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This is important because if civilizations are ahead of the age they should be, civilizations should receive a bonus and civilizations that are behind the age should be disadvantaged.
Last reply by bar_akdemir1, -
- 0 replies
Are there plans to add special units, depending on the region and technology of an area? An example would be the Balearic slingers for Carthage, the janissaries for the Ottoman Empire, or more generally light horse archers for the Mongol peoples.
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 1 reply
Since I see a lot about multiplayer, why not do some Paypal or donations to support multiplayer without it being a big expense? I mean, multiplayer servers cost a lot and are not cheap to maintain. So why not suggest to the community to support them through donations? Of course, multiplayer entails a large expense especially for having many players, but hey, more fun, right? The idea is absurd but functional, Plus it would be a hug to the community and then we won't be playing with AI for the rest of the eternity of the game. In case multiplayer is a surprise or unplanned, that's fine, But, the community and we must be aware of the expense and the use that …
Last reply by Redguy325, -
- 0 replies
Basically what if youre Germany and instead of changing ideology to monarchy to get the Black, White, Red flag you could just change it and stay a democracy and even add in your own flags for selection. That way a country isn't restricted to one flag per ideology but can have many flags. Really Basic Concept:
Last reply by BlueEagle, -
- 0 replies
So I was wondering if you are going to add specific type of air support like bombers(bombing cities or units) jets(air combat) and stealth planes for spying on the enemies. And planes for transpiration of army. Also is there going to be different artillery types in the future? Like himars
Last reply by georgianman, -
- 0 replies
So, my idea is that the states in aoh 3 can be federalized. This can be done by allocating autonomy from one or more provinces. Autonomy is like a vassal, but very limited in rights. And yes, the territories of autonomy are still your territories, autonomy is not a separate country. She has no foreign policy. It is displayed on the map in the color of your country, but it has a border with you (the border is only visual, in order to sort of distinguish the autonomy from the rest of the provinces). What can autonomy do?: she sets the taxation herself. Also, in the autonomy, you can appoint advisers who have influence only on the autonomy, the main advisers (those whom y…
Last reply by Barbaris, -
- 0 replies
Request from below
Last reply by Krab, -
City names
by StZ- 0 replies
to change the names of cities as they were called at that time, for example Istanbul - Constantinople Edirne - Adrianople etc....
Last reply by StZ, -
- 0 replies
I have seen the colonization video, however, I think it is very outdated for +15k provinces, it would practically take one click to colonize each province, and if we assume that America has 5k, each click would take me a second, so I It would take an hour to colonize America non-stop, so I suggest there are better ways to colonize more lands, such as: early settlers - 1 province Ancient Settlers - 2 Provinces medieval settlers - 3 Provinces Renaissance settlers (era of discovery) - 5 Provinces Modern Settlers - 6 Provinces Contemporary settlers - 7 provinces. futuristic settlers - 8 Provinces Survivors (nuclear age) - 4 Provinces. …
Last reply by GalacticCakes, -
- 1 reply
In Part 2, there was not enough control of the troops of the puppet states and mobilization. I propose to do it in 3 parts
Last reply by Barbaris, -
- 2 replies
I have an idea that consist about a mechanic for the canals like the instanbul, panama and Suez canals for navy passages (if there's gonna be a navy) This consist of: whoever control these zones can be payed for passages to access in other seas(Black Sea, Red Sea) except for the allies of that nation. Plus the possibility to block the passage from a nation or the canal itself and add in the ultimatum list "grant access to the canal" or something like this. I don't know how far this idea will go but I'll hope this may be useful in something else.
Last reply by Barbaris, -
- 0 replies
There are many features people are waiting for but the most I am excited for is more tools to roleplay your game. Which I presume would be weird. But yeah, I use the name change feature alot and always gravitate towards the ideology with the best or most eye melting, vomit inducing, and most gobstruckingly horrific flags I could get my hands on. Yeah, for the time being, I'm stuck using Exagear or Age of Civilization as a way to crave my urges for a nation building game. If I could, I would have bought a PC, but then I wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place. Anyways, it would be great if the naming feature and the flag creator could stay. Even be able to …
Last reply by FlaWer, -
- 0 replies
My idea is, I don't know if it has been done before, but if we have good relations with our neighbor and we declare war on him, other nations will lose trust in us.
