655 topics in this forum
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Hello my people I been searching for this mod for a long time, I've searched reddit. The forums. EVERYWHERE. PLEASE RESPOND ANYONE
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
Last reply by Das Moss Man,
- 5 replies
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
So I got banned from reddit for a bs reason. So now I'm going to here to do stuff now.
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
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Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
cz Slyšte, slyšte, Budiž známo, že Zdislav Veliký, známý též jako stuffbymax, slaví své sedmnácté narozeniny. Avšak v tomto období nebude pořádána žádná hostina ani oslava na jeho počest. Veru, můj čas bude věnován jiným činnostem, jako je požehnaný odpočinek ve spánku, veselé hraní her, studium ušlechtilého umění programování a zbožné modlitby ke svatému IGNUciovi. Navíc se zúčastním posvátných obřadů v Kostele Emacs. Ačkoli se nebudou konat žádné oslavy, vaše gratulace a laskavá slova budou přesto velmi vděčně přijata. Děkuji vám za vaše pochopení a štědrou podporu. S pokorným pozdravem, zdislav veliky en hear hear …
Last reply by zdislav, -
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- 4 replies
Is it a good time to bring back some good old memes? 😛 Working on the game! When it's ready 😛
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
defenestation 1 2 3
by zdislav- 61 replies
To the Esteemed and Valued Sirs, In the spirit of our noble cause, we extend a call to gather for a momentous occasion in Prague. We beseech thee to lend thy presence to this assembly, wherein only Protestants of honor shall be welcomed. Pray, exclude all French, German, and Austrian delegates, for our intent is to unite solely with those of our faith and cause. May thy response be swift and favorable, as the hour of our endeavor draws near. In faith and solidarity, [prince of silesia zdislav ]
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 1 follower
- 28 replies
Hail, great and revered Emperor Lukasz, Supreme Ruler of Java and the God of Age of History, Pray, take heed and grant thyself a brief respite. For even the mightiest of emperors must shield themselves from the peril of exhaustion. Allow thine exalted self a moment's pause, lest thou be consumed by the fires of relentless toil. Though the elixir of coffee may grant thee vigor in the present, beware, for it exacts its toll upon the morrow. Even the most stalwart hand may crave a vacation from ceaseless labor. Take this humble entreaty to heart, O divine sovereign, and cherish a short break. The realms of Java and the chronicles of history shall await thy return w…
Last reply by zdislav, -
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- 8 replies
Is bro dead? i think hes cooking smth, its lowkey suspicious @Łukasz Jakowskiu good bro? like are you alive
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski there is a glitch I must report, reddit cannot help me so maybe the forums can. When i go into game editor, and click game civs. And try to make a civ. It redirects me to the wiki. Then when i come back there is no civ pls help me
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Dear @Łukasz Jakowski, I hope you see the emails from historical characters from Brazil BEFORE QUEBO JOGO LANCE I already have others here saved if you answer me I will send them to you
Last reply by Kiwi, -
Own opinion In this video Lukasz shows how Age of History 3 performs on Samsung's 2022 flagship, the so-called Samsung S22. You can notice how the phone suffers when Lukasz zooms out and moves the camera over the region, which is densely populated with civilizations. You should consider additional factors as well: The map is not finished. Actually, this is the first test map we've ever shown; The game is paused, so no calculations are performed in the background; The AI is not implemented. Thus, should we be prepared for much poorer performance during actual gameplay? Sadly, it seems like this is the case. And what's even worse, there is ano…
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 6 replies
Why can't I post ? I saw that there are some inappropriate words. It's strange because I don't see any of this. It says to edit the highlighted words below, but all words are highlighted ! (sorry for spoil)
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 11 replies
There are LOTS of new faces in the community since the first time AOH3 was announced including myself (i played the game but didn't know the forums existed), i was wondering how this has made the Pre AOH3 community feel? are the newbies annoying?
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski please SEE MY EMAILS!! my email is "" currently my team is working hard! And I'm getting worried PLEASE SEE MY EMAILS!!
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
I write this with zero tags so this won't be (too) public. I would write you a DM but you don't recive I am asking for you to delete my account @MostlyMossyMan. I just wanna use the website from my main device kind regards, Mostly mossy man @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Naval, -
- 0 replies
I know I asked two questions today, but I'm curious, and besides, I like to think that there's no harm in asking something that might not have crossed Lukasz's mind or anyone else's for that matter. Anyway, the question may sound very premature, as if I literally went to Narnia or an uncertain future. But here it is, if you want to read about the question for Lukasz: Have you planned or thought about the possibility of creating Age of History IV (AoH4) after Age of History III (AoH3)? I know it seems like a very rushed question that should be asked later, perhaps in a year or two. But, as I said, it's curiosity. But beyond t…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
- 0 replies
what MR Lukasz thing of game piracy
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 1 follower
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I'm gonna take a break from the forums for a bit, writing topics has been getting harder and harder for me. I don't really feel too motiveated bye :-Þ @Das Moss Man
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 0 replies
Olá, pessoal do Fórum Brasileiro, ajudem-nos a criar um cenário para o AoH3. Faremos 579 municípios para o Brasil, completos com prefeitos, delegados, diretores médicos e muito mais. Cobriremos todas as cidades dos 27 estados do Brasil. Se você quiser participar, junte-se ao nosso servidor Discord. @Łukasz Jakowski, contamos com sua ajuda para fornecer rapidamente os nomes das cidades. Nota: Eu queria que isso fosse uma campanha no jogo base, mas será impossível.
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 2 replies
пока выполнено 233 провинции
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
I think the aoh3 could be done because the main template of the game is ready lukas is making senarios. In my Opinion game will release soon. What's your opinion about it?
Last reply by sellam, -
Mr. Lukash admitted that we could help him with the flags. But I never found a post for suggestions. I think it is necessary to create some posts on the forum. One post for flags, the other for portraits. We are able to accelerate the release of the game, not just offer ideas and carry the release further into the future:
Last reply by Naval, -
- 3 replies
Hey hey hey ! Past days, the forum attained the milestone of 100K posts !
Last reply by Денис Живков,