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Evento: El Descubrimiento de un Nuevo Mundo Descripción del Evento: Los jugadores descubren un nuevo continente lleno de riquezas y misterios. Este evento desencadena una serie de misiones que reflejan los desafíos y oportunidades de la época. Misiones: La Misión de Exploración: Los jugadores deben explorar el nuevo continente, lo que les otorga “Bendiciones de la Tierra”, aumentando los recursos y la felicidad de su pueblo. El Encuentro de Culturas: Los jugadores interactúan con las civilizaciones nativas, lo que puede llevar a alianzas o conflictos. Las …
Last reply by Diyerson, -
- 6 replies
I think that conferences used also to "prevent" conflict. Like the Berlin conference in 1884, created by Bismark to settle disputes between the European powers with interests in Africa to create pseudo borders of ownership, also to restructured the map of the Balkan region. For the game, I propose that AI countries had random claims/demands. And the country who runs the conference has a bonus point. The outcome of a conference could be when the conference finished : Be a war with all the following tribes, maybe 3 months after the conference. Impose some countries to lease land or countries. Annex countries Create alliances Disband…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
Migration System Example 1- If you lose the war. Bots or ai 50-70% can sometimes provide options like.. defeat or Migration (Migration to areas with few populations or colonies with few populations) After migration. The country will become a puppet with a new name, for example Example name - New Colony Spanish - Viceroyalty of whatever 2 - Citizen leader of migration If not given region. We will be forced to migrate to other areas and become migration leaders (If we have 50-100 turns we can migrate to our old country orrrr. We stay in the migration area forever) If we have 50-100 turns after or before 50-100 turns, you as the leader will be f…
Last reply by FelixNoChill, -
- 0 replies
Rebels in AOH2 were alright if I'm being honest, although I think it could be improved nonetheless. Ideological rebels: There will be two types of rebels, Jacobins, and Reactionaries. Jacobins will only be activated after the democratic technologies are researched, they will press the government for democratic demands. Reactionaries will be activated once the Communist and/or Fascist technologies are researched, they will press for a fascist or communist dictatorship. Once an ideological rebel occupies the capital for 30 days, they will overthrow the current ruling party with their own demands. Spring/Independence movements: Once the nationalism technologi…
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 0 replies
en the translation is not fully completed because the translation already exist but i translated less or equal to 90% so here is the file if you want edit the file cz překlad není zcela dokončen, protože překlad již existuje, ale přeložil jsem méně nebo rovných 90 %, takže zde je soubor pokud chcete soubor upravit pl tłumaczenie nie jest w pełni ukończone, ponieważ tłumaczenie już istnieje, ale przetłumaczyłem mniej lub równo 90%, więc tutaj jest plik, jeśli chcesz go edytować translation cz.txt
Last reply by zdislav, -
- 6 replies
How about separating such concepts as forms of government and ideologies? Thus, ideologies can be: Fascism, Nazism, Liberalism, Communism with forms of government: Republic, Dictatorship, Monarchy. Also, some ideologies may be incompatible with certain forms of government, such as Communism and Monarchy.
Last reply by GöteborgskaKommunisten, -
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So The Idea Is: Since Events will be using Txt Files, there wouldn't be a way to assign certain provinces to civs Without Province ID, So i am suggesting this: Here On Ageofcivilizationsgames there would be a Map section for the aoh3 map on mobile and PC with all the scenario borders available, you would pick your desired provinces by clicking on them and on a box below the website gives you the Province IDs of each province you clicked on to copy paste or u could just fix the old one and still allow us to transport events in files 😄 @dodoaltac gave some pretty good additions to be added
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 5 replies
Pretty much, I suggest returning the old even creator as it had much more options and was way more flexible than the text file one, and annexing provinces to certain nations doesn't seem to be an option, which would actually ruin the best part of event creation, so I suggest returning the old event creator from aoh2 with some new added features: Ability to add/remove armies Ability to change province religion/pop graph thru events Ability to move armies thru events Ability to rename provinces thru events Ability to change (not kill) King's thru events Ability to unlock/hide wonders thru events …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 3 replies
The ability to add, or modify the technology tree and the unit types via the files would be very nice. An in-game editor would be a bit too much in my opinion, the bare minimum of having the ability to modify them in the files is good enough.
