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- Puppet States
- By panszop,
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- 1 reply
Дорогой Лукаш, я наиграл 17 часов в aoh3, игра довольно классная, но есть не которые вещи которые хотелось бы добавить. Я затрону 2 вещи которых мне и другим игрокам явно не хватает: Ультиматумы— я слышал про твои мысли на щёт этой функции, но данной функции капец как не хватает на поздней стадии игры, когда вокруг тебя не добитые остатки стран, которые нужно каждую поочереди ждать, либо из-за альянсов ждать когда исчетёт мирный договор. Кнопка max поддержки— мне очень часто приходится улучшать отношения между странами и это легче всего сделать через кнопку отправить поддержку, но всегда для максимального значения приходиться спамить на кнопку +, это дико не удо…
Last reply by Delaser, -
- 0 replies
Очень хочется увидеть исход для ивентов, по которому мы можем изучить или "забыть технологию"
Last reply by Marcsist, -
- 0 replies
In aoh3 mobile i noticed that there is no button to go to the menu when entering the scenario, at least it is not in the original position. Please add a way to open the menu (to save the game or exit the scenarios) I also noticed that the spies don't work, because when they finish their mission nothing happens @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Joaoj, -
- 3 replies
In the second game, when we clicked our country's name, it showed an overview of our country's borders while making the rest of the world black and white. I couldn't find the same feature in the third game and even though its a small thing, I think it adds a lot to the game. It was satisfying too look at and useful when taking screenshots.
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 0 replies
this would be great to show off mods in the forum
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 0 replies
like on photo: pls Lukasz add this, i would be very happy ❤️
Last reply by Gilop0lkGD, -
- 4 replies
I don't expect this to be seen a lot but I hope these ideas come across some people. Every Idea from here that is implemented is crossed off the list, I hope by February 23rd (5 Months from release) that at least 4 of these changes happen.
Last reply by Boy, -
- 1 reply
when i move the cursor to the every ruler, there it says "king". Can you localize it or change to "Ruler
Last reply by Casual, -
- 0 replies
I hope i can see(if i click it) the outcome that will come after if i unlock the mission. It's kinda hard to plan the game whether i should unlock it or not
Last reply by bmichael5036, -
- 0 replies
Witam, Łukasz! Czy w grze pojawi się tryb wieloosobowy?
Last reply by DeFFyo, -
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Я слышал что вы думаете что игроки будут злоупотреблять этой функцией, но эта функция очень важна в ситуациях скопления микрогосударств которые довольно муторно захватывать из-за поломанной механики заключения мира + механика ультиматума делает игру более реалистичной я надеюсь что вы добавите эту функцию в будущем крупном обновлении
Last reply by Delaser, -
- 3 replies
first mistake in the 1066 is in the map, morocco should be replaced by the almoravids, the ''morocco'' added is a completely different dynasty that wouldn't emerge until nearly 100 years later so this is a massive inaccuracy Second mistake is in the description, it says ''mongols rose'' when the mongols wouldn't even be in the question until almost 200 years later, that's like mentioning the 30 year war in the 1440 description now that i mention the 1440 scenario, it's description is also VERY wrong, mehmet wouldn't govern the ottoman empire until 1453, and even if you include the ''exception'' where he was a governor in 1444, that's still 4 years later …
Last reply by Lucas_Vinni, -
- 1 reply
playing through all scenarios I have notices a lot of nations have wrong religion, I don't know whether it is based on majority religion or government religion, but either way the're wrong (some examples would be Germany being Catholic in ww1, Oman should be ibadi, many "Buddhist" nations in modern world scenario are not even majority Buddhist and not a single majority atheist majority country is represented in modern world; except zombie hord and Antarctica) I hope this gets fixed or looked over
Last reply by Lucas_Vinni, -
Lukasz agregaras barcos de guerra tipo destructores,submarinos,buques de guerra etc o solo serán tropas terrestres?
