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Here are some of my ideas for aoh3 Railroads that allow you to Move your units faster and Supply your Units. Supply stat that allows Your units to do Better or worse Depending on what The supply is. You can increase supply by in a Providence By Building a Port or Farm or Building a railroad. Creat Levels of Vassals 1.Autonomous states: On The map It looks the same and has a same Treasury and Economy And Gives all Profits To The Leading State. They can be chosen as a starting nation and can make their own decisions and Buildings But also functions as the same state in wars and is kept in unions. They can not form Unions or keep vassals. 2.Colony. F…
Last reply by NeonCreeper, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I think that AOH3 may find a few issues in different things. For example, Jakowski accepted the idea of dynamic city names, but it will be difficult and laborious to apply the name of every province for every country (country tag). Also, leaders will die in the new game, so I suppose there will be a generator for the new leaders? If yes, the name generator will be awkward. Imagine a Russian ruler being named Humberto Romanov or something. Hilarious. I suggest adding a "Regional Group" property to a tag that would determine these issues above, but also a few others: special units for a specific region, relations within this group would be better, sp…
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 5 replies
- Introduction: In many mods, we've seen the implementation of interesting ideologies, cultures, religions, and forms of government, but something that has long been lacking in AoC II is a system that realistically reflects the political realities of these different elements. Currently, in AoC, you can change your ideology, culture, religion, and form of government with the click of a button, and the consequences of these changes are not accurately represented. For example, it's unrealistic that you can turn a country like Turkey into a Christian democracy with the stroke of a pen, or that you can change the United States to a socialist country without an…
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 1 reply
Improved vassal mechanics. There will be 3 stages of vassalization 1.Dependent state. It can conduct its own foreign policy, dispose of its territory independently, this state simply gives us part of its money or industry 2.Puppet state. Foreign policy depends only on the suzerain, but domestic policy is at the disposal of the state itself 3.A protectorate, a general government, or an autonomous region (call it what you will). This state does not conduct its own foreign policy, the domestic policy is minimal. The overlord can build in these territories, conscript troops into the army in these territories, and dispose of them as his territory. You cannot ass…
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 1 reply
I have an idea that I don't know if it can be useful but I'm going to say it. I don't know if what I'm going to say has already been said or someone has already thought about it, but I'm saying it. I think it would be a good idea to add a better economic system, so that the country can be industrialized among other things. It would be nice if we could see and try to regulate prices, the market, etc. It would also be nice to be able to build types of factories such as: weapons factory, tank factory, etc. And be able to build mines to extract resources (if your territory has it). I would also like them to improve the economy of each country, since there are some cases that …
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 1 reply
This is the idea, play after losing. It would be nice if once you are conquered and cease to exist you could continue playing having a government in exile and be able to try to become independent. The government would be exiled to an allied country, a country you get along with, a random country, or a conquered part of your own country. You would have more chances of becoming independent if you received help from another country, the same country or another country could also free you in a peace negotiation. It would be nice if you could also become independent with wars that you yourself start or with diplomatic actions. In exile you could organize attacks, political ass…
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 2 replies
Hello AOH 3 community. I want to contact you with an offer. I strongly believe that the game and the creators need to be able to add pictures of the rulers via the editor is inside the game, on the phone through the gallery, and on the computer through the explorer. What is your position on this proposal?
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
- 0 replies
1. type chat "UFO (ID province)" -> Alien Invasion Country 2. type chat "Revolt (ID province)" -> Random Revolt, Protest, Revolution, Raider,.. etc to Province 3. type chat "SmartAnimals (ID province)" -> Animals War Country (joke) 4. type chat "RandomIdeology (ID Country) or (All), (Random)" -> Country become random ideology" 5. type chat "Chaos (ID Country) or (All), (Random)" -> Chaos (bad gold, bad military, bad eco, bad king or president, bad happiness, ..etc) 6. type chat "SuperSecret" -> Hide secret..? 7. type chat "ZombieAttacks" (ID province), (Random)" -> Bad news zombie apocalypse.. 8. type chat "WindowsXP" -> You changed H…
Last reply by GyLala, -
- 0 replies
In AoH2, the peace conference is cursed. I thik it's good if the player can create a sort of fate system. If a country win a war it gains some territories and if a country lose the war, it loses somes territories. It can work with puppets and other things ( you can tell me some examples cuz I don't know) Here's an example of Hungary
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
by Grud- 0 replies
Not sure if this was suggested yet but an actual soundtrack would be a nice addition instead of using royalty free songs
Last reply by Grud, -
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This is an idea for aoh2, creating countries in occupied territories. The idea is that when you are at war against a country and you have its occupied territory, you can create a country, puppet, etc. in the occupied territory. As soon as the country is created it will automatically go to war with the country of the territory it now has. You will have the territory as your own and an army will be recruited instantly depending on several factors. When the official owner recaptures a province, he will not occupy it but it will once again be his property, and the same will happen when the country created in that territory recaptures it, it will once again be his property. Bu…
Last reply by Live88, -
- 0 replies
Mounting Choose an optimal position on your windshield or dashboard that provides a clear view of the road ahead without gumming your view. Use the handed glue pad to securely mount the camera.
