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The Holy Roman Empire is not a separate state, but a political entity that includes the states of Germany and Northern Italy. At the bottom of the screen there is an eagle button that opens the HRE interface. On the left and right are columns with members of religious leagues during their existence. By clicking on the cross icon in a particular column, you can enter or leave the corresponding league. In the upper left part of the main interface is the coat of arms of the country of the current emperor. To the right of it is a window in which the amount of Imperial Authority (IA) and its monthly increase are indicated. At the top right is a list of Imperial refor…
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 0 replies
Will there be a trench war?
Last reply by Igor_novicov, -
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Will there be a trench war?
Last reply by Igor_novicov, -
- 1 reply
Olá Łukasz Jakowski, estou pensando em algo como tropas cessando sua lealdade ao trono. Por exemplo, durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial, os soldados alemães muitas vezes desconsideraram as ordens do Kaiser. Acredito que se você se envolver em numerosos ataques nas montanhas e sofrer perdas significativas, os soldados poderão ficar descontentes e decidir rebelar-se na sua província. Alternativamente, uma abordagem mais direta (na minha opinião) seria desencadear um evento afirmando que os soldados já não o servem (ou talvez se recusem completamente a lutar na guerra). Essa mecânica em particular é algo que nunca vi em nenhum jogo, e espero que o tão aguardado Age of History…
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I've always believed that the justification for war is necessary, and since we already have spies, we should allow spies to carry out falsely claimed missions, and in addition to that, recovering cores, etc. should give us the interface to declare war. There's also the issue of ethnicity, I don't want to see one country being one ethnicity, so that all the countries of the Japanese warring nations are of different cultural ethnicities, which would be weird and also increase performance drain.
Last reply by 桑榆不是鱼, -
- 1 reply
I think that it would be nice to have possible bonuses through events that last a while, for example Portugal has completed a mission that aimed at making it’s army bigger so they get +5% discipline for 2 years, or they can colonize a lot in a short time and have a bonus for settler numbers in new colonies of +15% for 25 years, or maybe have events like you changed religion so the time for religion change is shortened by 10% for 5 years , if you guys find it a good idea then let’s make Lukasz see this and let’s see if he decides to implement this
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 3 replies
Czech translation is finished
Last reply by zdislav, -
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HERE IS THE ALPHA HINDI TRANSLATION : यहाँ अल्फ़ा हिंदी अनुवाद है: See the attached file (संलग्न फ़ाइलें देखें) : The Quality of Translation of the Document is Great but there could errors, (Please Inspect for translation errors) दस्तावेज़ के अनुवाद की गुणवत्ता बढ़िया है लेकिन त्रुटियाँ हो सकती हैं, (कृपया अनुवाद त्रुटियों का निरीक्षण करें) PLEASE INSPECT FOR SYNTAX ERRORS EXPAMPLE : IS IT CORRECT TO TRANSLATE THIS : ((((PerformTheActionXTimes = Perform the action {0,choice,0#{0} times|1#{0} time|1<{0,number,integer} times} )))) TO THIS : क्रिया को {0,choice,0#{0} बार|1#{0} बार|1<{0,number,integer} बार} करें THANK YOU…
Last reply by Léonardo da Vinci, -
I have an idea, there’s a nice food mechanic in Imperator Rome and I tried to interpret it for AoH3. Thanks in advance. Firstly, the amount of food in a city will be between 0 and 100, and there will be a monthly food increase depending on the terrain of the city. I talked about how much it can increase monthly below. Now, how much will the food decrease monthly? I think a monthly -0.4 food decrease per 20k population would be quite nice. So, the monthly food expense of a city with a population of 100k will be -2. And of course, what will change between 0-100? 0 is bad, 100 is good. If our food count is 0, the population increase will be -5% per month, production and tax …
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Hello! I would like to ask, will the Kazakh language be added to the new version of the game? If it is planned, I can help with the translation 🙂
Last reply by deborah621, -
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The idea Is this: What if we made a big Store where people can post theirs owns Maps made with the editor and share it. They are completely free but we can add littles prizes for the best one of the month (for example)
Last reply by qxz, -
Last reply by Wiktorek,
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I really believe that ships should be included and not just one type of ship but also different ones, such as, in modern times they would be destroyers, battleships, aircraft carriers, or in the past frigates, galleons, skulls. Also, make the army look dynamic like in victory two, but instead of contryball-type soldiers that would be very good, another thing colonization could be groups that decide to conquer lands for the crown, that is, volunteers, although that would be better for distant lands, the nearby ones we could do it ourselves but with an army of explorers instead of spending on an army and having it dissolve and that didn't seem so good to me, something else …
Last reply by Hago12543, -
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declaring war based only on the relationship is a bit simplistic, something like claiming territory before declaring war, creating a cause for war could have done it better or it could be a mechanic of declaring war that changes into the future
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 3 replies
