk - Petroskoi Lodeynoe pole - Pellonlinna Lyuban - Lupana Volkhov - Olhava Pavlovsk - Pauluskoi Petergof - Pietarhovi St.Petersburg - Pietari Zelenogorsk - Terijoki Olonets - Aunus Primorsk - Koivisto Kondopoga - Kontupohja Murmansk - Muurmani
Last reply by Marsik, -
- 0 replies
Hi (First off, sorry if someone already recommended this) So i was playing the game and i had an idea What if there was an influence mechanic Some ways you could earn influence: Being a great power and have good relations with a small nation (maybe more gain if ur a stronger power) New action like Boost Popularity which would add influence You could gain influence with gifts Or maybe having units on the border? Ways you could lose influence: Having bad relations with the target country a decision "Look for influence" or smth maybe assimilating Ways you could use influence Limited recruitment when invadi…
Last reply by Emer, -
- 0 replies
Hope no one else posted something like this. And if someone did - im sorry for wasting your time 1) Ability to change leaders through events. 2) Ability to add different characters on different ideologies for same country 3) Because AoH2 already had options to customise your country by changing its color and name, i suggest to add ability to change flags! Add ability to take any flag from the archive and maybe even create your own custom flag while playing! It would be useful more for “roleplaying” or narrative-styled games (which i personally really enjoy 😉 3.1) Maybe add ability to change/create not only flags, but also a leaders! …
Last reply by NoRulez2, -
- 0 replies
This is the idea, I'm sorry if it's already suggested because I don't know. Economic alliances, try to get two or more countries to create an alliance in order to help each other economically. They will have a bank between them where they will have to pay a monthly fee and that money will be stored in that bank which will be the budget of the alliance. They can also deposit more money in the bank if they wish, finance projects, send financial aid and send money to each other. And they could have their own currency and they could pass laws that apply to everyone.
Last reply by Live88, -
This is the idea, I'm sorry if it's already suggested because I don't know. Cold war could happen if two very different great powers get along badly. A points counter will be added where each one starts with 100 points and will go down as they have more failures but will increase if they have successes, the first country to reach 0 will collapse. They will begin to try to expand their ideology, influence, try to be the first world power, they will invade, cause civil wars and coups in other countries around the world. Also due to bad relations the two sides could start a world war and the losing side would collapse. One of the two countries and its side will win the cold …
Last reply by Live88, -
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This is the idea, I'm sorry if it's already suggested because I don't know. Global economic crises will try to ensure that due to a series of events or decisions, the general economy of the countries begins to decline and prices rise. Unhappiness will fall, people will stop having children due to prices so population growth will slow down and some countries will become destabilized. For the economic crisis to end, countries will tend to try to stabilize and raise their economy by building buildings and investing more in the economy.
Last reply by Live88, -
by Live88- 0 replies
This is the idea, I'm sorry if it has already been suggested since I don't know. It would be nice if there were terrorists in Aoh3. That the terrorists carried out attacks on civilian and political objectives and buildings, and that they could also have infiltrated political parties, organizations and bribe officials, police, etc. It would be good if when they act they would destabilize the country and as they gain power they would create more bases on the country and if they gain a lot of power and the country becomes very destabilized they could rebel with their own army and steal a piece of your territory. All this in order to add more difficulty.
Last reply by Live88, -
- 1 reply
We need tactics in AOH3 like Blitzkrieg or Napoleon's strategy he used in case of war
Last reply by xox, -
- 3 replies
This is the idea, a new system of ideology. It would be good if the ideological systems were different. That in democratic countries there are elections and the population is divided into ideologies, and that in some cases there are several parties of the same ideology (each one with different objectives and rules). It would also be good that when a party wins an election and other citizens and soldiers are not happy, they try to carry out a coup or a civil war and that even if you do not agree, you organize it yourself. And it would also be good if in dictatorships, absolute monarchies and other countries without elections there were coups , civil wars and oppositions. …
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 reply
This is an idea for Aoh3, protectorates. The protectorates will have their own ideology, which will generate several disadvantages and they will have to pay a lot of their budget to their owner, who will protect it as if it were their own territory. The protectorates will not have their own army but rather police forces and their owner will be allowed to recruit an army in their territory. The protectorates would not be able to declare wars and would have few relations with other countries.
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
This is the idea, better civil wars. Try to have a better system of civil wars, that when the stability of your country drops below 30, a civil war starts. And that the army is divided for each side depending on several factors. The civil war could have more than two sides and the other countries could support one of the sides if they want, sending an army or economic aid.
Last reply by Live88, -
- 4 replies
Will there be a ethnic map and a linguistic map according to the era ? the ethcnic map isn't obligated to fits with the provinves. SOME ETHNIES ARE CONNECTED.
Last reply by xox,