639 topics in this forum
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Can a lord take the military command of the vassal civilization? or Can a lord take the points of the vassal civilization?
Last reply by Zhchj2006, -
- 5 replies
I'm making an Age of History 3 Korean map now. Now all I have to do is make a sea. and I wait for Lucasz to release AoH3. WOW!
Last reply by xox, -
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Will the game have a surrender system? If so, what will it be and how will it work?
Last reply by Вааас, -
- 2 replies
Will there be provinces that make up a larger region or county in the game?
Last reply by Blake Wells, -
- 1 reply
What system requirements will the game Aoh3 require? Is it interesting to me?
- 2 replies
If we decide that we no longer need the features of an advisor, can we take a risk and hope that a better one will come along and fire that advisor? And choose new one
Last reply by ethanorhan, -
- 1 reply
What are the resources in the game for? Will they just be directly converted into money, or can they be traded and used for various mechanics? For example, when playing for civilization A, buy resources from civilization B and use them to build buildings. I think that it would be good to orientate on the system of trade and resources from the game Victoria 2, but make a more simplified version, so as not to turn the game into a complex economic simulator.
- 1 reply
I don't want to test the administrative district of the Korean Peninsula, but can't you separate the province in Kaesong? Using a Translator
Last reply by Zhchj2006, -
- 1 reply
Widziałem, że w filmie jest pokazane, że za zwycięską bitwę dostaje się +15% warscore'a. Ale czy będzie tak przy każdej bitwie? Załóżmy, że obie strony konfliktu mają armię po 100 tysięcy, ale stocza jedną bitwę z 2 tysiące vs. 2 tysiące. Czy za taką bitwę też będzie +15% skoro właściwie nie miała ona żadnego wpływu na losy wojny? Może dobrze byłoby uzależnić warscore za bitwę od całej puli walczących żołnierzy (np. obie strony w sumie mają 200 tysięcy żołnierzy, więc za bitwę w której w sumie walczyło 4 tysiące powinno się dostać tylko + 2% warscore'a. Im większa bitwa, tym więcej warscore'a. Jeśli np podczas bitwy zniszczymy całą armię przeciwnika to może od razu p…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
My question is about the production of soldiers or troops, Will troops need any buildings to be created and stored? Something like: Barracks - infantry Heavy vehicle factory - tanks/troop infantry transport vehicles Air military base - airplanes general military base - Save troops and allow them to recover faster. as well as needing iron to produce tanks and planes. Or perhaps consume oil every month or day for these same vehicles. (I'm sorry for my bad English(I am using a translator))
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
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Lukasz, it would be nice if we could help you with the map. When i'm looking at my country's provinces in AoH2, I wanna cry, because they aren't looking good. But in AoH3 we can do something to avoid this problem, eg say you to do them good. Maybe you'll show us the map of eastern Europe, please? Thanks you for creating this game, you are the best!
Last reply by W AoC2 Mapper, -
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Will it be possible to create many rulers for one period and the random one of them will be a king? For example in polish king elections in 1573 so it will be more random options than Henri de Halois (Henryk Walezy)? It will be nice to write new history of Poland with election kings other than in reality. Imagine Wawrzyniec Bandura Słupski as a king in 1573 instead Henri de Halois. And second question. How it will be solved when in history were personal unions and two countries have the same ruler? Just in every country will be the same ruler (hope he will die at the same time) or maybe this two countries will create the union? (for example Ludwik Węgierski/Nagy Laj…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 reply
Are there also going to be like districts, states, counties or duchy's within your kingdom or country? Since on the Laws and Reforms it says that you can adopt reforms like "nobles have to bring in their armies to the monarch or something" in feudal rules.
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
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1. Will leaders be able to lead an army? 2. If so can a general or leader die in battle? 3. Why are there no navies? 4. could it be possible to play as a rebel without randomly losing in the game?
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 2 replies
In the latest video, some provinces had no names. Will it be like in the previous version of the game in AoH3 that some provinces will be called Fokus🐶🐕🦺? Or maybe every province will have own name (I hope it will 🙏)?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
- 12 replies
7 questions for Lukash. 1. Will there be open or closed alpha or beta testing of the game? 2. Will there be new scenarios in the game? For example the Cold War or the First World War? 3. Will new bodies of water be added to the game? For example, the Dead Sea. 4. Will there be mutiny during wars in the game? As are known, for example, Froberg mutiny, Kiel mutiny, Prigozhin mutiny. So do your gaming ones. 5. Will there be full achievements in the game? And also certain rewards (that do not greatly affect the game) for difficult achievements? 6. Is it possible to make the planet's population in different years correspond to its era in the game?…
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
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aoh3/aoc3 I want to play it The first vote was me for the first option have your own opinion
Last reply by Marki Rabbit, -
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Will it be easier to make events in aoh2/aoc2
Last reply by Marki Rabbit, -
- 1 follower
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Hi Lukasz, I want to know the current buff for ideologies, since I have an idea about them.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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I see that we have several building slots in the province and 4 infrastructure slots. What we can do with infrestructure? Will there be any buildings to be built there too? If so, will it be possible to change these infrastructure buildings in the same JSON file as the rest of the buildings?
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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We all know that there was something like opium wars. Will there be drugs in the game? They should give as bonuses in income but also increase in coruption, slower technology development and more deaths due to diseases. There are countries like Myanmar where drugs are a significant part of their economy
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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Last reply by AndreGriffin, -
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Last reply by delanoshua, -
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Elite Testo Max
Last reply by JimenezReece, -
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I know Aoh2 never had this, but will there be a map in Aoh3 showing you where large amounts of people that are from your country living in another are? I think it would make sense for Aoh3.
Last reply by QuiteCloth,