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The recent mod that allows us to take provinces from enemy allies was a great addition. Now, I think it would be awesome if the probability of AI making allies was highly reduced, or at least made editable to one's preferences through the addition of another game value
Last reply by RennyTheSimpatic, -
feature Some suggestions for choosing rivals. Kilka sugestii co do wybierania rywali
by PatrickReich- 0 replies
Hi. I noticed a problem, namely that people playing this game choose the weakest possible opponents. How do I know this... Because I do it myself xD I found a solution to this problem. Just introduce a function that increases heritage points and maximum human resources depending on the level of the country in the ranking, i.e. the higher the level of the ranking, the greater the profits for competing with a given country. Witam. Zauważyłem pewien problem, mianowicie że osoby grające w tę grę wybierają możliwie najsłabszych przeciwników. Skąd ja to wiem... Bo sam to robię xD Znalazłem rozwiązanie tego problemu. Wystarczy wprowadzić funkcję, która zwiększ…
Last reply by PatrickReich, -
- 1 reply
Czy byłaby możliwość dodania opcji ustawienia unikalnych jednostek dla konkretnego kraju lub grupy krajów. Dla Rzymu, legion które będą normalnie odblokowywane w drzewku lecz tylko będą mogły być rekrutowane przez konkretną cywilizacje @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Aryati, -
- 1 reply
Hi, It would be of a big improvement, "To Sell a Province" to a faction using the Map(selecting a province with the MouseWheelButton and LeftMouseButton. As for now its only possible by searching it through the tab, which is very obnoxious searching for the provinces, when you have Empire with more than 50 or 100 provinces. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by favedor, -
- 7 replies
### Things I find missing and incorrect in the game 1. **Diplomacy** - Diplomacy can be quite complex and could be improved. Various diplomatic actions from Age of History 2 should be reintroduced, such as offering vassalage and issuing ultimatums. - Alliances are established too quickly and too many countries prefer alliances. There should be a balance, and forming alliances should be more challenging. - A country should form an alliance with another country based on friendly relations and similar power levels. - The limit of only 2 countries forming an alliance is not ideal. There should be the option for more alliance members…
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
- 1 reply
Hello, Could you please make the Speed (1-5) bars under the year counter, more visible. For now, I need to really look into it or change speed just to be sure(diffrent monitors make different results). Nevertheless. The Year counter bar itself is red. And the speed bars itself are dark red, which doesn't help with visibility at all. It's something small, but would be nice to have it ! ^^ Here is a Photo to see what I mean. Even in the photo are so hard to see. I didn't know they actually existed for 20 hours oof gameplay xD
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
- 3 replies
There is release of AoH3 for Android in Google Play. But, there is a problem to buy it for me and many other people who wants it, because Google Play restricted any type of payments in Google Services formall Russians. In case with Steam, such type of block is easy to evoid, but not in case with Google. I'm and many fans who live in Russia wants to buy your game on Android and iOS. Is there anything we can do? Are you going to release on russian stores, such as RuStore or EGS for Android to evoid block? Are there anything what we can do to buy game?
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
- 1 reply
Small, but annoying thing, screen turns off after some time if you dont press on the screen, like you are on home page. Would be nice if you can disable it while you are in-game (also most games have this feature off), so you can read text or think and don't worry about screen turning off all the time.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 8 replies
• Add Language Keyboard, Change language for language keyboard. • Add Country Scenario as a region like as United states, brazil and china • Add more overlays for coat of arms, Preview it as a video (Age of Civilization 3 - Create a civilization) • Add Formable Civilization, Unions • Add Colors Pattern For Civilizations
Last reply by aoc2 visitor, -
- 1 reply
It would be great if types of rebellions were added, at least two (Nativist and Separatist) The nativist would be rebellions just wanting to make internal changes, such as changing the type of government in the country The separatist, a part of the nation wants to separate from the main territory and become independent
Last reply by Zathriscm, -
- 2 replies
Thanks for releasing this masterpiece, Łukasz. I played this game A LOT and noticed it all drawbacks. I know that many peoples ask you to add focus trees, multiplayer and ect. But we shouldn't forgot that you are one man army and can't implement such features. So I prepared only simple ideas for you but they would change game experience a lot. Also I would be grateful if you comment my topic or at least react to it. 1. Alliances. Alliances work absolutely different now. Many of community may agree that not in good way. Why we can't make demands to allies in peace treaty? I saw in game files there are "TAKE_PROVINCE_FROM_ALLY" or something, however it just light up th…
Last reply by reau, -
- 2 replies
My futile efforts to even upload a single mod about this has failed. Thus, I must now present this simple idea to you. Non-Aggresion Pacts must be exclusive to enemy countries. Rival, for example. It is not logical for a friendly nation to send you a Non-Aggresion Pact considering you can't even declare war on them. It only must be exclusive to said enemy countries. As always. This be it.