Last reply by wolkoez, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
So in Age of History 2 when you have a vassal is basically a country that only pays you tribute and where you can send your army but you don’t have real control over it. So I propose we have more control over vassals, like letting us recluse army from there, build in the country, have more control over their economy, etc… the main difference could be that the vassal's countries have their government which we can influence but not control and they would be like an extent of our country.
Last reply by RMaRe, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Since we are waiting for AOH3 I have this question out of curiosity. Which is what is the most aspect AOH3 going to revolve around (focused on) 1. Economy 2. Military 3. Diplomacy Or is it going to about each individual aspect giving flavour and fun to the game
Last reply by Egyptian_Menace, -
- 0 replies
I think it would be good if we could trade with ships and planes in the new game, and in Age of History 2, when we go to war with an alliance, it does not accept peace. It is ridiculous that our alliance does not accept the peace request while I have no army and economy left and are losing land.
Last reply by Cüneyt, -
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I think that there should be 3 AI modes of the game, one mode where there is a actual story or the game, a 2nd where there is a historical AI where things go just like in real life history like the discovery for America, and the 3rd where there is no story thing and things can just go out of control. I also think that terrain should have more affect for example I think that mountainous regions could slow down movement of an army and if the terrain is icy like Antarctica or Russia then the army might quickly run out of supplies and I really hope that there could be an add of winter like when its summertime the heat can lead to the death of your army from heatstroke if it r…
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 0 replies
I propose that we can select multiple provinces so we can invest in them all at once. For example, if I want to invest or make buildings in the all American Midwest they are a lot of provinces, and is boring investing in them one by one, so I propose we can select all the provinces we want and make buildings or invest in them all at once. :)
Last reply by RMaRe, -
- 2 replies
Please replace the keyboard system with the default keyboard built into the device rather than the one built into the previous game. Translation: Papago
Last reply by SerenDippTheGreat, -
- 1 reply
Oyunda normal olarak başlamak için bir ülke seçeriz ama şu özellikte eklenebilir biz belirli para ile başlayarak halka propaganda yaparak isyan çıkartıp kendi devletimizi kurarız( bayrağımızı kendimiz tasarlarız)
Last reply by Harun Aladağ, -
- 1 reply
Play online system age of history 3
Last reply by Namiq7788, -
- 1 reply
In age of history 2 there are missing many african kingdoms, tribes, indian princely states and others (Like Jimma, Baroda, Indore, Rajkot, Limmu-Ennarea, Rewa, Chamba, Kalahandi, Calabar, Aro Confederation, Tuaregs, Bambara Empire, Cayor, Baol, Dendi Kingdom, Wadai Empire, Dar-al-Kuti, Witu Sultanate, Sultanate of the Geledi, Constantine, Agadez, and Baghirmi)
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 1 reply
Öncelikle Oyunda Seçim olmalıdır / , ve oyunda biz kimiz? (Vezir veya başkan yardımcısı gibi mi?) çünkü ülkeyi yöneten bir lider var / Binalar için ise : bina ismi:okul geliri:teknoloji 0.75 İnşaat için gereken para:5000(degişebilir) __________ Bina ismi:park Geliri:Mutluluk +1 devrim riski -1 İnşaat için gereken para:7000(degişebilir) (Askeri bölgeler de gelebilir ya da deniz Orduları gerekli bence
Last reply by Harun Aladağ, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Belgen, -
- 0 replies
dolayısıyla savaş tazminatı belirlenebilir ve daha fazla dayanıklılığa sahip olmalı vassalların dış politikasını biz yönetmeliyiz ve vassalların başına vali ataması olmalı bu valiler bazen bizim hükümetinin yanında bazende isyancı niteliklere sahip olsa güzel olur ve vassalların ordularını ideolojilerini ve halklarını yönetebilmeliyiz
Last reply by Muhammeddarkk7, -
- 19 replies
INTRODUCTION I may not have been a highly active writer on this forum before, however I spent hundreds of hours in AOH2 editor and I would like to share my experience and Conclusions on how AOH3 editor should look. My opinions are based on AOH2 so with upcoming new possible mechanics some things may get clickly outdated, obviously. First and Foremost, I want to point out that the editor is in my opinion the most important thing in AOH2, and most likely will become in AOH3 as well. And the most interesting thing in Editor is the Event creator and I will focus on it. AOH3 may become, apart from being good game, de facto launcher for different unique games if chang…
Last reply by Redguy325,