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The alliance system in AoH2 was pretty terrible. In fact one of the worst parts of it was the "Allies" modifier, which pretty much limited how may allies you could have, and made it impossible do do something like join the allies/axis in WW2. So the first things would be to remthat, similar to bloody Europe's system, it makes alliances way better. Also, for some reason there's no vassal modifier, there is if you're the vassal but not the lord. This should also change, and your vassals should always automatically join your alliances. And, they shouldn't count as 'allies' if that modifier returns. And lastly, you should be able to name the alliances when you form them as we…
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
Fajnie jakby było podobna drabinka militarna jak w HoI4 (jeśli źle mówię to przepraszam ale nigdy w to nie grałem) lub wybory państwowe, lub ogarnięcie wymian pomiędzy państwami, więcej scenariuszów np. 1WŚ,Rozbiory. I fajnie byłoby zobaczyć to samo co w HoI4 że drabinki militrane-naukowe wiadomości z świata
Last reply by doqbra, -
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Adding WWI to AOH 3 improves the meme logic, but honestly we need to get a WWI scenario in AOH3, pls.
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
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Last reply by Xx_ProGamerMan_xX96, -
- 1 reply
Maybe you should add political parties Let first explore how it's work 1 edition: in edition you can add political parties You can chose what Thier ideology will be and how much influence they had like make them 3% 10% or even 100% And also political parties can be zero and is can rise if you didn't Play you card right however is will be replaced with class struggle if is was full monarchy or party factions if is was fascist or communist 2 Gameplay: as democratic nation each election can be hold by each 5 years or 3 depends on how much years you add for election in edition scenario, there will be button in nation bio call election sys…
Last reply by Imperial_Burger, -
- 1 reply
A tag can be added to each country, this tag will denote the nationality/race. For example 1 French Republic will have the same nation, I mean that these states will have the ethnos "French" and not "1 French Republic" or "French Empire". This would simplify the game considerably. Instead of assimilation, you could then add state support. You could also add a system of territorial claims, where you could fabricate claims to any of the provinces, and provoke rebellions and/or attempted annexation of territory
Last reply by Imperial_Burger, -
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Laws: Laws would define the form of government, making it more immersive to change regimes, they work in different categories going from sociopolitical issues to government & administrative issues, they would be approved if the majority if the parliament approves the law. Parliament: The Parliament works with parties that can negociate between themselves depending of the Constitution. Each party would have a pressure ( percentage of seats in the Parliament ) and can propose laws according to the ideology that they defend, all this would only exist in countries that doesnt have a totalitarian regime or absolute monarchy. Parties: Each party would defend a ide…
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
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I think that many modders would like to add their GIF to the game, but faced with the fact that it is impossible. I would like it to be possible to add them to the game in the third part, conditionally as a picture in the event, or somewhere else. This could greatly improve the visual part of any of the modifications.
Last reply by HUSKYFRESK0, -
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Hey there just wanted to ask if there will be unit Models in the new Installment or if units will stay as a number with a Flag?
Last reply by Raffy21, -
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With larger provinces than we have in AOH3, countries like Russia or US, it may be pain to create in Editor, so I would like an option like Bucket from paint, no further explanation needed
Last reply by Redguy325, -
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land sky and Naval army
Last reply by Bentx_2035, -
- 1 reply
Is it possible to have free multiplayer in Age of History 3?
Last reply by paul2kdj, -
- 7 replies
Editor Ideas: Ideas for Map Editor: - Instead just one Growth Rate Editor; add Economy Editor, Population Editor (or any other value like this in aoh3 if exists) and growth rate for just editing how fast will it grow. - Province Value Editor; This will make province values easier to edit. - Development Level Editor; Briefly, making special editing slot for it way more easier than editing them scenario-by-scenario. - Edit Map Settings: Allow us to edit map settings like author, map name, background name etc. in-game. - Make Regions Better: Idk; but they should got more uses like buffs and debuffs according regions, taking regions in peaces instee…
Last reply by Fearless Okan, -
- 1 reply
as Wikipedia says hoi4. Focus trees allow players (and AI) to direct the development of their nation. Each country has a focus tree, representing the number of development paths (branches) available to that country. These paths may be based on actual historical situations or alternative historical possibilities. Individual options can range from political, diplomatic and military issues to more economic and research areas. but adding this would be a bad idea because Paradox could ban aoh3 on the focus tree, however Paradox has almost no copyright protection so we have two scenarios. maybe one scenario is more realistic, paradox won't care about copyright, but we don'…
Last reply by Hostovsky, -
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So pretty much, it should be similar to Hearts of Irons decisions system. It can be an alternative to events, and easier to deal with overall. The way the system should work is that when you have all the requirements to do a decision, (for example a certain army size, a war, a date, ect.) it should fire an event, or give you certain things when clicked. You should be able to hide decisions until a certain time period, or by events/other decisions. It'll make the game much better and easier to work with when making more complex scenarios.