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 1 reply
We should be able to use the scroll wheel box or the brush tool when selling provinces. I want to mass-transfer provinces to my vassals but it takes an incredibly long time without these options.
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 0 replies
Hello, so I've noticed that the borders for the provinces of Les Angles and Perpignan are a bit off, which is especially in 1440 and 1618, when it acts as a border. In fact, in the 1618 map Les Angles isn't part of Spain, event though it is part of Catalonia in 1440 (so in theory it should be Spanish in 1618). So, I've drawn up a way to improve the borders, taking into account the actual borders of the era (which are shown below). I don't know if it would be too easy to code, but I think this would be a nice addition into the game.
Last reply by Tresji, -
- 1 reply
Hi Łukasz in aoh2 when you went to see a formable nation it used to display how many provinces and the percentage of how many provinces you needed from another civ to make the formable. It also lined them up from smallest to largest. Given how many provinces are now this should be a necessity along with some other old features. Plus it helps you choosing which nation to invade first if you have a hard time deciding
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 replies
polski: Dzień dobry! podczas grania w tę wpaniałą grę znalazłem niepotrzebną opcję nazwaną ,,Wezwij sojuszników: Wasale''. Uważam, że ta opcja powinna zostać usunięta, a wzywanie wasali do wojny nie powinno być opcją, a już wbudowaną mechaniką gry, której się nie da zmienić. A więc podsumowując, Chciałbym żeby ta opcja została usunięta, a mechanika wzywania wasali do wojny wasali włączona domyślnie. Sądze, iż uprościłoby to opcje gry i sprawiłoby, iż one stałyby się bardziej przejrzyste. English: Good morning! while playing this great game I found an unnecessary option called ,,Summon Allies: Vassals". I believe that this option should be removed, and calling vassals…
Last reply by PatrickReich, -
- 1 reply
Дорогой Лукаш, я наиграл 17 часов в aoh3, игра довольно классная, но есть не которые вещи которые хотелось бы добавить. Я затрону 2 вещи которых мне и другим игрокам явно не хватает: Ультиматумы— я слышал про твои мысли на щёт этой функции, но данной функции капец как не хватает на поздней стадии игры, когда вокруг тебя не добитые остатки стран, которые нужно каждую поочереди ждать, либо из-за альянсов ждать когда исчетёт мирный договор. Кнопка max поддержки— мне очень часто приходится улучшать отношения между странами и это легче всего сделать через кнопку отправить поддержку, но всегда для максимального значения приходиться спамить на кнопку +, это дико не удо…
Last reply by Delaser, -
- 0 replies
Очень хочется увидеть исход для ивентов, по которому мы можем изучить или "забыть технологию"
Last reply by Marcsist, -
- 0 replies
In aoh3 mobile i noticed that there is no button to go to the menu when entering the scenario, at least it is not in the original position. Please add a way to open the menu (to save the game or exit the scenarios) I also noticed that the spies don't work, because when they finish their mission nothing happens @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 3 replies
In the second game, when we clicked our country's name, it showed an overview of our country's borders while making the rest of the world black and white. I couldn't find the same feature in the third game and even though its a small thing, I think it adds a lot to the game. It was satisfying too look at and useful when taking screenshots.
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 0 replies
this would be great to show off mods in the forum
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 0 replies
like on photo: pls Lukasz add this, i would be very happy ❤️
Last reply by Gilop0lkGD, -
- 4 replies
I don't expect this to be seen a lot but I hope these ideas come across some people. Every Idea from here that is implemented is crossed off the list, I hope by February 23rd (5 Months from release) that at least 4 of these changes happen.
Last reply by Boy, -
- 1 reply
when i move the cursor to the every ruler, there it says "king". Can you localize it or change to "Ruler
Last reply by Casual, -
- 0 replies
I hope i can see(if i click it) the outcome that will come after if i unlock the mission. It's kinda hard to plan the game whether i should unlock it or not
Last reply by bmichael5036,