Last reply by FazaAT, -
- 0 replies
The customisation system (particularly the editor) of Age of History II was quite fun and it was easy to spend hours creating in-depth scenarios with events, alliances and cores. I was looking forward to an expansion of the editor (like I'm sure many others were) as one of the things that made AoHII great was the customisation, however in AoHIII, in its current state, it feels like the editor has been stripped of various elements that made it accessible and fun to use. Events are now supposed to be manually created, and while it is not impossible, it does make it less accessible to the average user who wishes to make scenarios out of personal enjoyment, without need…
Last reply by HistoL, -
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Kupiłem grę w dniu premiery, mam już w niej ponad 20 godzin i zmieniłbym kilka rzeczy. 1. Sojusze, irytujące jest to, że nie możemy podbić całego sojuszu, tylko państwo, któremu wypowiemy wojnę, tym bardziej, że rozejm trwa aż 7 lat. Szkoda też, że nie możemy tworzyć jednego sojuszu z wieloma państwami tak jak w AoH2. Zmniejszyłbym również chęć AI do zawierania sojuszy, ponieważ po roku gry prawie każdy kraj ma jakiś sojusz. 2. Unie, ultimatum - naprawdę brakuje mi tych funkcji. 3. System wasali, czyli większą kontrolę seniora nad wasalem. Mam na myśli możliwość zawarcia pokoju przez seniora jeśli obce państwo wypowie wojnę jego wasalowi, możliwość wezwania do…
Last reply by clevercat, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by tddff, -
- 1 reply
The ability to create a civilisation when adding civilisations into the game like in EU4 would be a great QoL improvement. It is annoying having to exit my scenario and add civilisations manually. Thank you
Last reply by tddff, -
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I came across the fact that the tribes extremely quickly leveled out their level of development and began rapid colonization. This would be justified for those who already captured large territories and developed the economy. But this also applies to the single-province tribes of the New World! 1500 and in the middle of the South American jungle there are colonial trading republics with a capital development better than Constantinople, London, Moscow and Cairo combined We need to fix this somehow
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 0 replies
My idea is to add command "Help" which would show list of all commands.
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 2 replies
Remove or lower the “you have to have at least 90% win rate to make demands”. Objectively, 90% is a lot. If I take over a country with someone, I don't have enough for anything but capitulation or white peace. This is illogical and annoying. Or, is there any way to lower this percentage or set it to 0% through the game files?
Last reply by Nikitilus, -
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I played Age of History 3 the day it came out and it was very fun, a bit of a learning curve but after around 2 hours I had built a Persian empire in the modern world. However there are somethings I noticed and wanted ask about/suggest. First of all, religions; I love this feature but there are inaccuracies. China and North Korea are eminently atheist countries, Japan to my knowledge is also Shinto, but all of these are classified as Buddhist in the game, the Mughal Empire is Hindu in the 30 years war scenario, although historically it followed Sunni Islam, that last one would make sense though if the civilisation religion was classified as what the majority population ha…
Last reply by Anhadsp, -
- 2 replies
Can you add the ability to make a max technology level so civilizations cannot progress beyond a certain level technology wise? Like for instance if I want to avoid nukes being thrown while playing in an Ancient setting
Last reply by Zathriscm, -
- 0 replies
Autonomy will dictate the power of a vassal. Autonomy will designate a vassal a certain power. Lords will be able to control their vassals depending on the amount of autonomy. Example being that if a vassal has high-autonomy, the lord has limited power over the said vassal. Annexation of Vassals If a vassal has essentially no autonomy, the lord will be able to annex it. Though it would require points to do so. Independence 🇺🇸🦅 A vassal could gain independence if their level of autonomy is extremely high. However, the vassal must dedicate large-sums of points to even reach this level. Levels To advance to independence, a vassal must commi…
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 3 replies
First of all, I would like to ask why Multiplayer was not added to the game. There was a reason why Age of History 2 didn't add multiplayer to the game, and that was because the game wasn't a real-time game, whereas Age of History 3 was. We've been waiting for the multiplayer feature to appear in Age of History 2 for a long time. However, aoh2 was not released either. If there is no multiplayer in Age of History 3, we will have to wait for AOH4. I request it to be multiplayer.
Last reply by Ahbao,