656 topics in this forum
Will there be chemical weapons?
Last reply by Sanek1989, -
- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski Hi Lukaz, I am writing to ask you a question regarding the creation of countries. In Age of History 2 when you created a country it didn't let you choose the type of government or religion it was going to have as a base. So when in a game, due to revolts, that country appears is always a democracy. In Age of History 3 is it going to be possible to adjust that?. Thank you very much.
Last reply by Keguca10, -
- 0 replies
Good morning, today I have a possibly bad question. I hope you take your time to read this. Will it be possible to force or force the AI to conquer one or more provinces for an event? For example: A new option that says: "If it is AI, mandatory condition" YIf it was not understood well, it is something like this: Germany's AI has to create a building/technology/army with its money and effort. I hope it hasn't been such a waste of time, please drink water and thanks for reading 👍
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Will there be additional scenarios in the game? World 2, the modern world
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 0 replies
Would you be able to make the ai focus on forming it's formidable nation instead of just attacking randomly It will make the map more defined as time goes on and it will help fix the border gorse @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Yahya, -
- 0 replies
Hey there, Lukazs! I created this topic to ask you a favor,and that is for you to add Mount Athos. Firstly, unlike the Vatican which you sadly confirmed it won't be in the game, mount Athos has a decent land area and while it won't have a huge population it will be of significant importance to the Orthodox Christian players. Secondly (and lastly)it will help expand the map as well as giving freedom to players to draw peace treaties more freely. As for it's name, name the province "Karyes" which is the capital of the province. Below will be 2 pics. The first one will be the normal one and the second will have the borders of mount Athos.
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
- 4 replies
Will it be possible to send a specific number of soldiers or armies to support a nation? Example: German/soviet military support to Spain during the Spanish Civil War of 1936. Sorry for the sudden question and other things; drink water and don't forget to eat healthy foods 👍
Last reply by Anyone, -
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi Lukasz, I may be late for this, but could you add these provinces in : France : Split Melun and add Montargis in the south Balkan : Slit Tetovo and add Zelino in the south, split Orhid and add Struga, and split Vrange and add Medveda in the north.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Will it be possible to convert to different religion? For example adopt Orthodox Christianity as Kievan Rus'?
Last reply by qxz, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I have a question concerning the wasteland terrains in Aoh3: Like in aoh2, where some scenarios such as 1440, Victorian era 1200 etc had wasteland terrains that can't be passed by army and dont have ownership of provinces, and provinces dont show their names, will in Age of History 3 be wasteland terrains mechanics ? Or there will be but they are different ? Thank you for answering
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Очень хочется, чтобы аон 3 стоил меньше 10 долларов, так как живу не в стране, где большие зарплаты. И конечно, если вы сделаете региональные цены, это будет очень хорошо. Но все же, интересно, какая будет цена в России или Казахстане.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
Cardio Balance ist ein globales Problem, das sich von Tag zu Tag verschlimmert. Auch bei jungen Menschen trägt die Krankheit zur Fettleibigkeit bei. Für alle, die nach einer Möglichkeit suchen, einen gesunden Blutzuckerspiegel aufrechtzuerhalten, haben wir ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel im Angebot. Bei einem geschäftigen Lebensstil ist es in der Tat schwierig, sich gesund zu ernähren. Ein unausgeglichener Lebensstil führt zu Problemen wie einem erhöhten Blutzuckerspiegel, der lebensbedrohlich sein kann. Es gibt nur wenige echte Strategien, um damit umzugehen. Glücklicherweise ist Cardio Balance einer von ihnen. Das Cardio Balance verstehen: Cardio Ba…
Last reply by cardiobalancebetrug2, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
Are you have any plans for ethnic groups in AOH3 ?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
What will the Formables system be like? It would be like Aoh2 or new system? I'm really interested in this.
Last reply by Evis7, -
- 5 replies
Sorry for another little question again. But so as not to add unnecessary padding: Is it possible that some diplomatic options can be unlocked by researching technology? Example: You research the "Economic Control" technology and it unlocks the option to place embargoes on countries. Thank you for reading and I hope my question was understandable, drink water and live the good life.
Last reply by mrx, -
- 1 reply
Can you add supplies as a future next to the money in the hotbar Supplies will be gathered from food related resources While you can build farmlands at any province that have plains and it will produce it So you could have "famines" which was quite common in the medieval times and you have to constantly supply your army in amount depending on the size and the kind of units like horses will take more than the infantry So you won't just have a big army sitting and waiting all the time without consequences @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 0 replies
Sorry to be annoying again. I'm just curious, so sorry. But my question is a bit silly at first glance. Firstly, My question is: Will colony nations be controlled differently than vassals and puppets? I mean, the Spanish viceroyalties were considered part of Spain and not a colony as such, according to what I have read about that. The European colonies have several functions that made them underdeveloped for a long time, when economic production was focused above civil well-being. Puppets are nations that fall to the interests of the stronger nation so they are more likely to accept treaties. So, to avoid more unnecessary filler, my question is: Will colony nati…
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
by Adi338- 0 replies
How will coalitions and general penalties work for conquering everything around you with a focus only on war? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Adi338, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Sorry for interrupting or sorry for be Annoying. However, I am slightly curious. This new question is about armies created by modders. If there were three types of army (naval, land and air), will the text files dictate what type or class of army it is?, I know it's a silly question, but what I mean is that seeing infantry walking through the water is not the same as seeing a ship sailing on land. (Of course if modders make ship units.). Have a good day and don't forget to drink water.
Last reply by EdgeLord, -
- 0 replies
The ingredients in Sugar Defender Drops are picked not only for
Last reply by dennisussel, -
If no navy
by Yahya- 0 replies
If there's no naval units at least change the the army and the battleground looks when it's in sea like change it to (warriors standing on boats) And instead of seeing them fight in soil make it a connected ships Just to make it feel like they are on sea without adding new units
Last reply by Yahya, -
by Guest- 1 reply
Will rivers be a real barrier for army? It's very important for defense if an enemy can easily atack and capture player's land through it. it be very sad 😭😭
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 0 replies
could leaders be able to lead armies as generals during eras like the medieval period?
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 1 reply
Will the game have a surrender system? If so, what will it be and how will it work?
Last reply by Warnnexx,