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In the new shorts named Scenario editor,Add civilization, there's an Easter egg about ideologies. There are : Democracy Monarchy Constitutional monarchy Communism Fascism Presidential republic Merchant republic Parliamentary republic Horde City state Theocracy Tribal Rebels And I have two questions. The first is to create a new flag and put in an ideology. The second one is to add Autocracy, Imperial monarchy, Socialism and Nationalism.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
How this would work is that you could drag a box (or have a province select system like in aoh2) to select a certain amount of provinces, be able to go to the structures menu, and the price to build all these structures will increase with the higher amount of provinces you select.
Last reply by QuiteCloth, -
- 2 replies
I request that nuclear should not be something very easy to do, let it be something that is difficult to do, so that not every country can have it, and also, for example, let's not open up nuclear technology in the 1600s and use nuclear in those old times. If we could use it, it would be very ridiculous, and there should be certain consequences of using nuclear. When a country uses nuclear, the location of where it is used. It should be quarantined for a certain period of time and damage will occur around it. Other countries should oppose it. Thank you for reading.
Last reply by Neyoto Hiro, -
- 0 replies
I suggest there be a beta or alpha of AoH3 for Android to test the on-screen controls.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
Law and Order
by qxz- 1 reply
Hello everyone, Throughout history, countries changed their laws which have been in some cases extremely significant like the abolishment of slavery (Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833) or the introduction of compulsory schooling (Education Act 1880). The point I'm making is that changes in laws directly influenced how the world is throughout history and would be beneficial to have in Age of History 3 as a brilliant feature. Laws should add new ways to play the game and enable the player to have unique playthroughs. Laws should both benefit the player and also apply negative effects directly onto the player, adding extra challenge to face against. Laws …
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 reply
Personally, I think that by having more functions and forms, it would be more comfortable to edit each civilization through an interface when it is selected from the map, basically when you click on a civilization an interface will appear to adjust or modify certain things. Like this:
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
Łukasz, make it so that if several provinces have the same name next to each other, then the name on the map is on top of all these provinces, and not the same text on top of all these provinces.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Hello i see Aoc3 is nice and very developed, Just need to add battleships moderns and ww2 and columb periods (creisers, fregats, submarines and.... And need to add moderns and ww2 planes launvh types like HOI 4 Fenks
Last reply by David773, -
- 1 reply
Can you make it that countries can not annex area that have more that 50% of their own citizens. I mean that for example if Portugal have 10 milions citizens than they can annex an area with a maximum of 5 milions citizens. Also if AI attack other country they shold not try to have 100% warscore. 75% is enough (in AOH2 sometimes wars last 300 years bacause country have 1 un occupied province on the other side of globe so AI didnt finished this war). Do you have any ideas to prevent the map from looking like a mosaic after a few years of playing?
Last reply by mr.qzit, -
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I propose to improve the ports by adding 2 things: a trade card and “trade”, but how will this work: the country produces/extracts a resource such as timber, coal, diamonds, etc. they can be sold to another country, in which way we explore the port, then ships, and then we can go to the port window and load the resource into the ship, then send it to another country under an agreement and earn the amount that we agreed on in advance (TRADE ONLY RESOURCES AND NOTHING ELSE) the port can develop at several levels; The number of spaces for ships and cargo depends on the level. As for the trading card, there will be a map on which the ports are marked and a request for the pur…
Last reply by mr.qzit, -
- 1 reply
Por lo visto, solo existe el Imperio Azteca y el Imperio Inca, pero ¿habrá más civilizaciones como en EU4? ¿O lo dejarás como tierra colonizable?
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 1 reply
Öncelikle kolonizasyon sisteminin tamamen yenilenmesi gerektiğine inanıyorum. Öncelikle oyunda 12.000'in üzerinde ilin olacağı söylendi ve her vilayete ayrı ayrı yerleşimci atamanın çok zor ve zaman alıcı olacağını düşünüyorum. Ek olarak, bunun dünya haritası üzerinde oynarken sorunlu bir durum yaratacağına inanıyorum çünkü ülkeler sömürgeleştirme için yarışırken garip ve doğal olmayan sınırlara yol açacaktır. Dolayısıyla bu mekanizmanın değişmesi gerekiyor. Ayrıca oyunda sisli bölgelerin olması gerektiğini düşünüyorum. Kaşiflerin bu alanları belirli keşiflerle ortaya çıkarması gerekiyor (Age of History 2'nin daha gelişmiş bir versiyonu olmalı). Bir ülkenin tek …
Last reply by muhoaga, -
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Mam propozycję dotyczącą Bydgoszczy, jeśli dałoby się zrobić jak to było w Age of History 2, budynki specjalne. W prowincji Bydgoskiej mogłyby to być spichrze, ciekawym dodatkiem byłaby unifikacja Bydgoszczy z Fordonem w roku 1970 🙂 Pozdrawiam Mikołaj
Last reply by MikołajBydgoszcz, -
Autosave after treaty peace or discovering a technology
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 3 replies
A country should be able to close its own straits and passages against other countries. As a result, problems such as losing relationships should be experienced. This should be both economic and military. For example, if Turkey and Russia are at war, Turkey should be able to close its straits to Russia, stop Russian trade from the Black Sea, and prevent them from landing in other regions.
