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So when assimilating I feel as it would be more logical to make a new people name instead of just Country A name becoming Country B name. I feel as a combination of both names with a hyphen " - " would be better, or that the name would become that of a non- existent country that isn't a civ currently like if Portuguese took the Galician part of Spain, that the name of the people would be Galician or the fusional name Portuguese- Spanish with an half/half flag when assimilating.
Last reply by piaopiao, -
- 2 replies
A "call all allies" button wouldn't be bad. Especially when the UK and France in 1939 has an indecent amount of allies. What do you think about this?
Last reply by ragen3985, -
- 29 replies
(If you see some recycled topic, you can skip it, tare won’t be so much changes) (I divided the topic in two part, because there are a lot of files) Hello, This could be my longest topic. So, in previous months, ColonelDinos posted a wonderful topic about cultures and a national mechanic. This would give a new aspect of the game other than war and economy, it's the people. I don’t know if it was approved by Łukasz Jakowski, but I propose to make cultures more integrated to the game, because "some" people says it was “useless to add”. I'm here to prove them wrong ! 😜 The less tiring way to add this to the game, is to attribute cultures to existing co…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hello Łukasz, i just wanted to say a small suggestion, im the owner of an Ipad and i think i can run just fine the full PC map of double the provinces, i like to be up to more of a challenge by having more provinces making it harder to conquer, people wanna mod the game but i like to pay and stick to the original, and also in Ipad you cannot mod anything, so i would like the full map to be an available option, thanks if you read this :P
Last reply by AoH3 Before GTA6, -
- 1 reply
Hi so um as u know oil is one of the most important resources historically (oil that's edible that is) So I propose that we get it can be called oil then we have the food oil and the natural gas oil so 2 resources with same name, or u can rename the other oil to gas and then u add oil or u can keep the other one called oil but call the food oil as u can name it olive oil or soemthing considering oil is already in game Furthermore jewish, christian & Muslim nations should be able to build a mosque, church, synagogue as a building where other religions get a temple that was it can make most sense yk @Łukasz Jakowski @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by conquere9114, -
- 1 reply
Допустим, в современном мире эпидемия или что-то еще. Будет специальное меню, в котором можно будет отправить помощь деньгами, ресурсами и прочим. И это улучшит отношения со странами + можно добавить Everyday nation В которой это можно реализовать Также пусть будет договор о войне, допустим Россия хочет напасть на Украину, то она должна это сделать Post и если большинство будет за то, если Россия нападет, то отношения со странами не будут Если страны будут против, то Россия будет снята. Санкции или они будут помогать Украине войсками также, если нет post то 1/3 страны, которая Если нация нападет, то она нападет на Россию и ухудшит отношения между всеми странами -50
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 2 replies
Hallo mein people, this topic is a compilation of my ideas. Starting with: Leaders as generals: So leaders (specifically monarchs) should be able to make them selves generals. In their place while they're generals. Their advisor will be leader temporarily. And if they lose a battle there's a 46% chance that they'll pull a Łukasz and die. That will change the leader to "power vacuum" with only negative effects. Supply: There should be more pronounced supply issues, like if you try to cross mountains your divisions will move slower and you'll lose troops, maybe a flank or two. That discourages going through mountains. [Example: You're china and you try to move…
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 18 replies
Translation into Russian.Translated more than half of it and the translation will be ready soon
Last reply by koen69, -
- 12 replies
We have seen event system and technology tree. How about adding focus tree? Lukasz can add this with imitating HOİ4, at least for WW2 scenario. But i would like to see this with other scenarios too!
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
thank u!
Last reply by rnmcnm, -
- 0 replies
I propose to make a new mechanic, the mechanics of missile strikes on provinces, you can make a new building, "rocket manufacturing factory" in these factories different types of missiles will be produced, or one type of missile, then these missiles can be used to attack provinces, when you click on a province, a button will appear, "launch a missile strike" when you click on the button, you can select the target of the missile strike, I propose to add several targets. The first target "Infrastructure" - buildings such as workshops and farms will be attacked. The second target "Military infrastructure" - military buildings such as arsenals, fortifications …
Last reply by LaVa_LaMPo4ka, -
- 0 replies
The atomic bomb should be active in scenarios after its discovery (scenarios after 1945) but not in previous scenarios, and in old scenarios leaders should change as in history (Murad II → Mehmed II).
Last reply by WeaseLL, -
- 18 replies
BORDER CONFLICT i would really want to see something like border conflict mechanic something lik when relation are -80 (and some other requirements) with bordering country than you have to hold army on border and there would be something like you and bot can "start border conflict" it would battle for 1 provinces (possible as separatist puppet states) every time you make border conflict there will be % for total war SCENARIO CATALOGING I would also appreciate some scenario cataloging, creating folders for example "scenario 1000-1500" "alternative history" and others also search bar to search scenario SEA PROVINCE CONTROL I think it…
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 0 replies
if you are fighting with your allies against someone, and you want to withdraw from the war you can sign a separate peace with the countries you are at war with. For example Russia during the first world war.