Last reply by Redguy325, -
In the regions (provinces) there will be popularity towards a certain party. This can be changed with festivals and propaganda. In a civil war, parties can separate, have their own capital, allies, etc.
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 2 replies
I propose to add the mechanics of autonomies. These are a limited version of vassals. They have no right to foreign policy. They only have the ability to carry out internal actions, such as building structures, investing, etc. They can be abolished with the "annex" function and the autonomy can be administered like other national provinces. The autonomous government will have a loyalty function, similar to the "desire for freedom" of vassals. It will also be possible to assimilate them, which will take much longer and there will be several levels of assimilation Translated with (free version)
Last reply by Hostovsky, -
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It will be possible to make investments in other countries, or their regions. This can influence the relations between countries. You can increase your influence, in each country the level of influence will be in per cent. When the level of influence reaches a certain percentage, the state will be able to: -make a coup d'état, and bring a puppet regime to power (success depends on the investment in the coup) -political/culbtural influence in the country -economic blockade (forcing vassalisation of the state). It will be possible to counteract foreign influence by strengthening production.
Last reply by Hostovsky, -
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When a country establishes a union (union of states), a confederation is created. That is, the states are united, but within the union there are borders. An internal window will appear in the ally country, where there will be interactions with the ally. The same cultural influences, etc.) Also in alliances should be appointed leader of the alliance, and the possibility of changing the rules of the alliance (common currency, military mutual defence, etc.). With a certain alliance influence can be laid Confederation, where for example after the establishment of strong relations in the alliance there is a confederation. P.s. The alliance works on the principle of the Ho…
Last reply by Hostovsky, -
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MY FOURTEEN POINTS! 5 out of 14 To ensure proper game development, I have created these 14 points(similar to Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points) that highlight the most needed aspects of the game. This may be changed over time based on what progress happens in the production of the game, but will maintain relatively similar throughout. I aspire a cult-following to bring the message to Jakowski. Point 1: There shall be an improved AI engine, one where the AI makes mainly strategic decisions, and frequently uses diplomacy to it's advantage, to make the game more thrilling and adventurous. Actions such as ultimatums, defensive pacts, and alliance…
Last reply by Imperial_Burger, -
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You can add planes to the game, which will become available after a certain level of technology (Or after studying the appropriate one). To base them, you will need an airfield, and their creation will be the same as classic mobilization, however, more time will be allocated for their creation. They can be used as an additional bonus for attacking a province. You can also add air defense, which will reduce this bonus, and also destroy aircraft (And the higher the air defense level, the greater the damage to aircraft)
Last reply by Bogdan_Robuch, -
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Last reply by SrKactusJaen, -
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What if a supreme form of government governed by the republic or monarchy is implemented, which obviously influences social, economic and stability, this can be changed for the other but due to the change it would cause unrest-great unrest-revolts-civil war That is to say, as a mechanism of form of government in the background, obviously in the management of government if socialism, conservatism, fascism, liberalism and etc. would be available. An example would be Italy in WW2, a monarchical country but with a fascist party/management. To clarify, although the general idea is monarchy and republic, below are its different aspects: ancient monarchy, oriental monarch…
Last reply by lauty17775, -
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will there be RESOURCES in AOH3 ? Since the game will have research trees, I think Resources will be very useful, given that it would be possible to organise wars for resources. I would also like to ask if there will be a Research Editor ? For if there will be no editor, then it will make it very difficult for modders to work. Since conditionally some person will want to make a modification on the Modern World, and there will be medieval technology.
Last reply by HUSKYFRESK0, -
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Very interested to know if there will be multiplayer in the third part, for the Community is an extremely important question. Without it the game will not be able to live for a long time. Also I would like to ask Łukasz, could you show us the main menu, how it will look like?
Last reply by HUSKYFRESK0,