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Creating cores and converting religion in provinces after 50 years of gameplay is so cheap that I hardly notice that something is missing from my treasury after spending money on this
Last reply by Marerjh, -
Though I love Age of History 3. What seriously pains me is the lacking of laws and reforms which could really diversify gameplay. Yes - I am aware I should be grateful for the beautiful gift Lukas has given me, which is the game itself. But I would suggest introducing several more laws and reforms to really enhance gameplay. For example: Laws should have their negatives and bonuses. Reforms may appeal other factions. By factions, I mean Liberals, Conservatives, Socialists, as such. Mainly in democracies, laws should be implemented by a legislative-body. Congress, for example. That be it.
Last reply by Kaiser Ink, -
- 0 replies
for example when someone that you dont want to rule the country rules it, then in menu where is the leader and advisors next to the leader there should be a assasinate button that when you press it theres a 50/50 chance for it to succed, and if does then the leader should be swapped the same like they died to old age @Łukasz Jakowskithis is just a idea but would be cool if anyone responded to it 🙂
Last reply by meganoob223, -
- 0 replies
The Diplomacy System The Diplomacy System needs a rework as it seems very meh and too easy. Suggestion: Make it to where diplomacy is needed in order for the trade of goods etc Allies and Vassals It is WAY too easy to make alliances. Alliances should be made with interest in mind (economic and/or military). Suggestion: Add a system where Ideology/Government matters more along with other factors. Vassals are another problem, they just have too much freedom; The Lord should be able to have more control over their vassal. Also its kinda annoying that when vassals make an alliance and you attack their ally they are now not your vassal and declare war o…
Last reply by Kaiser Ink, -
- 2 replies
I don't understand where the ability to declare ultimatums to unfriendly countries went? That is, the game is simply forced to come to world domination exclusively by military means, whereas in the previous part it was possible to achieve this by economic indicators. Why can I offer to sell my province but can't send a counter offer with a purchase? Why can't I call on my allies in the war? This button is simply missing. I know it's a new mechanic where a peace treaty is only made with the party you're directly at war with, but it's so stupid that when you're at war with its allies you can't give them anything, it's inadequate. Hopefully Łukasz Jakowsk…
Last reply by Kabanator, -
- 1 reply
Lukasz please... The most fun I had playing AoH2 was these diplomacy features, please bring them back. I can liberate any vassal I want, I can annex my vassal, I can call it to wars, all countries can join the treaty in the alliance I fight in. Please, the game is too simple without diplomacy. Please rework diplomacy. 😭
Last reply by Eple, -
- 0 replies
Lukasz, please make a mod or an option in the scenario settings before the start of the game, like with calling up vassals in war, in which when an ally enters the war, this war is separate for each side, the war score is calculated separately and a peace treaty also needs to be concluded separately for each state with which the war is waged, for example if you are France and declare war to Belgium which ally is Netherlands, you will have two separate basic wars with those two countries, so that there is an option to capture the territory of enemy's allies, create vassals and all other consequences of the peace treaty. Even if the borders look bad after such peace confere…
Last reply by Pedr, -
- 84 replies
What do you think about elections for the democratic types of government and how it should work? (Democracy, Presidental Republic, Consitinotal Monarchy) Elections every 4/5 years? There should be left, center, right? As a participating political parties? If there is any custom types. After elections prime minister/president should change? Who wins elecations, is it randomly or by some actions?
Last reply by Fire Quickly, -
- 1 reply
Every time I need to press troops one by one. How can I select troops like the people in image?
