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- 2 replies
Dark Ages, Just like golden ages come after an empire reaches a certain level of scientific, economic, or military level, but the opposite, you see, after you finish the golden age missions and are in a golden age, after a randomized set of time you would get certain disaster events that will cause massive debuffs that damage economy/technology or military such as for economy its market crash or economic crisis for economic golden age, ending the golden age and causing alot of issues, for science it would stagnate over time during economic crisis for example and faster in wars, causing the scientific golden age to end after 2 consecutive wars or 10 peaceful year…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 4 replies
1) Resource requirement. It would be nice to improve the economic system by giving real value to resources. If the efficiency of economic growth, growth rate and population limit depend on the available resources, then this will make it extremely useful to create colonies, develop production and (if you do trade) buy and sell resources. Conditionally: let’s say every 10,000 people will demand 1 grain, beer, clothing, citrus... etc. I would also like to see the relationship between resources/their quantity and technical capabilities. It is strange to see knights in iron armor in a country that neither mines nor imports iron. A state without access to ur…
Last reply by naxiaodou, -
- 6 replies
imagine se Age of History 3 tivesse linhas de defesa dinâmicas como em HOI4. Você configuraria suas defesas, mas em vez de elas ficarem ali paradas, você poderia ajustá-las rapidamente conforme a batalha se desenrolava. Pense nisso: você está observando o inimigo e vê que ele está prestes a acertá-lo com força no flanco direito. Com linhas dinâmicas, você pode deslocar suas tropas e fortificações para se preparar para o impacto, tudo isso sem interromper a ação. E aqui está o problema: gerenciar essas linhas custaria suprimentos, assim como na vida real. Portanto, você teria que ser esperto sobre onde e quando cavar ou recuar, certificando-se de nã…
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 3 replies
The process of changing the form of government should take some time, there should be parties, they should have popularity, the opportunity to create their own party. In order to quickly change the form of government, you need to make an uprising
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 7 replies
How many % of the soldiers in Aoh3 are from a certain country. Let's say that Turkey and Azerbaijan form a union and that union creates a soldier. Let's say that 70% of the soldiers are from Turkey and the remaining 30% are from Azerbaijan. We are not talking about a single union. And Country A created soldiers from both its own country and the occupied country B, and 60% of these soldiers belong to Country A and 40% to Country B. I hope you understand.
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how about if ship goes through straits or state rivers then country who have border to it or controls it can get a payment for it, for every ship came though strait or state rivers country gets like 20-40 coins, by that i mean more clearly: ship going though controlled strait or state river by any country(that owns it) gets money
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
Hello, could you include the “Maiden Tower” landmark from Baku, Azerbaijan, in the game?
- 1 reply
Lukasz, in the file with ideologies in Aoh3, where all ideologies are located, I would like to see such a parameter “possibility_installation: ”, if True, then this ideology can be installed both in the game, events and in the editor, and if False, then this ideology in the country can be installed ONLY in the editor and events, that is, this ideology cannot be installed in the game itself, the same can be done with religions (if we can select them). Otherwise, Aoh2 had its own ideologies that could not be chosen in the game itself, there were rebels and a tribe! For example, in the TNO fashion, for Aoh2, there were such ideologies as British Fascism and the Burgundian …
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 2 replies
There has never been any country in history that has crossed the marked line and there is no road passing through this line, so I think it would be good to remove the connections between the provinces on both sides of the marked line so that it is impossible to cross this line in the game
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 10 replies
Today i made a concept of Multiplayer tab, as you can see on the screenshot tab and some info with buttons etc. in this tab you see buttons as Connect, Join, Host Connect means connect to the server by Lan Join means 1st page of Multiplayer tab Host means 2nd page of Multiplayer tab Also you can see some text as Nickname, Ip, port Nickname means nickname in the game while you playing on the server IP means ip of the server to connect port means port of the server to connect Also you can see Text that is "What is Multiplayer" under that text there is a text that say what is multiplayer You can see a small menu with a slider, it shows history…
Last reply by KistrGrobber, -
- 3 replies
Hello😃, I would like to suggest new mechanics. During a war, people begin to migrate from the losing side. Migration can also begin due to a negative execution balance. Migration can be external and internal. Those migrating from the country are transferred to some regions (possibly research ones, if you play with the fog of war) and world countries. Migration occurs to the most developed and rich provinces, away from the poor, undeveloped and front-line regions. People who practice one religion are less likely to emigrate to countries with another religion. Additionally, migrants do not initially assimilate, and too many of them in a province significantly reduce the hap…
