639 topics in this forum
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I write this with zero tags so this won't be (too) public. I would write you a DM but you don't recive I am asking for you to delete my account @MostlyMossyMan. I just wanna use the website from my main device kind regards, Mostly mossy man @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Naval, -
- 0 replies
I know I asked two questions today, but I'm curious, and besides, I like to think that there's no harm in asking something that might not have crossed Lukasz's mind or anyone else's for that matter. Anyway, the question may sound very premature, as if I literally went to Narnia or an uncertain future. But here it is, if you want to read about the question for Lukasz: Have you planned or thought about the possibility of creating Age of History IV (AoH4) after Age of History III (AoH3)? I know it seems like a very rushed question that should be asked later, perhaps in a year or two. But, as I said, it's curiosity. But beyond t…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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what MR Lukasz thing of game piracy
Last reply by zdislav, -
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I'm gonna take a break from the forums for a bit, writing topics has been getting harder and harder for me. I don't really feel too motiveated bye :-Þ @Das Moss Man
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
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Olá, pessoal do Fórum Brasileiro, ajudem-nos a criar um cenário para o AoH3. Faremos 579 municípios para o Brasil, completos com prefeitos, delegados, diretores médicos e muito mais. Cobriremos todas as cidades dos 27 estados do Brasil. Se você quiser participar, junte-se ao nosso servidor Discord. @Łukasz Jakowski, contamos com sua ajuda para fornecer rapidamente os nomes das cidades. Nota: Eu queria que isso fosse uma campanha no jogo base, mas será impossível.
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 2 replies
пока выполнено 233 провинции
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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- 21 replies
I think the aoh3 could be done because the main template of the game is ready lukas is making senarios. In my Opinion game will release soon. What's your opinion about it?
Last reply by sellam, -
Mr. Lukash admitted that we could help him with the flags. But I never found a post for suggestions. I think it is necessary to create some posts on the forum. One post for flags, the other for portraits. We are able to accelerate the release of the game, not just offer ideas and carry the release further into the future:
Last reply by Naval, -
- 3 replies
Hey hey hey ! Past days, the forum attained the milestone of 100K posts !
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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I don't remember the last time, when I have seen them. Maybe they disappeared. If it like I said it's defenatly good. but if I somthing miss understading... 😵💫 btw, forum has been updated. Anyone saw it? I just wonder, because I see it. The main page looks more compact and messages can stick one to other if you wrote it not too long ago. Interesting thing
Last reply by burbigo3, -
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Olá @Łukasz Jakowski I wanted to say that "Muqui" is a newer city with less population than Cachoeiros do Itapemirim, I ask you to change the name of Muqui to C.Itaperim Thank you!!
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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abi bu oyunun hila kodları olacakmı para hilesi asker vs ... ANTARTİKA KITASINI EKLEYİN TAM DÜNYA HARİTASI YANİ bunlar gerçek osmanlı sınırları
Last reply by bth_egu, -
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recently some might have noticed that i was inactive, well i had vacation and celebrated Eid, what did i miss since 14 june?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 11 replies
Lets take a step back and look at aoh3, and apprecaite how fast Łukasz works, like this game was annouced 8 months ago and the amount of progressive is astonishing. We got daily updates, DAILY. UPDATES. That's crazy for an indie dev. This man works harder that a literal company. I may be glazing a bit but. He made aoh2. And here a letter to @Łukasz Jakowski thank you :-]
Last reply by bth_egu, -
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Last reply by Naval, -
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Last reply by Matvey, -
- 7 replies
I know it is not the place to post that (there is not actual place to post that anyway so...) I'm forced to use a secondary account ( @OhPancake ) to post on the forums because, it seems, that the password recovery system is not working anymore, i saw that i'm actually not the only one in this situation. Basically, no matter how many you send request to change your password, it won't reach your e-mail adress. Be carefull, you can lost your account.
Last reply by OhPancake², -
Do you think you could survive swallowing a golf ball. Tell me why you think you could or couldn't
Last reply by hewasnoth, -
- 3 replies
@Денис Живков is True Emperor of This Forum. worship to him! GLORY TO OUR EMPEROR The flag of the Empire
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 5 replies
You probably know that I've been sending emails from special Brazilian characters I'm currently doing the Cold War, remembering that in Brazil there was a Military Dictatorship so I wanted to know if I can put the President/Dictator of the Time @Łukasz Jakowski?
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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- 50 replies
pretty much the title, people are actually bringing up so many great idea's that i cannot see being immediately added on release, especially in an indie game developed by one polish guy with little resources or help, all your features aren't coming in release, the game hasn't even hit beta phase and we don't have cultures or nav and we're over here talking about a POP SYSTEM?!! the truth is, the game will be unfinished on release because that's what alpha is, it's not lukasz fault, he will update after the release, we just need to wait AOH3 will likely feel very underwhelming/boring at the start after a bit but that's normal because this isn't mean…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
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I think so, cause, no overpriced, no dlc, and no (too) complex. The NNN for AOH3 I feel like it's gonna go [Initial boom] > [drew durnil] > [more YouTubers playing] > [millions of players]
Last reply by Naval, -
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YEAR 1940, AFTER THE GREAT WAR THE GERMAN EMPIRE TOOK OVER WITH ITS ALLIES ALMOST ALL OF EUROPE. WILL YOU HELP THEM MAINTAIN THEIR HEGEMONY OR INTERFERE THEM? THE CHOICE IS YOURS! WRITE YOUR OWN HISTORY AFTER THE GREAT WAR WON BY CENTRAL POWERS. THIS MOD CONTAINS: >>> Bunch of new types of government, such as: - Kaiserism - Constitutional Monarchy - Absolute Monarchy - Colonial Government - Regency - Interim Government - Jewish Communism - Anarchy and more >>> New armies >>> Chemical warfare units >>> New leaders >>> New advisors >&g…
Last reply by SVH, -
- 10 replies
So. My idea may be relevant for years (unlike the ideas about the Age of History series of games, the game will be released and the ideas will not be relevant) So. The ideas themselves: 1. The topic from the offtopic should go to the top in -100% -200%, unlike the difficulty of going to the popular of other topics. 2. The topic of the Ideas should go to the "Popular now" in 25% — 40% 3. The topic of the Questions should go to the "Popular now" in 80%-55% 4. The theme should go out of mods in the top at -300% — -400% The idea of what to add / change to the forum 1. Make unlimited the possibility of attaching files to …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
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Last reply by Денис Живков,