Last reply by KaiserGermany, -
- 2 replies
@Lukasz Jakowski i love age of history 3, in fact i bought it the MINUTE it released (not even a joke) but a huge huge problem which absolutely destroys playthroughs is that after the first year basically every country has an alliance, it's so annoying and i really want you to fix it
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 0 replies
Funny story short, My very first moment, while going around the UI, and exploring the left vertical bar, and clicking on Economy, Infrastructure, Tax Efficiency Tabs and so on. I accidently spent all my money on investing in random cities/provinces while exploring for example the infrastructure tab. :D I thought myself it happens because I am new and not used to. Well, actually this happened several times afterwards. Because I notice I intuitively, would drag the map to see my big nation with the Left Mouse button. While tab is opened for ex. Economy Tab, I would intuitively drag the map with LMB, to choose a province, which wasn't visible on screen. But by…
Last reply by Question, -
- 2 replies
I have a mouse with a broken mouse wheel so its kinda annoying to zoom in and out because its not possible via a keyboard key, im a huge fan of the age of history series so i hope that you can zoom in and out with for example with + and -.
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 0 replies
It is inconvenient to scroll through the map mode icons. I would like the map mode icon selection window to be expanded.
Last reply by ekwjdig, -
- 2 replies
Dear @ŁukaszJakowski , Adding an Pop-up bubble with detailed information describing the category or option that you hover your mouse-over. Not only for the main menu, when choosing scenario. But also for in-game too. Since there so many new mechanics and new things to consider(missions, technology trees, economy, trade etc.). It's a must feature! Although it may take time to add this option, I would strongly recommend it. I've read half the forum. And from those observations, actually many people. Don't know how to do stuff. It reminds me of the old games where you had to spend 3-5 hours only experimenting with every feature in order to understand it …
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 replies
There should be advantages against a specific unit. For example, tank should have 10% advantage against infantry or -10% advantage against anti-tank. It is for complete moddability.
Last reply by ISyncradar, -
- 0 replies
Make it so if you're on easy or very easy and/or on sandbox mode you should be locked from getting achievements, this is to make it an actual challenge, so you have to work for the achievements, rather than cheating to get them.
Last reply by sharky, -
- 0 replies
Can we get a frontline optional system Lukasz? Even if just a workshop mod we need it for modern scenarios, I hate seeing one army run across the country and not being able to catch up. Basically at the start of a war AI defines a frontline and you as a player can draw your own frontline where troops will spread out to fill. Troops will not break past the frontline unless manually selected and player can redraw it to their liking so hopefully this issue can be mitigated. And also can we get an optional mod from you that makes it so any country can fully annex any other regardless of size? I need it because it will break civil war scenarios when there are a lot of states a…
Last reply by yeetboi, -
- 0 replies
Will AI fill the gap in the front line like AI in Hoi4?
Last reply by tddff, -
- 0 replies
Power to change vessels internal affairs like laws, religion etc.
Last reply by Dipto479, -
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It would be cool if colonies in this game appeared akin to how they do in EU4: This would make the game a bit more 'immersive' and also prevent nations that colonized the old world from blobbing too much.
Last reply by Queen Elizabeth II, -
- 0 replies
I really want to enjoy the game on Linux, and AOH3 as it is Java, is natively supported on Linux, but we need you to add native Linux support on Steam.
Last reply by IseaMan, -
- 0 replies
The sliders in the audio tab are not draggable, making it very difficult to set them to 0 or 100.
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
- 16 replies
Guys, I figured out how to implement a parliamentary monarchy. As in England We will have two unique mechanics 1 parliamentary elections 2 balance of power we have a king, but there is a parliament where there will be elections, depending on the party, the parliament will demand different reforms. If we refuse, the power of the king will increase, but we will get debuffs (an uprising may happen) the balance of power of the King and Parliament. If the king has strong power, we will receive military bonuses and the parliament will not be able to limit us. If the parliament has a stronger power, then we will receive economic bonuses and the parlia…
Last reply by MisterT, -
- 0 replies
We currently can only release vassals that were already conquered by us. This is a downgrade because in the second game, we were able to release not only every civilization in the game but also custom made ones. This was a feature only this series had and removing it kind of ruins the game's uniqueness.
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 replies
when will the mobile version be released in google play?
Last reply by Reodant2,