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 2 replies
Vassals could be part of the same alliance as their lord without needing to manually ally them, just like in hoi4, however, if the Vassal declares independence they will have 2 choices: 1- if relations with former lord is higher than 0, the vassal, when declaring independence, will stay in the alliance of its lord, thus reducing the likelihood of lord declaring war on vassals. 2- if relation with lord is very low, then the Vassal, when declaring independence, might leave the alliance, making the likelihood of lord declaring war high, the lord would try to turn the new independent civ into a Vassal, or, annex it if the lord has cores on the former Vassal. Since t…
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
- 3 replies
Idea: I suggest adding a gold reserve to the game. In reality, every country has a gold reserve stored for emergencies. Here is how it could work: 1) The gold reserve should be stored in different cities, not just one (although the option of having it in one city should also be possible). 2) It should not be possible to cash out the entire reserve at once; it should take time and be done gradually. However, there should be an option to adjust the speed of cashing out based on importance. 3) After researching the necessary technology, a "slider" for allocating funds to the gold reserve should appear in the tax menu. …
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 1 reply
I feel like this should have a much better affect, if you guarantee the independence of a civilization then that means that the relations between you and the civilization that has bad relations between the civilization your supporting will also have bad relations and a possible rivalry but you will also develop friendly relations with the country your supporting, it could also be used as a reason for war if there will a casus belli system.
Last reply by thecarvalhogamer, -
- 2 replies
Olá Jakowski, em minhas tentativas frustradas de ter uma ideia para Age of History 3, considerei um sistema de fome. Seria benéfico se as explorações agrícolas não só gerassem lucros e aumentassem as taxas de crescimento das províncias, mas também desempenhassem um papel no combate à fome. Veja como o sistema poderia funcionar: Se a sua população não tiver comida suficiente, ela diminuirá gradualmente ao longo do tempo até que se passem dois meses (o tempo máximo que um ser humano pode sobreviver sem comida). Eventualmente, eles pereceriam. Este sistema de fome pode ser integrado na mesma interface que você apresentou em seu vídeo recente. …
Last reply by Kiwi, -
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It depends on whether the leaders of democracy change every 4 or 5 years When we change the ideology, a rebel civil war will happen, for example, the German Reich cannot be made communist at once, or a communist country can be made fascist. Some celebrations in the events of the New Year, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Great French Revolution, for example We can change the real names of real consultants in the consultants' settings section Change portraits without exiting the game or build a country easily We can also change the religion and see how many percent of our country are Islamic, Christian and... and when we change the religion, the flags will also chan…
Last reply by XIX Game, -
- 6 replies
I propose to return the concept of the first part. When your capital is captured, you capitulate. Thus, the conquests will become easier. So the capital and its location will become more significant.
