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- Puppet States
- By panszop,
- 1k
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- 752 replies
Final text to translate! To complete the translation, I still need the final texts translated. Could you translate this file? File: Send the translated version to my email address: // Previous message! Hi, I need your help translating the Age of History 3 to your native language. Your translation into your native language would be very helpful! ❤️ Email: In the attachment is a file with new texts in the game to be translated. How to make translation: In the file there is list of texts i…
Last reply by DigiAOH3, -
- 288 replies
Your ideas can become part of the game, in this topic we will write ideas for new buildings in Age of History 3. The buildings will be grouped into four categories: 1. Administration 2. Military 3. Economy 4. Unique capital buildings - These powerful buildings provide bonuses for the local province or for all provinces of your Civilization or Civilization All of the buildings can be upgraded, here is example: Library -> University -> Academy Each building costs differently and gives different bonuses. This is what your building idea post should look like, example Building Group: Adm…
Last reply by khang, -
- 242 replies
In this topic you can write your ideas for formable Civilizations for the game. It can be real/fictional/meme/funny. Template: Name: Flag: Link to image What civilizations can create it: Provinces that must be controlled to from a civilization:
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 227 replies
In this topic we will write ideas for new land units. AoH3 will have different types of land units. First of all, the AoH 3 will have new battle system: Representation of the battlefield in the game. Land units will be grouped into 3 types. Groups determine the placement of units on the battlefield. Each unit can be unlocked by researching technology and then upgraded. Units will have a different recruitment cost, attack, defense, movement speed and upkeep. Here is the current list of units with upgrades: First line: Warrior -> Light Footmen -> Heavy Infant…
Last reply by RostislavMerte, -
- 196 replies
Hi, in this topic, I am interested in your ideas for events that can happen for every Civilization in the game. Civilization have to do something or the level of something will be higher or lower. It is also possible to create a chain of events. I'm also interested in Missions for every Civilization. Missions, unlike events, will be shown in a special menu with a list of missions to complete. Here is some example, have more than 10k army, have more than 5000 gold, build 10 buildings, recruit an Advisor, increase tax efficiency 20 times, be largest producer of some resource in the world, unlock 5 Civilization legacies etc. You can co…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 111 replies
Does Age of History 3 need a publisher? What do you think?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 106 replies
In this topic, share your ideas for Campaign scenarios. These scenarios focus on a small part of the map, with the rest designated as wasteland. For example, a scenario of the Reconquista in 1054, where gameplay takes place only on the Iberian Peninsula. What are your ideas for small historical scenarios?
Last reply by chefegg, -
- 104 replies
I'm working on the HRE and I need your ideas, how it should work in the game. What I want to add: - Emperor gets manpower, and income based on the number of active Civilizations in the HRE - Emperor have to guarantee independence of every single Civilization in the HRE And then I would like to add some special missions(Reforms) for the HRE. If all missions(or Reforms) are completed, the HRE will be united under one Civilization. Any ideas for the missions/reforms? Some basic ideas: Emperor have to spend X Gold. Emperor needs to have unlocked X technologies, Emperor have to spend X Legac y points, …
Last reply by MHATOPZz, -
- 94 replies
Role of the religion in the game What religion should do in the game? Every civilization and every province has a religion. If a province has a different religion than civilization, the province's income will be reduced by X% Civilization can convert religion in province. Relations between civilizations having different religions are worse. Religion should have unique bonuses? I'm looking for your ideas!
Last reply by khang, -
- 94 replies
Here in this topic you can write your ideas for a peace treaty. It might work like that: The war leader must have 100% war points and can make any demands. There will be a limit to how many provinces can be annexed in a peace treaty. It will depend on the size of the civilization compared to the civilization it is fighting against If a civilization's war exhaustion is high, the ticking war score will increase faster. The ticking war score will only increase for the currently winning side of the war.
Last reply by khang, -
- 84 replies
What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) Elections every 4/5 years? There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types. After elections prime minister/president should change? Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 79 replies
What do you think about the new technology tree in the game? What needs to be changed, moved or added? Here is a complete overview of the technology tree:
Last reply by elnegroimperial, -
- 73 replies
In this topic, we write the names of cities that should change their name depending on who controls the province. Example: Germany: Gdańsk=Danzig Wrocław=Breslau Byzantine Empire Istanbul=Constantinople Vatican Rome=Vatican A list of all cities in the game is attached. cities.json
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 70 replies
LUKASZ FOR FUCK'S SAKE IF YOU DONT ADD MULTIPLAYER TO AOH3 /////// jk jk ofc, but please LUKASZ FOR THE SAKE OF GOD AND YOUR FANS ADD MULTIPLAYER. MULTIPLAYER CAN GIVE YOUR GAME A LOT OF POTENTIAL!!!!!! (idk english lol) Anwser this simple question lukasz my beloved favourite game dev MULTIPLAYER FOR AOH3? 1: YES 2: NO
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 64 replies
Here's the definitive Culture List. I will edit the list on this topic. Any suggestions ?
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 60 replies
In this topic you can share your ideas about how spies should work in the game and what they can do. I'm really interested in your ideas.
