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everything will be obvious here, we need asking you to add a religion editor to aoh3 pls
Last reply by Shiite, -
add some kind of religion system that can also increase or decrease relations with other countirs
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
An idea that should be implemented for AOH 3 is not to censor the symbols (We know which ones I'm talking about), the story should be seen as it was. I know it may be a controversial topic but perhaps there could be an option to show those symbols for those who want to see them and another option for those who do not want to see them. Sorry for my bad english.
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 2 replies
The thing that made the game alive after all these years was modding. Because everybody was able to make their own scenarios and countries in few minutes replayability was infinite. To expand on this idea, make more in-game editors (like scenario editor, pallet color editor etc) 1. Technology editor Technology editor could make it so that players would be able to add their own technology groups, or remove existing ones based on their wants! 2. Better Country Creator Make it so we can import the flag of our custom country in-game instead of having to play-around in the game files. Another thing that would be neat would be the possibility to chan…
Last reply by SVH, -
- 2 replies
I suggest that modders who have contributed to the development of the community join the development of AOH3. This can help the game to be made faster and reach a better state. Unlike AOH2, we don't want Lukas to release the game quickly, but we demand that it be released with plenty of time and with the least amount of errors. However, we also request that Lukas provide us with regular updates or announcements regarding the game's progress and developments, either monthly or weekly. Although it may not be in 2023, I hope that the game will be released in the summer or autumn of 2024. That's how it seems to me at the moment, but we want to know first which platforms…
Last reply by BySpringBonnie76, -
- 1 reply
I would like to propose that you add an immigration option to aoh3. It would allow population to move away from their province or country if the economy of said province is too low. This could be used by low population countries to get on a fairer playing level and force the nation that is experiencing emigration to improve their economy.
Last reply by Tatar Mongol6, -
- 0 replies
In Age of History 1 and 2, ideologies could be changed radically and quickly. However, there was no visible change in popular influence and administration. In the new government system, if people are added to the game, there must be the ideologies of the people, if not, the ideologies of the people or race in the country. For example, we can give an example from Italy. Let's assume that there are intensely humanist and democratic people in Italy. As the player, we want to turn the state into a Roman empire. This is the time so that we can spread our ideology through propaganda and disabling other political parties (such as closing down parties, taking them into gove…
Last reply by ilkerbey, -
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Large countries can use resources to create religions. They will spread to each other through the army or naturally at the borders. Special unit missionaries can be used to speed up the spread of religion. Added "Holy City". After the holy city of a religion is occupied, the leading country of that religion (the Papal State or something like that?) can initiate a "holy war" and require all countries of that religion to join the war. Religions are divided into levels. The more followers the religion has, the higher the level and the faster it spreads. Religion also affects international relations and add the option of religious victory (I use google tra…
Last reply by Yanxue, -
- 1 reply
In order not to declare war so easily, it would be good to add as an example: justification of war or a referendum to complicate the process of seizing new territories.
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 reply
I have put together a list of small but cool ideas for new features in AOH3 here it is. Idea 1: Fog of war hard version It would be cool so if you have fog of war you can select hard and u will only be able to see your borders at start and it will be very dark then use military (possibly scouts?) to explore new territory but you will have to scout a lot because it is hard and will only show a little bit when exploring so u have to explore a lot. Idea 2: Age of Civilizations rework Age of Civilizations is a mode in AOH2 where it will spawn you as a random country and u have to discover other random countries and win the game. I say there should be a opt…
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
Instead of flat map we could have a globe map like on google earth. I know it's probably impossible but I would be cool af
Last reply by cvbnm07, -
- 0 replies
1. Multiplayer. By the name, it is clear that AOH lacks multiplayer. It's already known. 2. I would like to add the ability to build factories to AOH. There should be several types of them. 1 for the extraction/production of products that can be sold to other countries and have a profit from it. These plants can produce/extract resources, let's say metal. Let's say 1 level 1 factory produces 1kg of metal. Level 2 will already produce 2 kg and the like. They can also be used to create equipment. 2 type of factories for the production of machinery. That's what metal is for. The equipment can be different - transport, merchant ship. This technique can be used, for examp…
Last reply by AIM36GS, -
Wars Archive
by Mov- 0 replies
This is, essentially, a new option which shows, in cronological order, all the finished and ongoing wars. Concept:
Last reply by Mov, -
- 0 replies
That would be cool
Last reply by KermelSausage, -
- 1 reply
I propose possibility of vassal flags like in Scenario+. Like,if you puppet a country,it will change the flag accordingly.
