649 topics in this forum
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Because of this : ERROR 404
Last reply by Naval, -
- 3 replies
i make this with ai haha video.mp4
Last reply by Naval, -
- 0 replies
Seu aniversário é amanhã @Łukasz Jakowski, você está feliz? Você tem postado muitos vídeos, relaxe com a Família, esqueça o AoH3, tenha um ótimo aniversário amanhã!
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 7 replies
Faltam 5 dias para o aniversário do Łukasz! Temos que dar um presente a ele. Vamos discutir o que deveria ser! (minha sugestão é 95 mil inscritos até dia 20) @Łukasz Jakowski What do you want most?
Last reply by xox, -
- 20 replies
How The Average Aocgames Dweller feels after getting archduke rank (he spends 19 hours a day on the forums)
Last reply by SerenDippTheGreat, -
- 1 follower
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I think it would be fun + nobody wants Wait For A Month to see Bro play As Silesia ☠️
Last reply by Brianman, -
- 1 reply
Saudações Jakowski, Hoje, o estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no Brasil, enfrenta enchentes e extensa devastação em diversas cidades, incluindo Bento Gonçalves, Boa Vista do Sul, Bom Princípio, Canela, Canoas, Capela de Santana, Capitão, Caxias do Sul, Cruzeiro do Sul Sul Sul Sul Sul, Encantado, Esteio, Farroupilha, além da capital, Porto Alegre, entre muitas outras. Solicite que você tenha o cenário “2024” no AoH3, essas províncias, principalmente Porto Alegre, sejam retratadas com “Devastação”. Vou anexar algumas fotos para você ver a situação.
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 0 replies
Prior to we start looking at what your skin care items need to not have it would be really useful to understand what you do require. La Rose Derma Age Defying Cream should consist of 100% natural moisturizers such as coconut oil, lanolin, Shea butter, olive oil, sweet almond oil, and omega 3 fatty acids. It does not necessarily need all of them, however one or two of these moisturizers used as a base should suffice perfectly. Not only do they perform splendidly as a moisturizer, but they also enable your skin to breathe and consist of high levels of anti oxidants, the complimentary extreme arresters that help reverse signs of aging. However, one crucial reality stays - th…
Last reply by Margariet4, -
- 0 replies
La Rose Derma Age Defying Cream Electrocautery: on this method, a scientific grasp functions an electrical stream to consume off the pores and skin tag. community sedation may be implemented to numb the locale earlier than the framework.Ligation: This incorporates tying off the blood deliver to the skin tag with the aid of solidly wrapping it with a string, dental floss, or a close to fabric. long time, the shortfall of circulatory device causes the pores and skin tag to shrivel and ultimately tumble off.Extraction: An expert should pick to without a doubt knock out the pores and skin mark the usage of cautious scissors or a cautious area. close by sedation…
Last reply by adamschank, -
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
I Finally Got A Professional Photographer to take some quality pictures of IRL me and chose the most flattering one as a profile picture thoughts?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 10 replies
April -> Many Scenario more? May -> AI works? June -> HUD and Observe, Settings, .. etc? July -> Age of Civs, Real History, Events more? August -> Test bug fixes? September -> New Map works? Oct -> ??
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 0 replies
What do you think Lukasz will do when he reaches 100 thousand subscribers
Last reply by TaraN, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Karma roger, -
- 0 replies
I can't see to find a way to change it. do i have to make a new account?
Last reply by cvbnm07, -
- 0 replies
With a large selection of items devoid of dangerous ---- and prescription drugs, Green Acres CBD is a shining light for anyone looking for natural health solutions.
Last reply by Jay Robertson, -
- 3 replies
How frequently will updates be released after the game comes out? (And Lukasz, please do not abandon us to go insane for 5 years again)
Last reply by Snajper, -
- 1 follower
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Hello guys, its been a longtime and I think it will be the right time to come back with the new game. Making maps on aoh2 was a pain in the ass and it will be even harder on aoh3 so i think i should stay on making scenarios with leaders etc... I will start the remaking the medieval age mod of Ple2 asap. It will be probably the same years except i will add New scenarios like 632,565 or newer like 1492. If someone have a blank map of the game , it would be helpful since i can try to start working on it. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I will be glad to read them. If I put it in the wrong repertory, my bad.
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 9 replies
Obviously, we have resorces and their prices but what really define their prices? Is this a market system? where is supply and demand? And another question. Will resorces be a really useful? I mean, could them needed for buildings. For example there is a weapon factory. Player could not to train units with firearms, because he don't have a weapon production or have a huge debuffs on this units. and I suppose, that any type of building should have a employe factor. This means that if in province will be builded buildings with eploye capacity more than province even have. This building will not working. For example province have 20000 population Th…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
Is this you?
by Kiwi- 3 replies
Skorzystaj z bezpośredniego dostępu do Tłumacza Google. Erros ortográficos estarão prezentuje. Widziałem ten profil, gdy przeglądałem kanał YouTube „Age of History 3-TEMA” i na tym koncie zamieścił się film edytujący grę i był to film, którego nigdy nie publikowałeś na kanale @Łukasz Jakowski. Jestem naprawdę zdezorientowany
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 6 replies
Colonization. It needs to be changed. In the last part of the game, when you created a new city (for example, in empty America), a small population spawned. The population in such settlements is 5-10 times less than in already generated settlements. It is extremely difficult to raise such cities to the same European level. Therefore, in the new part of the game you can make colonization more realistic. For example, in Europe there is a city with a population of 100 thousand people, and there is a new colony with 10 thousand people. This can be done using the already created military conscription system, where, for example, 20 thousand out of 100 thousand in a European cit…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
This video shows that if we give military communications to an enemy country that is about to declare war, we will be able to destroy the enemy country without a single soldier when the enemy army comes to our territory, please fix this bug in Age of history 3.
Last reply by china peple, -
- 2 replies
Some of my questions about the game: 1. Is there a ranking of the strength (overall, military, economic, etc.) of the countries in the game? (seen in the latest WIP video ) 2. In the game, will the size of countries be expressed in area (km²) or will it be expressed in number of provinces like in aoh2 ? 3. The army in the game is mobilized according to population, but can later centuries mobilize more? For example, the 19th century mobilized more troops than the 17th century because the 19th century had a larger population . And will the number of mobilized soldiers be as high as in history, like the Soviet Union in WWll, about more than 8 million soldiers? 4. In …
Last reply by t.An_legit, -
- 2 replies
Will it be possible to make technology trees unique to each nation? What I would think is that possibly the game's official tech tree will be inside a folder called "Research". Inside it will be the normal technology tree, the official one and the one that comes by default. But I would like it to be able to have a folder that tells us what more can be done. Example: folder called "AOC" (Country Tag), inside it there is a unique technology tree for the nation. This folder would be a type of template to indicate the capacity to create unique or national technologies. The Tag in the name of the folder would serve for the game system to identify that that civil…
- 2 replies
Hi Łukasz Jakowski No grupo Discord onde converso, ponderamos quase diariamente sobre a natureza das batalhas aéreas no AoH3. Discutimos o potencial para uma separação distinta nas batalhas; em vez de aeronaves apenas funcionarem em batalhas, elas também poderiam servir apenas para conduzir bombardeios semelhantes às bombas atômicas e operar de forma semelhante à mecânica de pilhagem em AoH2."
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I ain't suggesting things like put millions and millions of different ideologies, but would be great to add malus to some ideologies, some could even bring more malus than bonus.
Last reply by ThatTest,