655 topics in this forum
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How will leaders in newly created countries work? Random name + random portrait or something different?
Last reply by hardlysane, -
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Hi Lukas, I have heard that the editor would be only for pc. I just want your confirmation. Thank you.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Another slight question about the new editor mode would be: Can we edit or set an initial economy or population amount for each civilization? Basically, if we could do that, we could create real modern scenarios, for example, China with 1b population, USA with 21b economy, among others, although not so exaggerated. Thanks for reading, and don't forget to drink water 👍
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
So, dear Lukasz Jakowski. I want to ask a question about scenarios in Age Of History 3. Will you add scenarios WW1, WW2 and Modern age in the game? Just I really want to play scenario of Modern day or WW2. Well, if you can, please, answer this question.
Last reply by pedroRSmapper, -
- 4 replies
How do the resources work or what are they used for? That's my only question about resources.
Last reply by Edmilson Gomes, -
- 1 reply
The game is going to have a scenario editor, civilization editor and all that?
Last reply by WATER, -
- 2 replies
If I remember correctly, you previously mentioned on the forum that there would be no trading in the game. However, I can see that there are certain resources in the game, and I also noticed in one of the shorts you uploaded that the state of Panama has a Merchant Republic ideology, which is based on commercial activities. Honestly, this situation makes me very curious. Will we be able to use these resources for trading, and what purpose will they serve? And I noticed a few things regarding the seas in the recently released video, what will they provide for us? I am very curious.
Last reply by muhoaga, -
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Is it possible to implement all this? Pan Lukasz, I think that resources should also be able to overlap each other. So that one province could have several types of resources at once. I also think it is necessary to introduce a system of province fertility with this resource on a scale from 1 to 3.
Last reply by WATER, -
- 6 replies
Hello Lucas, I would like to ask a question and offer you what I think is a good idea about feudal fragmentation. Lets starting, I would like to ask an important question, what will happen to the Holy Roman Empire in aoc 3? will it be organized in the game, or not? There is also another important question, if there is one, will the system of feudal fragmentation be organized in age of civilizations III, for example France? Will there also be a system of Byzantine bureaucracy, femes, exarchates, senate, iconoclasm? And what about the vassal system as a whole, will there be a division into governorships, direct vassals, protectorates, etc.? …
Last reply by Timofey Bonaparte, -
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Like, we won't fight in a line in 20th century right? Hopefully it will be dynamic. Or more like is the game supposed to be in modern years at all?
Last reply by Xm0x, -
Hello. We know that the Navy will not be in the game, but it is still one of the biggest fan requests, which is justified, as some of the greatest battles in history that shaped the world as we know it took place at sea. Ships are cool, ships are vital to human civilization. That said, why won't there be a navy in the game? Is it due to lack of ideas, problems coding that mechanic, or something else?
Last reply by Devvy, -
Aoh2 is not very strategic and winning wars does not require any skill, does Aoh3 rely on skill and strategy to win battles?
Last reply by TheMaul, -
Council System. I think the council system is good but it needs to be improved. Apart from the Advisors section, features that can vary according to ideology should be added. For example, in dynastic states, there should be Crown Princes and the Monarch can ask him/her to take the throne as a testament (the probability of the heir the Monarch wants to take the throne increases by X%) The features related to the council system can be increased in this way
Last reply by mysta, -
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How will greek and phoenician colonization differ from modern colonization? They will have access to any uncolonized land in the whole world, or settlers can only go until a certain distance?
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
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Will there be Catastrophes? Since the game has an Irrigation System, if not, it would be good to add one.
Last reply by Neyoto Hiro, -
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Hi Lukasz, I would like to give you a simple and effective suggestion about the assimilation system. First of all, it is foreseen that there will be a natural assimilation system, if there will be such a system, my suggestion is that it will NOT hinder it, so the two systems can work together. If we find the natural assimilation system slow and we want to speed it up, we can erect propaganda buildings in the areas where we want to assimilate and assign missionaries (or provocateurs) there to speed up the process of adaptation of elements of the population such as religion and ethnicity!
Last reply by mysta, -
- 1 reply
Will hotseat mode return? I notice if you playing 5+ countries you need to make sure everyone completes their turn in order for the game to save which is insane.
Last reply by Iceman, -
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Is it possible to change cities and countries names through time ? Like : The city of Edo became Tokyo in 1873 in Japan, Ceylon became Sri Lanka in 1972 ? Edit : Also changing some names while changing ideologies : Constantinople (monarchy) became Istanbul (democraty) in Turkey Stalingrad (communist) became Volgograd (republic) in Russia
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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Hello Lukasz. I wanted to ask about the scenario of modern times. Will he? Will there also be a script for 1936,1939,1945 and 1991 in the new part? (sorry, I’m writing from a translator. If there are mistakes, then sorry)
Last reply by WzxQr, -
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Would there be any consequences such as economic reductions or revolts if I changed to a communist state with most of my population wanting to be democratic?
Last reply by Mackers, -
Shape Kapseln Höhle Der Löwen bei den meisten Menschen auf der Welt kommt es irgendwann zu einer Gewichtszunahme. Betroffen sind vor allem Menschen mit zunehmendem Alter, insbesondere ab dem 40. Lebensjahr. Viele Faktoren bestimmen die Gewichtszunahme. Zu den Faktoren, die dabei eine Rolle spielen, gehören ein verlangsamter Stoffwechsel, ein hormonelles Ungleichgewicht, Muskelabbau, ein gestörter Schlafrhythmus sowie zunehmende Beschäftigung und weniger Aktivität. Während viele Menschen diese Gewichtszunahme energisch angehen und versuchen, sie einzudämmen, können die meisten dieser Menschen nichts dagegen tun. Shape Kapseln Höhle Der Löwen behauptet, eine Lös…
Last reply by shapekapselnbewertungen, -
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tech-tree Like Hoi4's Focus point
Last reply by Zhchj2006, -
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Lukasz jakowsky postei esse tópico porque queria saber se você vai liberar o jogo na Alpha ou só na versão final? Obrigado
Last reply by kauã gabriel, -
Ships will be added?
Last reply by Keguca10, -
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Will it be able to carry a graphics card like Intel 2000 with 2 GB RAM or 4 GB RAM? Lukas, Turks love you.
Last reply by adsadasd,