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874 questions in this forum
Is the terrain size of countries shown in km in the game?
Is the total land size of countries shown in km and does the land size increase with each conquest? If there is such a system, it would be great if countries can be sorted in km in the ranking section, such as the number of states.
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Change religion/culture
Will it be possible to change the culture/religion of a country through events
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2 questions
Question 1: Will Age of History 3 have sandbox mode? Question 2: (related to creating a map in Age of History 2) I created a map for myself. However, when I clicked the new game (with a test scenario), it just transported me back to the main menu.
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6 votes6 answers
Lukasz, after aoh3 is finished, will you add the features you can't add with the updates that will come later or will you add the features you can't add after 5-6 years in aoh4 without updating like in aoh2? Because you have never updated aoh2 except for 1-2 updates.
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Lukasz, aoh3 bittikten sonra ekleyemediğin özellikleri sonradan gelecek güncellemelerle mi ekleyeceksin, yoksa aoh4'e 5-6 yıl sonra ekleyemediğin özellikleri aoh2'deki gibi güncelleme yapmadan mı ekleyeceksin? Çünkü aoh2'yi 1-2 güncelleme dışında hiç güncellemediniz.
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Lukasz why don't you bring multiplayer to Age of History 3?
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News in Steam
Lukasz, hello. Will you post more news-guides in "community of Steam". For example your post-guide "Special Civilization Upgrades", "The Power Of Goverment".
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The wonders of 1500 should not exist in the year 1000.
All wonders have different years of creation. Don't you think that, for example, in 1400 there should only be those wonders in the world that existed at that moment? New wonders will open over time and will need to be built. Is it possible to implement this?
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In the latest video about ships, I wonder if these ships are used for. Is it for the military, for trade (resources), for relations purposes, or for exploration (colonization).
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Events in AoH3
Will there be possibility to create events in AoH3 with same construction as in AoH2. I mean, will it be possible to create events for only one country in a one scenario as it was in AoH2? Example: Death of Władysław III of Varna event for Poland in main (1440) scenario
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Question: Will AOH3 have all the old event outcomes (other than removed ones of course) And how will province change in events work
the Jpeg event files seem to be missing many of the event triggers and outcomes from the old game. they are also missing the ability to transfer provinces or occupy provinces via events, how will it work?
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Air strike?
Hey Lukasz will you add airstrike to the game?
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Hey Lukasz what about adding mehter to the game
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Division Lines
Greetings, Jakowski! I am inquiring about the significance of the bar adjacent to the divisions—is it indicative of the troops’ morale, or does it represent Supplies? I am keen to understand, as it appears to diminish following a battle. My conjecture is that it pertains to morale, especially since you have not yet published any videos on supplies. I extend my gratitude for all your assistance
3 votes6 answers -
Will AoH 3 have a ruler editor like in Crusader kings? Will there be some kind of dynasty system?
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How many scenarios are there in the game and what are there? Is it the same as aoh2?
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Will there be a tutorial in the game (AoH3)?
AoH2 had it and AoH3 has a lot of new systems and dynamics A lot of new players will come with AoH3
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Multiple wonders on one location
Will it be possible to add more than one wonder to the same place or only one wonder per division?
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After the release of Aoh3, will you leave again for 4 years to make Aoh4?
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Beta test
Lukasz, hello. Will beta test of Aoh3 be be available? We can't wait to try this very good game!!!
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FAQ file: waves opacity
Inside the FAQ folder I noticed a file about waves opacity and map background, what does it mean?
4 votes3 answers -
Disable the worldmap in AOC2
Hi, I created a custom map of Italy, but I don't want it to be like the Earth, that is, to be able to scroll horizontally from one side to the other. I went into the config.json file and set "worldmap" to false. However, I replaced the Left and Right map backgrounds and put the full map renaming it like this "Italy_M.png". The game then crashes on startup. How should i do? In some addons and mods it is done in this way
-1 vote1 answer -
Cost of Aoh3
Lukasz, hello. Can you answer, how much will Age of History 3 cost? It's very interesting question for me. Try to answer approximately how much it will cost, please.
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