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 39 replies
Here is my two ideas 1 Better Regions In AoC2 regions was useless. They was... cause they was. In my opinion in next game they should been better. Here is what they could do: • They would been able to get choose in Peace Conference (So player will be don't having to to click every single province [now think about peoples playing Project Vita that can't annex all country and don't want border-gore] • Possibility to give core/annex it in event. It would help a lot too • Bonuses for having all region (they would don't been high but still something) 2 Historical AI In scenario editor they would been things like: [c…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hi lukaz, I came to you for a suggestion, it is certain that there will be parliament in democratic countries, so it would be nice if this decision was passed by the parliament and the parliament accepted or rejected this decision when making decisions on behalf of the country
Last reply by alperen0250, -
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Hi, can you make the occupied territories stroke clearer? I regularly watch your videos on YouTube and see, or rather cannot see, the occupied provinces. PLEASE fix it! I will be very grateful if you see this.
Last reply by Ivan VI, -
- 8 replies
Ok hear me out real quick So we all know how messy wars work in Aoh2, right?, well, maybe we could fix that! Here is my idea: If you attack the neighbouring country and have for example, the northern parts of it while the southern parts still neighbours you, the AI won't go all out and attack your provinces, instead, it will focus on liberating taken areas before attacking you back(kind of like a front!) If the ai attacked you first, it should try to close the attack all the neighbouring provinces instead so you don't get to attack them instead (I'll try to show an example, defending plus attacking)
Last reply by Brianman, -
- 2 replies
When we look at the army trip when building an army, we only see what the army is used for and its speed/attack/defense score but in the support section, even if I put an airplane or a catapult (this is an example, consider their power the same), the war will only work better with more power. Armies should have different special buffs for different soldier types and debuffs if the soldier types do not match / Example Buffs/Debuffs: (Soldier type) gets debuff if this army does not have (2nd soldier type) (Soldier type) gets debuff if there is (2nd soldier type) in the army (Soldier type) gets buff if there is (2nd soldier type) in the army (Soldier typ…
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 2 replies
Na ostatnim nagraniu na YT pojawiła się opcja wzywania sojuszników i w związku z tym mam kilka uwag: podoba mi się, że małe państewka mają możliwość posiadania armii pozwalającej przeciwstawić się wielkim krajom, ale jeśli ktoś będzie miał bardzo dużo wasali to będzie nie do pokonania, dlatego proponuję 2 rozwiązania: jeśli jesteśmy stroną atakującą to wezwanie sojuszników do wojny powinno być niemożliwe (sojusznikom samo powinno wyskakiwać okienko, że jesteśmy na wojnie i 2 opcje: "wesprzyj (+50 legacy points)" albo "ignoruj (bez żadnej kary)" jeśli jesteśmy w wojnie obronnej to wtedy możemy wezwać sojuszników. W takiej sytuacji sojusznikom…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Hi lukas i am wondering if ideolgies and religions can have unique mechnics tied to them like holy wars for islam & christanity,a caste system in hinduism, elections for democratic nations, punishment for being at peace for too long for horde and nat soc ideologies aswell as some sort of economic feuture or mechinic for merchent republics and features or even simply anything from buffs/debuffs tied to some ideoliges and religions if mehcnics are too much this is so they can actually have some features and not just simply be logos and labels on a screen like aoh2 ideolgies were and didnt do anything intresting or anything at all what do u think @…
Last reply by coolconqerorur99, -
- 2 replies
So From the looks of it there is no way around it, @Łukasz Jakowski will ultimately have to add personal unions somehow, maybe as a vassal type, whatever way this is pulled off, i suggest that the moment two civilizations enter a personal union, the border between them example is the austro styrian border, in my concept, the border highlighted will be removed and they would both be the same color BUT styria would still be its own civ with its own flag and its name would still be displayed as in the image, even when you press on the provinces of styria it would tell you its part of styria
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 45 replies
Hello mein people, today we're talking about houses. Now with out wasting anymore time, let us begin. Royal Houses: No not ones you live in. I mean lineages Romanovs, Tudors, Hapsburgs, HOHENZOLLERN, ect. Now I'm taking a tinsy winsy amount of inspiration from CK3, a p*radox game (barley even game just dlc). So please don't stone me to death. So lets say you are the house of ButtenShißenneinworbourge, and you wanna marry some one from a neighboring house. Their leader is female, your leader is male. Your wifey pops territories now are apart of your house. You can see the troops of the territory, your relations are high. And relations with the rest of her house h…
Last reply by conquere9114, -
- 0 replies
I'm sure u have recived this suggestion before its self explanatory simply different war types like holy & ones based on territorial/province claims
Last reply by conquere9114, -
- 0 replies
we can release many vassals in the game and have a huge military power thanks to the vassals this one should get a debuff its so op
Last reply by YusufAliDE,