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I wonder if we can add scope control in AOH3.That is, under certain technologies, each regional civilization has a certain amount of control, within which it can be ruled directly, and beyond which it can only be governed autonomously or by subfealty You can also make the Chinese area more elaborate by finding county-level zoning maps of China
Last reply by 9292solsl, -
- 0 replies
Having a Journal Entry system like Victoria 3 would make the game way more mod-able and way more historical and add more flavor to the game. I see your going to add a mission system which seems like what Journal Entries are. Please consider this and how much flavor and fun this would add to the game.
Last reply by Bruhfinder, -
- 0 replies
What if when we start new game the other nations go in the historical scenario that happened in real life , par example : if I played with the UK the Ottoman will conquering Constantinople and then the other lands they did in the history , and I wish it will work with all the other countries like "HoI4" and make the AI more intelligent than the last game
Last reply by Slay, -
- 0 replies
Hello. This is my first post on this forum, so forgive me if I'm making a mistake. I think that in AOH 3 we could have a video recording of all the battles and battles we have done in the past that we can play at any time, so that we can better observe where we went wrong and where we went right and improve our strategies. Also, of course, we can take the video at any time we want, like a YouTube video, and I think it would be even better if it was interactive. What do you think?
Last reply by Dai_Judai, -
Would be religions like Sunny and shia islam,chatholic ortodox and protestant christianity, judaism and many other religion into the game as a option to choose IT as a state religion
Last reply by ericul, -
Hello everyone, As you know, Lukasz mentioned that naval units will not be included in the game. However, I want this idea to change because of a very simple reason: I want to see the Pacific War between Japan and the US, the centuries-old rivalry in the Mediterranean, the great navies of Britain and Spain, the geographical discoveries, and many other legendary events related to oceans and navies. For this, I have prepared a long text and, in order: 1. The entertainment value that the navy and events in the oceans and seas will bring to the game. 2. My thoughts on how it will not cause any harm or difficulty if it is added t…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
In my opinion, in the new game there should be a new sea system which will break up sea provinces with different bonuses : coastal waters, Shallow sea, Deep ocean. Fjords and archipelagos. Now we will move on to the navy mainly why it should be added and how it should work. Why the navy should be added: For gameplay variety: warfare (Pacific War), colonization and geographic discovery. How the navy should work: it is built only a province with a shipyard. Each ship has a range that defines (in the fleet is the average) of all ships how far they can sail from the base from which they sailed. Aircraft will only be available if you have an aircraft carrier, ships…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 5 replies
Questions to Lukasz, Will it be possible to mod in new GUIs like a family tree for example? Personally, never tried modding AOH2, and even so I do not believe you could mod in new GUIs with specific purpose or a mechanic although I could be wrong. My main question is how extensive will modding be? How limited will it be?
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 4 replies
So i Feel Like The Terrain In AoH3 Has So Much Potential To Become Something Extremely Fun And Powerful At The Sane Time, Effecting Many Things In The Game, Like For Example: On Flatter Terrain: - Armies Will Move Faster - No Casualties/Damage Done To The Army -Bigger Population -Easier To Settle -Very Easy To Atack Very Hard To Defend On Rougher Terrains: -Armies Move a Bit Slower -Small Numbers Of Casulaties -A Bit Of a Smaller Population -A Bit Less Population -A Bit Less Easy To Settle -A Bit Hard To Invade And a B…
Last reply by Cuponmebrickstonmate, -
- 0 replies
It would be cool to see the possibility of declaring war when a non-aggression pact is concluded between the countries. For example, in this case, relations with the whole world deteriorated. Also, the deterioration of relations with the whole world through events.
Last reply by vartktoto, -
The game has many functions that diversify the economy, we need such things for battles as well. My idea is as follows Each tile is connected to 1-9 other tiles. If an enemy army is standing on one tile and is attacked from another tile, the battle will be even. But if this army is attacked from two different sides(two different tiles), the attacker will have additional chances to win. If three different tails even more chances. This is the siege of the army, which we know from history how much advantage. This will make the game more strategic.
Last reply by Upposties, -
- 0 replies
Being able to save and back up our games so we can play them on other devices.
Last reply by Roden, -
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Being able to send a link or invite to our friends and have them join our game and play on their own devices in real-time.
Last reply by Roden, -
- 1 reply
Hey, I just want to ask you, are you gonna add the same vassals mechanics like in aoh 2 or gonna rework it, if you dont add the vassal mechanics to the game, that fine, you can answer me anytime.