My idea is the following, we can create provinces on top of the countries we dominate Examples: we dominate Bavaria, only our territory is annexed to Prussia, then we could transform Bavaria into our own province or county to better administer the territory
Last reply by KartBlaster, -
- 4 replies
First thing to ask, would there be a confederation system, like HRE ? If yes, it could be like this : Confederal state is composed of two or more constituent states, referred to as confederated states. Regarding their political systems, confederated states can have republican or monarchical forms of government. - Republican form (confederated republics) are usually called states (like states of the American Confederacy, 1861-1865) or republics (like republics of Serbia and Montenegro within the former State Union of Serbia and Montenegro, 2003-2006). - Monarchical forms of government (confederated monarchies) are defined by various hierarchical ranks (like …
Last reply by Anom, -
- 3 replies
It would be a good idea to be able to request an army from your vassale for legacy points Instead of directly calling them to war And you should not have any say of how many or what kinda of troops they send And you should be able to control them until the end of the war Because for now it doesn't seem worthy to vassale instead of annexing @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by GeneralHitler, -
- 2 replies
There are many examples in history when countries did not have flags, or data about them have not been preserved. So why not add the ability not necessarily to have some kind of flag. In addition, it will be easier to create historical scenarios. For example, we don't know what the flag of ancient Rus was like and whether it was at all. And instead of coming up with a gag, you just don't have to add it. For cases where countries subsequently had flags, you can add the ability to create and change flags during the game.
Last reply by null, -
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There is a problem in the research section of AOH 3 game. It is possible that we can access advanced equipment in less time. This is a little unreasonable. For example start the game from year 1 and continue the game until year 1000 and we will release all the equipment and forces, while there were no cannons and tanks at that time. It is better to use the year to open the equipment and technology, for example, in 1900, tanks will be released, or in 1945, nuclear bombs will be released.
Last reply by alimoavi952, -
- 1 reply
I understand that there is an evolution paths for units in the game like swordsman->early soldiers blah blah blah but i think we can imrpove that we can unlock new units by unlocking them in the technology tree but units can also have their own small tech tree that uses research points (are used at the start of the game to increase tax money and other buffs). this gives more use for technology points and will also allow smaller nation to become more powerful since they have better unit tech an example of this unit tech in game would be Soldier Gun Tech: AK-47 -> AR-15 -> LMG (Each upgrade increases damage by X percent) Armor Tech: …
The same mechanics as religions. Every civilisation and every province has culture. If a province has a different culture than civilization, it will cause debuffs of the province. Civilisation can assimilate province. In the future ages, culture can be transformed into a nation. Something similar is already in the game, but it’s strictly tied to one civilisation, and every civilisation that has captured the provinces must assimilate them, no matter what civilisation they were rejected. The idea is that several civilisations can belong to the same culture. Thus, when capturing provinces with their culture, the provinces will not need assimilation.
- 8 replies
The new aoh3 is a game that we all are waiting for and I think it will be released on November 21 aoh2 or it might be releasing on May and I hope this is true I just need the help of many people to help predict when will the game release and come.
Last reply by qxz, -
About cultures
by Guest- 0 replies
Cultures. Province can have only one culture in. Cultures has only one trait and tihs trait is static. This trait can add a attack bonus. Bonus to birth rate/something else Culture can be acceptable or not. We can determ what culture is acceptable by country in tag file. If culture is not acceptable the trait does not gives bonuses. By law we can change the limit of acceptable cultures. to add a new culture in accaptable list we will pay some legacy point amount. If culture accepteble is no need to assimilate them. Also would be cool if we can make culture unacceptable and main acceptable culture of country will fully replace them Country, Which have a sout…
- 4 replies
I think that it would be more realistic if kings and queens died in the game. maybe you can do the system like this: After the coronation of the king, there could be a modifier of the probability that decides when the king will die. in the first year, it could be 1%, 2. year, 2% 3. year 3% 4. year 4% 5. 5% 6. 6% 7: 8% 8: 10% 9: 12% 10: 15% .... And we should be able to name our successors for roleplay purposes. I think that we should be able to choose from 3 successors with different bonuses as well. I hope that you see this.
Last reply by Ares I of Congo, -
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There should be a system of choose between have a more militarist society or a more peaceful one, which would give you different internal bonuses depending not just of your choice, but also by your political/ideological system, which could besides the already existing bonuses, shape how your choice would actually be put into practice ( I don't know what you are planning about our ideology system in the more modern scenarios, so it's difficult for me to give you an example of how it would work.. ), it could also interfere with your diplomacy system.
Last reply by Drazuga,