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Welcome everyone to my modest post in which I would like to discuss AoH3 and its problems on release. WARNING: This post are my own opinion of the game. The game haves tons of great features that I'm grateful for but this post about its drawbacks. 1. Bad battle mechanics. The battle mechanic we have now better than in AoH2 but still needs more attention. The current battle system feels like it made only for medieval warfare. Currently it's uncomfortable to play with that warfare in modern day scenarios. It also have much more drawbacks that need to be fixed or reimagined. 2. Poor diplomacy. The charm of AoH2 was great diplomacy. You could do man…
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
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"manpower" - adds 7500 manpower "diplomacy" - adds 100 diplomacy points "legacy" - adds 250 legacy points
Last reply by AOH3simp, -
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Hello Mr. Lukasz, can you tell us a clear day for mobile? 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks or 24 hours. Please give us a clear answer considering the work you have done.
Last reply by Revo, -
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I know it seems small but thank you Lukasz not only for creating this great game but also listening to ideas and adding suggestions from fans, it means a lot to me a probably the rest of the community also, imagine my surprise when two of my idea formable nations where added (both Anglosphere and Austrian Reich) It really does mean a lot, and i'm sure other people how have had their suggestions added are also feeling quite happy, i'm looking forward to see what plans are next
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 4 replies
There are zombies in the game. As a race and civilization. Zombie apocalypse scenarios soon?
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 2 replies
I know AOH3 is already out but. I salute AOH2 for giving me so much hours of fun. Bye AOH2 🫡
Last reply by BigCrow, -
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Hello! 🙂 I would like to share my game report after 12 hours, I started playing England in 1440 and below is the effect of almost 200 years of play, I have a lot of land in Africa, North and South America and not long ago I decided to conquer Indian areas as well, they have a lot of good goods and a lot of population, I am going to continue playing on this save because I was so drawn into it 🙂 A really great game, I'm sure these 12 hours are just the beginning 🙂
Last reply by ADReM, -
Last reply by Tdrr,
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Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
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Steam Workshop: ttps:// a fictional succession of the Eastern Roman Empire. This is a mod that allows me to play the virtual country I created, "Despotes of Korea," in Age of History 3. The Despotes of Korea is a fictional nation, and successor in the Eastern Roman Empire formed on the Korean Peninsula. *There is no relation to real history and events, and they are all fiction created.*
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
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Lukasz Jakowski, can you add more civilizations (just sets of countries with flags) so that the game is not empty, you can look at the civilizations from the mod for Age of History 2 called Sieg Edition, there are a lot of different civilizations that just fill and enliven the game. I hope you like my idea!
Last reply by X_X, -
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I played as germany and i changed to national socialism and this cool portrait of adolf hitler showed
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 20 replies
"Chicos y caballeros (no creo que haya muchas mujeres aquí) Mañana es el día, MAÑANA ES EL DÍA, ¿debería decirlo más alto? La espera ha merecido la pena, Łucazs, definitivamente hiciste un gran trabajo, lo digo en serio, amigo. No me importa si mucha gente dice que abandonarás el juego, ya has hecho tu trabajo, hacer FELIZ a tu comunidad 🙂 Tómate tu tiempo, amigo, y relájate, porque esta comunidad que has construido con amor y dedicación te va a dar mucho. Te aprecio mucho (como desarrollador de juegos 😜). Demostremos todos nuestro apoyo y amor a nuestro querido Łucazs, se lo merece :)" @Lukasz Jakowski
Last reply by DRM, -
- 1 reply
I'm waiting for mobile version please send videos for us mobile people.🥺
Last reply by Turtley, -
- 2 replies
I don't know anymore. I'm creating new nation and when I tryna to place nation on the map then my nation have big flag with white "?" I don't why its happening...
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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At the beginning I congratulate @Łukasz Jakowski a great premiere of the game, I play about two hours and I really have a lot of fun, there are a few errors in the translation but overall the game is really well done, I started with England with the idea of making a colonial empire, I started in 1440, I already know that I will spend many hours in Age of Hisotory 3, and the price of the game, which is really low, reinforces my belief that @Łukasz Jakowski is great, full of passion, thank you again @Łukasz Jakowskifor creating Age of History 3 and I hope that the game will be even more successful and allow you to grow even more! Greetings :)
Last reply by ADReM, -
Hi Lukas I have a question. when will age of history 3 be ported to android?
Last reply by Max_2462, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Widzę, że lubisz ukrywać takie małe "smaczki" w Kanadzie 😛 +10 do patriotyzmu za orła białego 😄
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
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I need some cash to play it But i'm short of cash. Do you mind if I still all your cash to buy age of History 3
Last reply by Lewandowski, -
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Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Reza Shah, -
Last reply by Warnnexx,
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Last reply by Warnnexx, -
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Gluconol-Pillen bieten eine natürliche und wirksame Unterstützung in einer Welt, in der die Behandlung von Diabetes für einen gesunden und aktiven Lebensstil entscheidend ist. Diese fachmännisch entwickelten Nahrungsergänzungsmittel sollen insbesondere optimale Glukosewerte unterstützen, die Insulinempfindlichkeit verbessern und Diabetikern bei der Kontrolle ihres Blutzuckerspiegels helfen.
Last reply by solakelyr, -
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Last reply by Beter Griffin,