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- Puppet States
- By panszop,
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- 2 replies
Sort provinces. Then enter the number manually and click Apply. The first provinces in the list will get the construction (upgrade, etc., depending on the tab). How it can look like.
Last reply by MikeyMoon, -
- 0 replies
I hope this game gets added a controls menu. So, I can change some hotkeys. Or atleast get to know them. That's it. Great game, It needs a lot of work from my 20 hours of playtime observations.
Last reply by Question, -
No more to say. It is pure sadness. I am in a defensive pact. My partner declares war on his enemy. I get some losses but won some fights. Even occupied territory, and won even more battles. At the end. I am in crisis -X money because of this war. Which I didn't declare. My partner takes all the territories that he wanted. I am left with no reparation money. No gift even from my partner. Nor territorial gains. I am sorry I understand the bordergore thing. But this is not okay. Atleast would be nice to get money gift, from the partner. Moreover I cannot call an ally, to help with the war. Because the war was declared through defensive pact. So, this has to be als…
Last reply by Question, -
- 1 reply
Bring back the old vassal exemption. I mean, the new one is almost no different, but you can no longer choose your own state and liberate it on any territories, and that's a problem. For example, playing for the USSR I can not liberate Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc., because they have no claims to any territory, and in AOC2 I could choose the same Ukraine from the list of states and liberate it on any territory
Last reply by Mr. Rufus, -
- 2 replies
¡Hola a todos! Esta es mi primera vez enviando una propuesta, así que espero que os parezca interesante la idea. PD: está escrito con traductor. Uniones e integraciones: Crear un sistema en el que se envíe una solicitud a otra civilización, la cual, de ser aceptada (teniendo 95 relaciones), iniciaría un proceso compuesto por misiones. Si se aprueba, el progreso hacia la unión aumentaría, pero si alguna misión falla, la barra de progreso disminuiría. Con esto los sindicatos serían posibles pero ya no serían fácilmente explotables. ¡Espero que te guste la idea!😃 @Łukasz Jakowski@Propied…
Last reply by Moisés gamer, -
Last reply by Reodant2, -
- 0 replies
Hello everybody, so I recently got AoH3 and realized that the macedonian language pack doesn't include civilization, but lets take that out of the picture and focus on the UI, I found MULTIPLE errors such as the WW2 scenario being in Serbian, but ww1 in macedonian. Does anyone know how to make a mod to fix this cuz i wanna make one maybe.
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 0 replies
Empire History — Screenshot Tool and Development Timeline Mode Description: Introduce a powerful tool for visualizing and saving the progress of a nation within the game. An in-game screenshot tool combined with a timeline feature will allow players to not only take beautiful screenshots of their nation and vassals but also track the entire development path of their country from start to finish. This mode will create opportunities for detailed analysis of the empire's history, viewing key milestones, and sharing progress with others. Key Features: Quick Screenshot with Border Highlighting: A screenshot button allows players to instantly…
Last reply by SamDerminji, -
- 0 replies
For MacOS players, we continue to wait for the optimisation issue to be resolved!
Last reply by elif941, -
- 4 replies
Age of History III definitely needs a rework in diplomacy. They should bring back features from the previous game; it’s a bit odd that, instead of improving these elements, they chose to remove them. Diplomacy was somewhat better in AOH2, even though it was still limited. Improving this would be a big step forward for the game. "I would also love to see the return of ultimatums, the option to annex our vassals (with the possibility that they could refuse and seek support from an enemy power for their independence war), and an improved trade system." "Hope you don't take this as criticism; I just want the game to improve.…
Last reply by Zaschkwarrior, -
- 0 replies
Why was the function to rename everything in the game created if nothing is saved when you exit the game anyway? Why not add the ability to save all this?
Last reply by Zaschkwarrior, -
- 0 replies
who doesn't miss the variety of options in old diplomacy? they're what makes aoh aoh, advanced diplomacy!
Last reply by mmorin, -
- 0 replies
Sorry please, but when I played Age Of History 3 for 2 days, I identified 4 flaws in the game that you in future updates should fix: Question 1: Selling provinces, let's say I captured Poland for Germany and as history to give Vilnius to Lithuania, and the east of the USSR, and in the tab there you have to manually search for each province to give them. This is so inconvenient that it is better not to give them to anyone than 2 hours to sit and flip through the list of provinces to give Lithuania 5 provinces of Vilnus, and the USSR almost almost 100-200. Solution 1: Either to make a field with a search for provinces, as for example when in the editor looking for civil…
Last reply by Indepci, -
do something like this with one click you can build a building in all provinces with just one click
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
If we are not getting ability to take province from the allies of enemies, "War reparation" option should get us money from all of them, not just the target enemy. Currently there is rarely even a point to take war reparations.
Last reply by Redguy325, -
First Idea. Add option in game to turn off and turn on alliances (I know that there is mod for it, but everytime u turn off and turn on the mod u need to load up game again) Second Idea. Make that countries arent allying with everyone so fast! Im in AoH community for quite long time, and I know kinda a lot of people that play AoH, and everyone of them says that AoH3 is great, but alliances are broken! So ye, Update about alliances is needed! @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Pingwinek, -
- 1 reply
In aoh2 it was so much fun to release as many civilizations as you wanted in territories you weren't particularly interested in. Please make this possible in aoh3 as well
Last reply by Bitum KERITSKI, -
- 6 replies
Even if you defeat a major power, you will only be allowed to capture the country you initially attacked. It is absurd when you defeat both a small nation and its giant ally, but can only capture the first
Last reply by favedor, -
- 0 replies
1. Add annexation of vassals 2. add a religion head mechanic, for example: the head of Catholicism is the papacy and this gives the papacy bonuses to improve relations with countries of the same religion and convert provinces 3. Add navy 4. add Culture mechanics (just like religion)
Last reply by Aryati, -
- 0 replies
Add the ability to declare wars in the scenario editor in the relations tab from the beginning of the game (for example, the Chinese Civil War or the Italo-Ethiopian War in 1936)
Last reply by ckobbrf, -
- 0 replies
sugeruję dodanie opcji pędzla lub możliwości zaznacznia prowincji które chce się sprzedać ponieważ kiedy chce się np. zrobić ładne granice, scrollowanie przez ponad 400 prowincji jest uciążliwe
Last reply by hyvxx_, -
- 1 reply
It would be interesting to get a mechanic in the game where a civilization can form seemingly from out of nowhere and aggresively expand to become an empire. Similar to Mongols or the Rashaidun Caliphate. Instead of slowly growing by fighting individual nations and engaging in diplomacy, this empire will "declare war on the world" in a way, forcing entire regions to unite or ally against them. This empire will almost always be shortlived and will collapse within a few decades to a century and will act to serve as a massive shift in the balance of power in whatever region they emerge in (Think of Europe before Rome vs After). I believe this will fare really well with real …
Last reply by Boy, -
- 0 replies
Please turn down the brightness of unfinished missions and make them bright again, once finished.
Last reply by RKortak_, -
- 0 replies
Is it just me or the buttons for selecting tax-rate or military-funding is very lacking. Like, three options is not enough when compared to Age of History II. Please do consider my idea of expanding the options of the expidentures of stuff. As always - Here's an example. Tax Rate: 0% - 25% - 50% - 75% - 100% Or, more preferably. Use the bar-thingy where you could specifically choose the tax-rate. With it being an alternative to the aforementioned idea if you want to be more precise.
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 0 replies
Its really annoying to sell provinces one by one, searching for their names in the menu. It would be better if we could paint on the map to transfer/sell multiple provinces at once.
Last reply by favedor,