Last reply by KermelSausage, -
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Let’s assume that AoH3 will have a similar selection of scenarios as AoH2. Having that in mind, here are some ideas to make all the start dates feel different: - 962-1806 - HRE mechanics, similar to EU4. Or EU3, you decide. The default 1440 scenario should also have a lot of events/event chains, seeing as it’s the scenario most people play. - 1815-1914 - A greater focus on maintaining and growing an economy, industrialization, development of political ideas, nationalism and nationalist rebels, AI focus on maintaining a balance of power and colonialism instead of going ham with conquests. Greater penalties for taking land for both AI and player, maybe a me…
Last reply by xHarm, -
We need more control over the vassals. Gor example: "move vassal army" if the vassal army on this province that we clicked. Change vassals goverment type option
Last reply by uwut, -
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Here are my ideas for the Ideology system in AOH3! Idea 1: More ideologies Just make more like splitting monarchy into constitutional and absolute monarchy or splitting democracy into democracy and authoritarian democracy. It would be below the custom civilization creator in the menu. Idea 2: Custom Ideology Creator It would be cool to make your own ideology with ease! Idea 2.325: Already Existing Civilizations Being able to change the ideology flags for already existing civilizations would be cool but probably not needed because of the custom civilization creator. Idea 2.650: Custom Civilization Ideology Flags Being able to change …
Last reply by Nitra, -
Complete evolution of the trading system and the "Load flag, leader" option (just like on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc. when you set your own profile picture and the File Explorer opens)
Last reply by Wiktorek, -
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Instead of clicking on every province, assimilation should be more automatic just like development, more money into assimilation = faster assimilation. Also in some countries like Yugoslavia minorities like Croats should be counted as other nationality but be same as your nation (pay taxes and be be able to become a soldier) - aka giving rights to other nationalities. (Something similar to Imperator Rome) Sorry for bad English
Last reply by Pepqew, -
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For example. make ai not annex provinces that don't directly border them, and also make them relase some nations sometimes , and also try to not separate the conquered nation like creating a million scattered pieces.
Last reply by Aaaanonim, -
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Well if he really is gonna drop a Aoh3 Well then I have some ideas you guys might like 1: more trade Options. So you know how We can make farms And stuff right? Well I want to do id that I'd be able to collect carrots carrots and stuff also collect wood be able to make mines And then sell all of that And put up a prize now If you trade with someone your relations will improve And I like that idea also when you have a large army and are doing a conquest you need to build supply camps but There should be a option to turn or off this and also it will Increase your income 2: Be able to aid your allies or anyone By aid I mean sen…
Last reply by Sun22, -
- 0 replies
Is it possible for the game to add dynamic province names based on the owner of that province? For example, German Alsace-Lorraine should have the city names in German, not in French. The same goes for the colony city names (if France colonised the US they would have French city names).
Last reply by deleteduser-0, -
- 1 reply
the game is supposed to be about 1440 to begin with, but if you don't change that and make the game scenario about WW2 or modern society, there will be less to add and it will be boring.
Last reply by Aaaanonim, -
The nationalist movement that emerged with the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolutions spread to various parts of Europe and beyond in different years through communication, telecommunication, and books. It would be great to incorporate this into the game. For example, the desire for unification among German and Italian city-states after these events, or the increasing desire of nations within the Ottoman Empire and other empires to establish separate states, should be depicted. However, we would need certain parameters for this. For instance, there should be espionage activities to fuel or hinder nationalist sentiments. Moreover, if this…
Last reply by muhoaga,