Last reply by LuxVinni, -
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AOH2 was easy to install on PC. all it was needed was to have the full game files and Java, that's it. can AOH3 be the same too? so that it would be easy to add as it would be easy to play. all that should be needed is Java just like AOH2
Last reply by Vyatka My Dearest, -
- 1 reply
Will they be?
Last reply by Pnompenb, -
Siege I believe that during a siege, an army should sustain damage while attacking a fortress or a major city. Furthermore, the duration of the occupation and the extent of damage inflicted on the besieging army should be based on the loyalty of the besieged location to its country, its infrastructure, shelters, fortresses, and military buildings, as well as its significance in terms of production (one of the biggest producers in the world in a certain field), being the capital or one of the top three largest cities in the country, or being among the top 20 largest cities in the world.
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
First of all, I believe that the colonization system needs to be completely revamped. Firstly, it has been said that there will be over 12,000 provinces in the game, and I think it will be very difficult and time-consuming to individually assign settlers to each province. Additionally, I believe that this will create a problematic situation when playing on a world map, as it will result in strange and unnatural borders when countries compete for colonization. Therefore, this mechanic needs to be changed. Furthermore, I believe that there should be foggy regions in the game. Explorers should have to uncover these areas through specific discoveries (it should be…
Last reply by muhoaga, -
In Aoh, 2 rivers performed an exclusively decorative function. I think that in Aoh 3 rivers are necessary. Rivers play an important role in wars, since a river is a natural barrier for an army. In aoh 3 you can't cross the river easily. You will either need to build a bridge, or your army will have to cross the river for several days (imagine them crossing for a long time in boats), or you will have to research the technology of a modern army that will cross the river faster (but slower than it would cross the bridge). Thus, rivers can add variety to military gameplay. It will also be possible to quickly move an army along rivers if you build a port on the river. As f…
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 2 replies
Öncelikle AoH2'deki hre sisteminin hiçbir faydası yoktu, sadece gösterişti. AoH3'teki Hre sistemi için HRE seçmenleri tarafından seçilecek bir imparatorun olması ve bu imparatorun memnuniyet oranının olması gerekir, seçimlerin kral öldükten sonra yapılması mantıklıdır. Eğer memnuniyetsizlik oranı yüksekse bazı İHE seçmenlerinin isyan etmesine neden olacak bir mekanizma eklenmeli. İmparatorların seçmen krallar dışındaki prens krallar üzerinde vergi düzenlemeleri gibi hakları olmalıdır. Ayrıca üç imparatorun saldırı bonusu gibi ekstra özelliklere sahip olması, ordu moralinin normalden yüksek olması ve buffların eklenmesi gerekiyor.
Last reply by KullanıcıLOL, -
- 1 reply
Perhabs you can add options for raiding other countries and looting them
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 reply
I always wanted AOH2 to have a normal multiplayer, but it was turn based and it was impossible, but there is not a problem with the AOH3, please Łukasz Jakowsk, release the game in multiplayer. It is not necessary to have official servers, only servers hosted by players which will be either in LAN or Global Online. If any player is disturbing others, he will be kicked, or banned by the Host only for his room. Benefits for developer More people will have to buy the game to have access to the online mode. It is possible for content creators to stream the game and play with subscribers, which will also increase the number of players. The game will …
Last reply by Plaragnight82, -
- 0 replies
The scenario editor in AOC2 was useless because you couldn't send it to your friends properly. Please add User scenarios, for example, something similar is implemented in geometry dash, where you can make your own level and immediately upload it to the network, or at least add a workshop from where you can download scripts and mods. I really hope that you add this, because it will greatly diversify the gameplay and provide new opportunities for people making scenarios
Last reply by Nikitilus, -
- 1 reply
As you know in Age of History II we could only make flags for the new civilizations within the game with a somewhat limited creator. My suggestion is that in Age of History III the creator of civilizations In the editor there could be an option in the flags section so we can add flags from external sources, that is files, so we could have much more variety and realism in the game's flags. I would also like to ask if you could publicize the community's "project" to make flags and send it to your email so you can add it to the game. I think I could make a video about this to notify the community
Last reply by Huxer, -
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If Lukasz is going to develop a multiplayer game for Age of history 3, we can make some suggestions here. Suggestion 1: If there is a multiplayer game, after we click on the multiplayer game, we will first go back to a login interface, and if the account is an account, we will use the account here to log in. [All you need to log in is your email address and password.] Suggestion 2: There can be a button below the login button that I want to register, and after clicking on it, he will jump here: I haven't figured out the rest yet, so that's all, bye-bye!
Last reply by china peple,