Last reply by Barbaris, -
- 0 replies
Adding warships to the game would give a utility to the sea, which as we have seen in previous games has virtually no utility. It is true that adding such mechanics would complicate the war mechanics, but it can be solved. I propose that in order to implement naval warfare, the victory percentage in war should be affected by naval combat, suffering a naval defeat will reduce your victory progress but only up to a certain point, i.e. the war percentage will have several factors: percentage of battles up to x%, percentage of conquest x% and percentage of attrition%. I explain each of them: Battle percentage: If you win battles both at sea and on land you add a pos…
Last reply by Keguca10, -
- 2 replies
Lukasz, I watched the trailer about colonization and if I understand correctly, units called settlers go to the land to be colonized and colonize it INSTANTLY. I think since Aoh3 will be an RTS game, settlers should have to spend a certain amount of time (maybe 30-35 days) to colonize an area. If this happens, I think it will be more suitable for the RTS concept Also, it is NONSENSE that once we colonize a region, we immediately take it under our protection. I have two proposals to connect this region to our mainland; 1) After a certain period of time, the colonized areas will spontaneously connect (adapt) to our mainland. …
Last reply by mysta, -
- 2 replies
As the title says, an experience system would go really great for the game. Why? For example, your armies fight and all and just go back without any experience at all. What I say is there should be a division like "1st Army" which you recruit troops into, then this division gains experience and also units in this division gains experience as they fight. I think that would be great and fairly simple, open to other suggestions.
Last reply by mysta, -
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If there is a crisis in the country and people are very dissatisfied, and you either do not change the type of government or you change it and make it even worse for the country, then there will be a riot (The province where there will be a riot will flash) to calm down there there must be an army, and if it is not appeased, a civil war will begin
Last reply by Artemiliado, -
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What is the difference between Party democracy and ordinary democracy? Because In a party democracy, every year , The party changes randomly, there are several parties themselves Liberals Conservatives Social Democrats
Last reply by Artemiliado, -
- 1 reply
caliphate, papacy, trade routes, special soldiers for special regions, a building where we can build war elephants in Indian lands, a stable for our horse archers in Central Asia, and the Ottoman Empire. Let me give you an example, when Istanbul was captured, it turned Hagia Sophia into a mosque.
Last reply by alpht, -
- 0 replies
Merhaba Lukaz'lar (adınızı yanlış kullanmışsam kusura bakmayın), sizlere oyuna eklenecek yeni sistemlerden bahsetmek istiyorum, umarım bunu okuyup dikkate alırsınız. 1-Bir misyonumuz olmalı mesela EU4'teki gibi Prusya oynuyoruz, gidip Almanya'yı kurmak için ihtiyacımız olan toprakları ele geçirdiğimizde bu topraklarda bir çekirdek (devlet malı) olsun, böylece isyan riski olmasın. 2-Irk ve din gibi şeyler olabilir. Mesela Prusya ile oynarken Alman devletlerini kendi topraklarıma kattığımda asimilasyonla uğraşmak istemiyorum. Ne kadar saçma değil mi? 3- Oyuna; Kömür, petrol, çelik gibi kaynaklar getirilebilir ya da ticaret yolları getirilebilir, mesela ordu k…
Last reply by Seur Heimer, -
- 3 replies
The new mechanics of generals and advisers look very good, but the videos do not give an idea of a very important nuance: how will it be edited? Will it be necessary to create politicians for each civilization in advance? Or will there be a leader generator that will replace the "missing" politicians? When creating mods for AoH2 with hundreds of civilizations and a high degree of elaboration (in the development of several of which I participate), there was already a problem with adding leaders to each of them. But in AoH3, creating hundreds and thousands of generals and advisers manually can become an almost impossible task. Therefore, the leader generator could beco…
Last reply by Lowrange258, -
- 2 replies
Events are cool, but they can be limiting since you can only do them in 1 style. I think that there could be different styles of events that you can set up via the event editor. Here's a few ideas: Feel free to share your own ideas, i just thought that this could be interesting.
Last reply by realkard, -
- 0 replies
I think the supply should be redesigned so that the player really needs to worry about it. Supply should affect the range of units, their replenishment rate, movement speed, etc. At the same time, it should depend on factors such as landscape, technology, and unit types In real history, armies have been dependent on wagons for centuries: neither infantry, nor cavalry, nor even artillery could leave the main route of the army for a long time, while the convoy did not always keep up with the advanced detachments. The units left without supplies could be destroyed very quickly. But the introduction of hiking backpacks in the 19th century improved the situation: armies w…
Last reply by Mirolit,