655 topics in this forum
- 2 replies
Lukasz Jakowski Please Answer This Question, But Will There Be An Mobile Version Of AoH3, And If So When? By When i Mean How Long After The PC Version Releases, Since It Would Be So Nice If Both The PC And Mobile Versions Released At Around Similar Times But Theres Probably No Way That Will Happen, So How Much, 1, 2, 3 Months After The PC Version Releases? And Will There Even Be An Mobile Version? Please Answer So That Us Mobile Playets Can Have At Least Some Info Or a Bit Of Hope.
Last reply by PedroCubo, -
Работает ли команда разработчиков над Age of History 3?
Last reply by Mens, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I hope am not reposting an already answered question, but I want to know if this game will support the Steam workshop for the mods but mostly so normal people can upload a scenario to it and other people can play it and etc.
Last reply by paranameso, -
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Will there be an age of history 3 lite much like there was for aoh2, it will be free to download, but will have a limited amount of content and only one unfinished senario for the player to play.
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
- 0 replies
If can you answer this questions Lukasz: - Are there any plans to add the solar system or research to reach space? If yes, how would it work or if resources could be extracted or wars fought in these? - Will uncivilized countries, such as the Iroquois or the Zulu, have their own actions, troops and events or will they inevitably have to become civilized like the Europeans?
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 3 replies
Could you fix this straight line?
Last reply by AhmedSarg, -
- 0 replies
Will there be a time reference? Let’s say that bombs cannot be used until the time of their creation. Or rather, that they cannot be used in some 1500 years and so on. If this is not there, then please add it.
Last reply by tractorist, -
- 0 replies
Hello, I would like to ask if the trade of resources is (or is planned to be added) in the game and how it will affect domestic economies and geopolitics. Will trade be more of a flexible system like Victoria 3 or a more rudimentary system like Hearts of Iron IV? Will trade affect geopolitical standpoints and where the AI chooses to colonize? Can trade embargos be used as a diplomatic weapon? How will Politics and Missions affect your trade style and efficiency? Will there be different trade laws like Victoria 3? Not trying to bombard you with these questions but just want to hear from you.
Last reply by Bruhfinder, -
- 5 replies
Hello, I am really looking forward to the release of AoH3, but I noticed on the Steam page that the game will not support the Ukrainian language, which greatly saddened me. So, will it be added in the future at least? Are there any reasons why it's not there? Is there any help needed for translating the game?
Last reply by Imro692, -
- 0 replies
Advisors and generals will have generic portraits and names depending on culture, region and era or player can add own? And religion in country`s information display is state religion or most common and if its secular or atheist state?
Last reply by WolodyaRed21, -
When we will now the music of the game?
Last reply by PedroCubo, -
- 0 replies
Лукаш, многие люди пишут свои идеи под твоими видео. Вы читаете комментарии под видео?
Last reply by WATER, -
- 0 replies
Dear Lukasz, We know you are very busy and we know you are working with incredible dedication. But we gamers are a bit impatient, you know. The things we want to ask you about are navies and multiplayer. Will there be a multiplayer system, and if so, how will it be? And most importantly navies, will these navies be in the game, and if so, what kind of navies will there be? I hope you will read this. Have a good work
Last reply by mysta, -
by kauã gabriel- 0 replies
Desculpa pela pergunta mas você tem previsão de quando sairá o jogo pra mobile,Pc e Ios E outra pergunta é se você vai disponibilizar a Alpha quando ou vai terminar o jogo e enviar a versão completa?
Last reply by kauã gabriel, -
- 0 replies
Лукаш, прокомментируй пожалуйста. And will there even be achievements and rewards for them? For example. Music. The music in the alpha is good, but I suggest, if possible, adding a little separate music for each country (or region). Conventionally, there will be a tab where you can switch the music either to general (classic soundtracks that will be available for any state) or to specific regional soundtracks. And during the game for certain states, you will receive new tracks in the form of achievements.
Last reply by WATER, -
- 0 replies
Here is the time of videos. First - near one minute, second over 3. Also, in steam, every game has news, and on aoh3 page, we can see when the nowadays news will go and the new comes out. So the date is Febuary 10. In youtube age of history 3 playlist, there are 4 hidden videos, so one of them can come out on 10 Febuary. What do you think about it?
Last reply by W AoC2 Mapper, -
- 0 replies
So like it will be released after AoH3 releases and it will be like a month and a half
Last reply by Fireboy, -
- 2 replies
Will migration, imperial HRE stuff, trading for various actions and other stuff be implemented in the game, and, if so, how drastically will they change? I think it would be cool to have them, but definitely not in a way they existed in AoH2, because of how a bit broken they were.
Last reply by Mov, -
- 0 replies
Could have a setting for iPhone users, to optimize the screen. The front camera is what we can't touch to build buildings and it could bother us.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
I just want to know how much the game will cost when released.
Last reply by cowcowmoo, -
- 3 replies
Will it be available on Android?💀
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
I would like to invite you to the first edition of my new project Age of History3 week, where we will look at information about the new game of Łukasz Jakowski. Relase Date As we see on last Age of History 3 videos uploaded on You Tube the main XV century map is filled with a few countries from all over the world. It looks like provinces in Europe and Asia are finished but on film we don't see all map. Of course now it's completely unfinished and I think that work on the map will take a while. First of all, this applies to filling the map with countries and data such as: population resources, etc. The same is with civilization data and religions, re…
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
1: will sandbox mode exist in aoh3 2: will there be a multiplayer mode 3: will it be possible to convert your nation into another religion 4: will it be possible to convert another nation into your religion 5: will it have historical more 6: how many scenarios will there be 7: can a nation capitulate 8:Can you send troops to another nation without being at war with them 9: can you nuke a nation without being at war with them 10: will there be civil wars 11: can a monarch, president and ECT covert without the entire nation changing religion(only they will convert) 12: can kings go to battle 13: can you gēnôc!dé a …
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
- 1 reply
please provide fans with a beta version as soon as possible
Last reply by Historia, -
- 0 replies
Everyone with a bad computer is curious about the system requirements of the game. What kind of computer can run it on average? (Approximately)
Last reply by YusufAliDE,