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Since we are waiting for AOH3 I have this question out of curiosity. Which is what is the most aspect AOH3 going to revolve around (focused on) 1. Economy 2. Military 3. Diplomacy Or is it going to about each individual aspect giving flavour and fun to the game
Last reply by Egyptian_Menace, -
- 0 replies
I think it would be good if we could trade with ships and planes in the new game, and in Age of History 2, when we go to war with an alliance, it does not accept peace. It is ridiculous that our alliance does not accept the peace request while I have no army and economy left and are losing land.
Last reply by Cüneyt, -
- 0 replies
I think that there should be 3 AI modes of the game, one mode where there is a actual story or the game, a 2nd where there is a historical AI where things go just like in real life history like the discovery for America, and the 3rd where there is no story thing and things can just go out of control. I also think that terrain should have more affect for example I think that mountainous regions could slow down movement of an army and if the terrain is icy like Antarctica or Russia then the army might quickly run out of supplies and I really hope that there could be an add of winter like when its summertime the heat can lead to the death of your army from heatstroke if it r…
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
- 0 replies
I propose that we can select multiple provinces so we can invest in them all at once. For example, if I want to invest or make buildings in the all American Midwest they are a lot of provinces, and is boring investing in them one by one, so I propose we can select all the provinces we want and make buildings or invest in them all at once. :)
Last reply by RMaRe, -
- 2 replies
Please replace the keyboard system with the default keyboard built into the device rather than the one built into the previous game. Translation: Papago
Last reply by SerenDippTheGreat, -
- 1 reply
Oyunda normal olarak başlamak için bir ülke seçeriz ama şu özellikte eklenebilir biz belirli para ile başlayarak halka propaganda yaparak isyan çıkartıp kendi devletimizi kurarız( bayrağımızı kendimiz tasarlarız)
Last reply by Harun Aladağ, -
- 1 reply
Play online system age of history 3
Last reply by Namiq7788, -
- 1 reply
In age of history 2 there are missing many african kingdoms, tribes, indian princely states and others (Like Jimma, Baroda, Indore, Rajkot, Limmu-Ennarea, Rewa, Chamba, Kalahandi, Calabar, Aro Confederation, Tuaregs, Bambara Empire, Cayor, Baol, Dendi Kingdom, Wadai Empire, Dar-al-Kuti, Witu Sultanate, Sultanate of the Geledi, Constantine, Agadez, and Baghirmi)
Last reply by Apolo, -
- 1 reply
Öncelikle Oyunda Seçim olmalıdır / , ve oyunda biz kimiz? (Vezir veya başkan yardımcısı gibi mi?) çünkü ülkeyi yöneten bir lider var / Binalar için ise : bina ismi:okul geliri:teknoloji 0.75 İnşaat için gereken para:5000(degişebilir) __________ Bina ismi:park Geliri:Mutluluk +1 devrim riski -1 İnşaat için gereken para:7000(degişebilir) (Askeri bölgeler de gelebilir ya da deniz Orduları gerekli bence
Last reply by Harun Aladağ, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Belgen, -
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dolayısıyla savaş tazminatı belirlenebilir ve daha fazla dayanıklılığa sahip olmalı vassalların dış politikasını biz yönetmeliyiz ve vassalların başına vali ataması olmalı bu valiler bazen bizim hükümetinin yanında bazende isyancı niteliklere sahip olsa güzel olur ve vassalların ordularını ideolojilerini ve halklarını yönetebilmeliyiz
Last reply by Muhammeddarkk7, -
- 19 replies
INTRODUCTION I may not have been a highly active writer on this forum before, however I spent hundreds of hours in AOH2 editor and I would like to share my experience and Conclusions on how AOH3 editor should look. My opinions are based on AOH2 so with upcoming new possible mechanics some things may get clickly outdated, obviously. First and Foremost, I want to point out that the editor is in my opinion the most important thing in AOH2, and most likely will become in AOH3 as well. And the most interesting thing in Editor is the Event creator and I will focus on it. AOH3 may become, apart from being good game, de facto launcher for different unique games if chang…
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 1 reply
There should be a Cannon Mode (similar to historical ai in Hoi4). Turning on the Cannon Mode would make the AI take the same decisions in every playthrough (Cannon event can be marked while editing events in scenarios). However player can choose other decisions in his playthrough (and can choose other decision for AI by switching to that nation). This would make playing historical scenarios more authentic. Also there should be a probability slider for events in which the probability of AI to take a decision can be increased or decreased. Civil Wars During Civil Wars, the rival government should have claim over all of the provinces of the governmen…
Last reply by kiarash, -
- 0 replies
I'm here to say than the game must have a better peace conference with these new funcions. 1. Release countries. In AoH2, we must annex the provinces then create a vassal and free it. It's too difficult and long and I want to chage that. Istead, a "free a country button" must be add and chose the country in "choose a country". 2. Demilitarised zones. In post ww1, Germany had demilitarised zones in Rhineland. I want than it's possible in the new game. 3. Army limits size . For example a country can't have more than 100,000 mens. 4. Renplace enemy's governement. If we defeat a country, maybe put a friendly governement with sometimes the ideology change…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Much like in our world where nations can claim areas that are not in their control you should be able to do it in AOH3. Basically you can add a claim based on demographics, historical majority-ownership, economic influence, huge disconnect between the nation that owns it and the territory you claim, it has a majority of the religion your nation believes in or because you simply what to. The nation in which you claim areas has to have a relation with you which is below +20 and will reduce the relations between the two states by -70. If a nation recognizes your claim your relations will increase by +70. A puppet will be forced to recognize your claim on the area and a…
Last reply by Pistoletoff, -
- 0 replies
Hi all, in aoc2 there is one problem related to the front, when you capture another's territory the bot simply does not create an army and does not even pull it to the updated front line. Will there be a new system of troops for bots? (for the creator).