Last reply by GOY_da, -
Maybe in different eras there would be different ships? like in the modern era cargo ships and in the mid 1800s to early 1900s you have steam ships
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Kundenrezensionen: Echte Erfahrungen mit Synoshi Spin Scrubber Wenn Sie von denen hören, die den Synoshi Spin Scrubber verwendet haben, können Sie wertvolle Einblicke in seine Wirksamkeit und Vielseitigkeit gewinnen. Viele Benutzer schwärmen davon, wie es ihre Reinigungsroutine vereinfacht. Beispielsweise erwähnte ein Benutzer aus Arizona, dass sich die Zeit für die Reinigung seines Badezimmers dadurch halbiert hat und gleichzeitig eine gründlichere Reinigung erzielt wird, als dies jemals durch manuelles Schrubben der Fall war. Ein anderer Benutzer aus New York schätzte das leichte Design und den langen Griff, der ein Bücken oder Knien überflüssig macht und ih…
Last reply by Synoshitest, -
- 1 reply
Add great depression scenario. Add NATO in modern scenario. Add advanced ultimatums and add cold war scenario where player can advancely ultimate bot or just ww3 and add NATO in that scenario too.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
The Concept Is Really Simple, having borders with mountains/rivers/desert Will Give Both Civs A Defense Bonus, Stability Bonus On Both Their Borders, Especially For Mountain Borders, This Incentivizes AI To Not Conquer Tibet As India For Example which Causes A lot Of Border Gore, Or Egypt To Conquer Sahara, Preventing Blobbing And Giving The Borders Neat And Cleaner Look In Peace Treaties For AI, Additionally, Annexing A Mountain/Hilly Province As A Foreign Power Will Give Huge Stability Debuffs and Give Rebels Massive Defense Bonuses, Making Any Mountain region Rebellion Very Hard To Counter Which Is Very Realistic, this will mean AI will most likely not engage in war wi…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
A big problem while playing AoH 2 was that sometimes after taking over most of a country we had less than 100% warscore, but we did not know where our opponent had the rest of the province and there was no way to check it. My proposal is that during peace talks, the provinces that we can take should have different colors depending on which continent they are from. For example, if we take over the Ottoman Empire, in peace talks: The name Cairo should be written in orange (like Africa in game) The name Ankara should be written in blue (like Asia in game) The name Sofia should be written in yellow (like Europe in game) During the peace talks, w…
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
Sport competition in peace time. Sport events @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
Hello everyone, I want to create content about AoH3 and want to build a professional script. Can the current chat gpt no login tool meet this need? A few of my suggestions when building the script: - Seamless - creative - no duplicate ideas So is using chatgpt effective or not?
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 10 replies
The system of vassal in aoh2 is bad reasons: -vassal won't join master's alliance/faction -vassal will oftenly rebel against its master (My reasons may be bad) Heres the things aoh3 should add: -vassal/puppet will give its master resources -vassal/puppet will join master's alliance/faction automatically Vassals also need "levels" (or something) example: - Dominion -colony -provisional government -puppet -Integrated Puppet Or more.. Vassals/puppets can be independent by joining wars, bigger army than master and more vassals/puppets can be annexed by master (After countries getting puppeted they…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
this mechanic is for AI Post 1945 and Until 1990 ONLY (During Cold War) when a civilization has a negative relation with a great power (like US) it will become closer to the rival ideology state (USSR) and has 40% higher chance to change ideology into communism into this case and will most likely join economic, defensive and political alliances
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 1 reply
Idea: make historical events so the game would be more realistic. Example: Germany and USSR will declare war at Poland when the date is 1939 This example will only happen when you play the game with WWII scenario. So it means if we play with WWII scenario and wait untill 1939 nothing will happen. If it's almost impossible you can only add this to most popular scenarios. And also please don't delete non-historical scenarios. Just add both historical and non-historical version of a scenario. The game would be more popular and realistic, thank you.
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
bot spammers are so common now its annoying, I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR HEMORRHOID TREATMENT CREAM IN FULL DETAILS, AND WHY IS THERE SOME GUY SPAMMING IN CHINESE THAT WE SHOULD GET A SCHOLARSHIP IN THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, IS THIS SOME EXTRA SOCIAL SCORE THING TO PREVENT THE CCP FROM SELLING THEIR ORGANS?! lukasz needs to get some mods ASAP to actually ban these bots because it is diabolical, they're disgusting, @Łukasz Jakowskiplease fix it
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 replies
After occupying an area, the color of the occupied country will gradually change into the color of the occupying country! This will greatly increase the sense of substitution in the game.
Last reply by haibao, -
- 1 reply
I have an idea that would be super useful when creating a scenario: that you can add provinces that one country is occupying from another. This would be useful when creating scenarios where there are wars going on.
Last reply by Joaoj,