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In my opinion, the new game should have a siege system like this. By placing an army in the cities around the city we want to conquer, we will prevent resources from flowing to the city and the city will surrender itself after a while
Last reply by Yusuf Şahin Yılmaz, -
- 0 replies
In AoH II the starting population of a province is based on the province growth rate. I suggest that we can directly adjust the starting population of every province in the scenario editor, so we can personalize the population for each scenario. It would work like the Set Up Army option: We choose one or more provinces and push the slider till we get the desired number. And the province population limit would increase from the current 200 000 to something like 50 millions, so we can use real population numbers.
Last reply by Iceman, -
- 7 replies
Age of History 2 Is a moddable game.Is there a editor for AOH3?Can we make scenerios?
Last reply by arabgery, -
- 1 reply
It would be nice if you add in AoH 3 the ability of a country being able to send a militia or foreign legion to a war in another country. (Like in TNO in Hoi IV).
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 1 reply
A series of whale networks must be added in the game so that you can develop your country through it, and it is divided into economic, military, and social, for example.
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 3 replies
When will the game release? like 1 or 2 years? probably more?
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 2 replies
Age Of History 3 İçin Mükemmel Olurdu, Fotoğrafta Göründüğü Gibi Oyuna Multiplayer Eklenseydi Oyunda Büyük Bir Değişiklik Olurdu, Bir Çok Kişi Arkadaşlarıyla Oynamak İstedi, Age Of History 3 İçin Multiplayer Sistemi Çok Güzel Olurdu[Soruma Cevap Verirseniz Sevinirim]
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 1 reply
The game is sorely lacking in resources, this would give the game more meaning rather than the usual paint job. For the Player would not be fighting for just provinces, but fighting for the potential of that province in terms of resources. And if the game will be conditionally Nuclear Weapons, so it will be a factor that complicates the receipt of this ultimatum weapon.
Last reply by Snajper, -
aoh3 Complex AI
by sW1- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Hello AOH developers and players!! I hope you can spend some time to read this. I'm sW1 and this is a sugestion por AOH3, the complex AI. (Sorry if i make a mistake, i am learning english) I suggest that AOH developers make a function where when the game starts, the game assigns an objective to all countries For example :When the game starts germany is tagged as an agressive country, so the main objective is to expand and be the dominant country in a region. Or it can be tagged as an passive country, it will focus in economy and it has less probability to attack another country. The tag will be random so you can play a different game every day
Last reply by sW1, -
- 0 replies
So like if you wanted to build something like a concentration camp that could only be built by fascists or communists. As well as central banks and such, I think it would add a cool touch to the game.
Last reply by SyntaXenon, -
So it would be cool if the player could make subdivisions in the country and grant them certain autonomies, by granting more autonomy we could say it built structures by itself but less income and increasing happiness or accelerating cores or something like that and when you do the subdivisions you could name them and make them flags some countries having premade divisions in scenarios and you could design the flags. Also if you don't want to be bothered making subdivisions the game could get the region the part of the country you annexed and use that to make a randomized name and a parody of your flag. Also you could select each subdivision and make structures or fund th…
Last reply by SyntaXenon, -
- 0 replies
Colocar sistema de exploração de recursos e abundância. Por exemplo, você pode encontrar petróleo na costa do seu país, mas há uma abundância de apenas 300 mil barris de petróleo. Ele pode criar esses sistemas para outros recursos naturais, como ouro, prata, diamante, gás natural, etc. Ser colocado um processo de industrialização para os países agrários. No início, os países deveriam dar grandes incentivos, mas, pela falta de desenvolvimento, essa industrialização seria lenta e pouco eficiente. Porém, com o avanço dela, há um impulso de velocidade e eficiência (os incentivos ainda serão necessários). Haveriam diferentes tipos de indústria, como de alimentos, madeira e …
Last reply by Joao br, -
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Ao construir você pode escolher entre civil ou militar. CIVIL: o civil lhe dará o nosso e fará feliz a população da província, exemplos: aeroporto, porto, fábricas, etc. *as fábricas civis irão gerar recursos, 1t a cada 30 dias, exemplos: ferro e petróleo (você terá que construir uma máquina de extração de petróleo), entre outros. MILITAR: Quanto aos militares, você pode utilizá-lo clicando nele para ordenar construção de equipamentos militares, exemplos: porto, aeroporto, fábricas, etc. *fábricas militares você pode construir tanques de guerra, barcos militares, aviões militares, entre outros. *os portos militares s…
Last reply by rafael_carlos_micheletti, -
there can be a newspaper button or a pop-up where we get notified of the fall of capitals etc. for example "The fall of Paris" or "Berlin has fallen"
Last reply by AbKutay, -
More editable options with json
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
Add resources and when edit terrain types we can add resources to them
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
Can import and export resources.
Last reply by angamo123, -
Add UN vote, vote options, war goals, economy embargo,...
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
Allowing mobile users to edit the game easier
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
The Dutch empire is not in aoh2 and I want to put it because of its great relevance and power that this commercial empire had with colonies on almost all continents and a good military power and global influence. The Dutch empire is not in aoh2 and I want to put it because of its great relevance and power that this commercial empire had with colonies on almost all continents and a good military power and global influence
Last reply by aoh2 empire, -
- 0 replies
Güzel olurdu, böylece yolumuza çıkan hiçbir devlete savaş ilan edemeyiz. Böylece bir denge oluşturulmuş oluyor Uwut motoru ve kanlı avrupa modları bu özelliğe sahip ama çok gerçekçi değil daha gerçekçi olabilirdi
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 follower
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Will time vary between each due to distance between states? And what are these variables? For example, does the morale of the army change depending on variables such as its technology or the ruggedness of the province?
Last reply by muhoaga, -
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make other options exept annexion or vassalization. for example ideology/religion(if that would be in a game) orbreak an alliance
Last reply by hahaha093, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
It would be nice if the game could be played with other people around the world like a hoi4 multiplayer lobby. With people choosing their countries and the host the difficulty and some other settings
Last reply by erik0, -
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the editor is my favorite part of this game, I wanna see it expanded with more options, mostly with flags
Last reply by bipolit,