Last reply by ETERNAL PEACE, -
- 0 replies
Hello Lukash! While I am sort of new to the community as I have never talked at all, I have followed the site for a year now, basically while it was in utter drought of stimulation. And I'm quite happy that it's back. Though I may have a concern on the people here as I have a bad feeling that when a group of players are left alone for years without updates can shift them. Anyways, I would like to give a few ideas regarding the floating discussions of the Air unit. This is also an inspiration from that one suggestion also on aerial warfare, I have had this thought for a while but might aswell give my two cents in. My idea for air units is to be another form of warfare…
Last reply by FlaWer, -
- 2 replies
Hi Luckasz! I can't find the post in which you ask it, so I post it here. Regarding the air force in the game, I had an idea. Through a new structure, which could be the hangar, you can equip a province with defense planes, attack planes, missiles, and atomic weapons. By clicking on the hangar, which appears in the province tab, you can equip the province with a certain number of defense planes, attack planes, missiles, or nuclear weapons. Once one of the four hangar options is selected, the range of action will be visible, and you can decide how many units to deploy. **ATTACK PLANES** They have attack capabilities. Once select…
Last reply by Aliex999, -
I saw that the leaders have IA photos, this are provisional or part of the game?
Last reply by Magnum, -
- 0 replies
I want to play not only as a national leader but also as a bureaucrat. It would be fun to play as a bureaucrat and assist the monarch or revolt and become a monarch.(Like Crusader Kings 3 or Horthy Miklós of Hungary, Wei Zhongxian of the Ming Dynasty, military regime of Goryeo) Perhaps this system can be used in the constitutional monarchy.
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
- 0 replies
1. A multiplayer mode in future updates 2. Improve AI during upgrades 3. creation of own ideologies by choosing a coat of arms and symbols
Last reply by artegott, -
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Real-life events should also be added, for example, if we cannot cure Ataturk on November 10, 1938, Ataturk should lose his life. Another example, for example, the separation of Germany into East and West in 1949. Events like this should be added and taken from real life.
Last reply by jufyduck, -
- 0 replies
The map in the game needs to be changed, so it looks like we are progressing by drawing cities on paper. In my opinion, mountains should appear on the map, rivers should appear, trade routes should appear, trains should appear and trains should be added for trade. So let's get rid of this classical map, I ask you to take what I say into consideration.
Last reply by jufyduck, -
- 0 replies
Oil needs to be added to the game, and oil should be available wherever oil comes out in real life. Not every country should have oil, and countries that find oil need a certain technology and a certain equipment to extract it, and this oil should be sold and bought to different countries.
Last reply by jufyduck, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Yaroslav Kustov, -
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Eu acho que no age of history 3 deveria ter um sistema que limita-se o tanto de guerras, um similar ao sistema de infâmia do Vitória 2 e victoria 3. Também deveria ter um motivo pra guerras, e pra ter esse motivo a nação teria que fazer ele mandando um diplomata ou espião pra fazer o "motivo" depois de têrmos o motivo podemos declarar guerra. Tenho uma ideia pra quando o país for democrático, seria da seguinte maneira, pra declarar guerra, o parlamento tem que entrar em votação pra vê se o motivo pra guerra é plausível, se a maioria votar sim podemos declarar guerra, assim eu acho o jogo ficaria melhor talvez.
Last reply by Edmilson Gomes, -
- 0 replies
I have an idea of adding decisions tab, like in HOI 4. As an example, you can arrange coup d'etat through decisions tab or control the politics of your state, take regular decisions on mobilization, building fortifications, propaganda and so on. Also there's will be option to add custom decisions for each country.
Last reply by BenedettoAgosto, -
- 1 reply
The countries in AoH2 are officially unitary, I think countries with a federal system should be added to AoH3.For example, I think it is logical for countries with a federal system to have 2 parliaments and for each state to automatically make its own investment and development.
Last reply by BenedettoAgosto,