Last reply by khang, -
- 60 replies
During the Hisrtory of the world, there have been many states that were occupired from the same nation. Some of these states have co-existed in the same timeline. This is also the case, in the present day, e.g. Cyprus and Greece, North Korea and South Korea etc. Instead of having populations that correspond to a specific state we should have populations that correspond to a nation. For example, instead of there being a Cypriot and a Greek nation, there should be a "Hellenic Culture" or "Korean Culture" you call it. You can do this by specifying a Culture to a State, like the Ottoman Empire is part of the Turkic "Culture" or "Turkish Nation". That's because as a Greek myse…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 58 replies
In the new video about the WWII scenario, I noticed quite a large number of flaws with borders/ countries: 1) Italian Kingdom. Inaccurate border with Yugoslavia: Ljubljana and present-day western Slovenia were captured by Italy only in 1941 during the partition of Yugoslavia. Thus, Italy has extra provinces north of Istria here. Italy should also have Zadar and a number of islands in the Adriatic south of Istria (including Cres). In addition, it's unclear from the video whether the Dodecanese Islands belong to Italy. 2) Estonia. In 1920-1944, Estonia (later the Estonian SSR) included Ivangorod (Yanilinn in Estonian spelling) and Pechora (Petseri in Estonian spel…
Last reply by Iceman, -
Hello Guys! If you like these ideas, then comment and react to the post so that the probability that Lukasz will see it is higher and therefore the probability that features will be adopted from this list! So i bought Aoh3 and i think we really need these features : -VERY IMPORTANT : Better and more Editor options ingame (Because not everyone can mod or plays on pc.) - One click build in all provinces - Multiplayer? - Maybe a focus tree system? (A focus tree system like in hoi4 which you can edit in scenario editor for different nations) - Civ Editor : Options for Different Names und Flags for different Religions and Ideologies …
Last reply by Mega4oSS, -
- 55 replies
My vision on the combat system in aoh3 in two versions in the basic and advanced which will appear later. Advanced version: Essentially develops the ground troops, air force, navy into individual types. Ground troops: soldiers, cavalry/(later) vehicles, artillery and ranged units, and special units, but about them later. At the beginning of the game there will be no recruitment option, but instead we will mobilize the poorly trained and armed peasant masses, how many we will call up under arms depends on the technology we developed in the early stages of the game, we will be able to mobilize 2% of the population from the provinces in 1…
Last reply by Nuhhuh31, -
- 55 replies
- 4k views CHECK THIS FILE OUT, pretty much lukasz asked for this file to be translated as the ''final file to finish game translation'' and it contains massive stuff that i had to share, i'll start with the less crazy and go up as we go along 1- centralization, colonies, and embargo's 2- ability to play as released civlization and control civs (likely in the sandbox mode) 3 - Ability to Revoke Cores 4- all the Scenarios coming to the game with their descriptions (Might be bad quality but you can read still) IT GETS REALLY CRAZY FROM …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 54 replies
PIRACY! piracy can easily stop deveolpment for the same reason it had a hand in stopping aoh2 development, its simple economics money = new content new content = updates updates = new buyers for the game the issue comes when you remove the first part, money, out of the equation, the whole infrastructure collapses and soon enough: no more new content, no more new updates, no more new buyers, meaning even less money is earned now, lukasz hasn't realized that this was the fatal mistake he made with aoh2, making a new game with the same mistake won't change anything, it will just be a new victim, and all this work will go down the…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 46 replies
in the video showing of the modern day scenario, Crimea is a part of russia, which supports the russian claims to Ukraine, let us fix this
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 45 replies
𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐈𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐈 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 I am posting my translation here. If there is any mistake, let me know and I will correct it. Aoh3 Trasnlate Remastered Again: 100% by Novruz Aoh2 Trasnlate: 100% Contributors: Yuskaa, Yusif Aliyev, Kalkansizviking and Novruz Tərcümə: Çevirdiyim tərcüməni bura atıram. Hər hansı bir səhvlik varsa mənə bildirin düzlədim Aoh3 Tərcümə Yenidən Yeniləndi: 100% Novruz tərəfindən Aoh 2 Tərcümə Edildi: 100% Əməyi Keçənlər: Yuskaa, Yusif Əliyev, Kalkansizviking və Novruz 𝐀𝐙𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐈𝐉𝐀𝐍𝐈 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄 translation_Azerbaijani_Aoh2.txt AzerbaijaniLanguageForAOH3.txt
Last reply by Novruz, -
- 45 replies
Hello mein people, today we're talking about houses. Now with out wasting anymore time, let us begin. Royal Houses: No not ones you live in. I mean lineages Romanovs, Tudors, Hapsburgs, HOHENZOLLERN, ect. Now I'm taking a tinsy winsy amount of inspiration from CK3, a p*radox game (barley even game just dlc). So please don't stone me to death. So lets say you are the house of ButtenShißenneinworbourge, and you wanna marry some one from a neighboring house. Their leader is female, your leader is male. Your wifey pops territories now are apart of your house. You can see the troops of the territory, your relations are high. And relations with the rest of her house h…
Last reply by conquere9114,