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 4 replies
Could you add, split, an change some provinces in Czechia : Břeclav Pohořelice Hradec České Budějovice Nýřany Ústí nad Orlicí Český Krumlov Železná Ruda Litoměřice Olomouc Beside, cange you also change Pilsen to Plsen, because Pilsen is the english name. In the second picture, there are some of their German names. Germanification : Břeclav = Lundenburg Pohořelice = Pohrlitz Hradec = Königgrätz České Budějovice = Budweis Nýřany = Nuerschan Český Krumlov Ústí nad Orlicí = Wildenschwert Litoměřice = Leitmeritz …
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 6 replies
One of the essential elements that cannot be overlooked in Age of History 3 is the inclusion of political ideas. Specifically, incorporating left-wing (more socialist) and right-wing (more liberal/centrist) ideologies would enrich the game. These ideologies could directly impact laws and policies within civilizations. For instance: A left-leaning leader might enact policies aligned with socialist principles, such as wealth redistribution, universal healthcare, and free education. Conversely, a more liberal leader could focus on deregulation, tax cuts, and privatization. Moreover, these political stances could significantly influence diplomatic relation…
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 0 replies
Similar to vic2's decisions, it's a menu with a list of decisions that your nation can take if they meet the criteria of the decision. There will be a decision editor similar to the event editor. Would better then just having events fire when you meet the criteria to fire them (which is the current way to do stuff similar to decisions) Above is a screenshot of Victoria 2's germany decision menu, each decision has a button (the question mark) that if hovered over, will show you the requirements to pass that decision. The checkmark shows what the decision does. Along with this, adding the ability to make common decisions (decisions that can be done by every …
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 3 replies
Can you make the (ai) focus on forming their formidable nation instead of attacking randomly That would make the map look more defined over time, like imagine playing Poland for like 100 years to form the commonwealth and then zooming out and seeing a magnificent Persian empire or a mighty ottoman caliphate with their historical borders It will give more fun the more you play
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 2 replies
I was thinking of introducting a system of provinces of Interest, like in eu4 and Victoria III, where each nation can, depending on their rank/number of provinces, choose neighboring provinces or whole regions so that each nation can focus on getting more territory and try to find more allies in certain regions for example : let’s say the ottomans can have a much as 3 regions or 20 provinces of interest in neghboring regions, this would cause for them to focus for example on regions like the balkans and Greece or countries like Serbia ( I think it would be cool of the AI chooses rivals as provinces of interest ), so they will prepare for Conflict with Serbia by worse…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
Wiemy już, że sojusze będą bardziej rozbudowane i będą lepiej działać niż te w AoH 2, dlatego moim zdaniem wypowiadanie wojny powinno być możliwe tylko tym państwom z którymi mamy granicę - jeśli chcemy wypowiedzieć wojnę komuś z kim nie mamy granicy to odbywać się to może tylko przez sojusze podczas dołączenia do wojny sojusznika (w AoH 2 nie miało sensu i było denerwujące kiedy grając jako Polska wojnę wypowiada Ci Tanzania). Myślę, również, że to może zapobiec border gore Drugą opcją jest dodanie "punktów wojny" - licznik działa tak samo jak licznik punktów dyplomatycznych i za wypowiedzenie wojny państwu z którym nie graniczymy tracimy "punkty wojny" albo punkty …
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 4 replies
Hiya! and สว้สดีคาบ! This is the Translation for Thai languages in AOH3!! The Translation is currently Finished!!!! It's currently 100%!!!! 😍 Thank you for waiting for the translation of the thai language as it took a mere 3 weeks... Credit: Jerrymouse500 for his translations on wonders Note: reply to this topic if there's any problems, i'll be happy to resolve them if you're polite. Thai Translation 100%.txt
Last reply by MaxitheAustria, -
- 3 replies
We see many footage of gameplay and I think it enough for make demo version for everyone test the game for purpose 1. Finding bug 2. To understand how game exactly work and easier to give suggestions and idea 3. Check geographic and province
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
Edit: Due to Luke reacting to this post, I assume he's a fan of these changes. I am not sure if it'll be added but it would be cool if he did. Some completely skip over this gamemode in AOH2, it's a BLAST to playthrough. And I would love to see it return in a sequel, especially with some other mechanics I've seen suggested like languages/cultures splitting from eachother (which would be amazing for this gamemode) The gamemode will be similar to the original mode from AOH2, when the game begins a set amount of random nations will be plopped around the map, although instead of the nations being random, it would be a nice breath of fresh air to see these nat…
Last reply by Kiwi, -
The Holy Roman Empire is not a separate state, but a political entity that includes the states of Germany and Northern Italy. At the bottom of the screen there is an eagle button that opens the HRE interface. On the left and right are columns with members of religious leagues during their existence. By clicking on the cross icon in a particular column, you can enter or leave the corresponding league. In the upper left part of the main interface is the coat of arms of the country of the current emperor. To the right of it is a window in which the amount of Imperial Authority (IA) and its monthly increase are indicated. At the top right is a list of Imperial refor…
Last reply by Денис Живков,