Last reply by okbro, -
- 1 reply
It'd be very cool to be able to invest in a few provinces at one time, not like in AoH 2 where you had to invest either in all together either in one provinces at a time. It'd be better to invest, for example, in 4 or 5 particular provinces, to somehow select them and invest.
Last reply by xox, -
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¡Buenas! Vengo a presentar una idea de comercio que es que añadan barcos mercantes que puedan ser atacados estando en el agua de otro pais dependiendo de las relaciones diplomaticas Ej: Turquia y Egipto se llevan mal, un barco mercante turco pasa por el Canal de Suez y Egipto puede atacarlo y pueden declararse la guerra.
Last reply by TeamNazari, -
- 1 reply
Lots of ideas for AocIII. 1. Advisors 1.1 From Hearts of Iron 4 You can add advisors to Aoc3 like in Hoi4. That is, they will hold certain positions in certain cells of the government for a fee. They will have different characteristics, traits and abilities and They will give different bonuses, according to the type of character the merchant trait will give gold. 1.2 From Crusader Kings Or you can do it like in the Ck2 series of games. There will be several of the most important positions and the characters who will be in these positions will be the most influential of the advisers. There will also be different types of these positions such as “Chief of Relig…
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
Hi, how is the idea to add a genocidal mechanic so that a foreign province that you previously conquered, which has become national for your country, ceases to be national for the previous owner and so that the entire foreign population is destroyed or completely assimilated? And is it possible to add the mechanics of nuclear weapons? At the same time, if more than 1 civilization has a nuclear weapon, they will try not to use a nuclear weapon if there is no significant threat to the country And so that nuclear weapons can be disabled when starting a new game
Last reply by Bulbosław, -
- 3 replies
as wikipedia says hoi4, Focus trees allow players (and AI) to direct the development of their nation. Each country has a focus tree, representing the number of development paths (branches) available to that country. These paths may be based on actual historical situations or alternative historical possibilities. Individual options can range from political, diplomatic and military issues to more economic and research areas. but adding this would be a bad idea because Paradox could ban aoh3 on the focus tree, however Paradox has almost no copyright protection so we have two scenarios. maybe one scenario is more realistic, paradox won't care about copyright, but we don'…
Last reply by xox, -
- 11 replies
Assimilation could be slow and progressive, It doesnt feel very realistic to assimilate an entire region in 2 months. Maybe there could be "laws" that accelerate or decelerate the process of asimilation with its respectives bonuses. For example, "Forced assimilation" would make the process faster, but there's a higher rate of rebels, or less tax income from that region until it's assimilated
Last reply by xox, -
- 1 reply
So vassalisation is not the greatest in Aoh2. The vassal shouldn't be able to declare war on other nations and it should have less rights. I have modded my game a bit and gave vassals 3 type of autonomies: Dominion, Colony, Puppet (Totally didn't get the idea from Hoi4). the other things is leaders. Leaders should be changable in game, and in the scenario maker (I'll leave a pic for the idea). The Leaders should also change by government becausee it's just weird having Queen Victoria in a republican UK. so yeah like Leaders should be assigned to a government like Churchill-Democracy/Monarchy or Mosley to Fascism.
Last reply by xox, -
3d units represented on the map like in eu4, ck2 & hoi4 (can be turned of thru settings if ur device can't handle it) So you can switch from 2d to 3d units & opposite if ur device is too weak
Last reply by SerenDippTheGreat, -
- 4 replies
Frankly, I'm afraid. I think aoh3 will not be as high quality as we expected. Will age3 not receive monthly updates and will be released directly with the final version? Or does this humorously mean that aoh3 is now ready? Here is a sincere recommendation for Age of History 4. new game Let it be Civilization Empire Crusader Victoria History.
Last reply by Proyuzpvp,