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THIS IS NOT MY IDEA! CREDIT TO @IMNOTLGBTSUPPORTER ON YOUTUBE , HE LEFT THIS COMMENT ON LUKASZ RECENT VIDEO(AOC3 ON MOBILE). @LukaszJakowsk It seems to me that we need to start with the simplest,rather, add different levels of diplomacy,Which will open depending on the time of the scenario or the technologies researched. For example, if there is some scenario from 1000 BC. e. with tribes, then only basic actions such as bringing gifts to improve relations,declaring war and concluding peace will be available, and the opportunity to pass may not be agreed upon, because the heads of the tribes care little about who walks their lands, …
Last reply by Samuel05, -
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Since there isn't a navy in AOH3, I think that adds advantages for military efficiency, colonial exploration, cost, and win rate in sea battle. It could make the balance of power more fair for some little countries such as England and Portugal and these bonuses could be available in selected countries.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
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En el video de muestra de la versión Alpha, vi que hay una "Corte Suprema", por lo tanto ese seria el poder judicial, nosotros seriamos el poder ejecutivo pero, si va a ver leyes o reformas, debe haber un Parlamento. , Congreso o Asamblea para que aprobar esas leyes/reformas.
Last reply by facherito_Pro3000, -
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In my opinion there should have a difference between feudal monarchy and the modern types of monarchy ( absolutist and constitutional ). The feudal monarchy working like a constitutional monarchy, but the parliament is the king's court and instead of parties each courtier will vote according to their relationship with the monarch, kind of like CK. This can make the medieval period more immersive.
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
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Will there be a way to customize historical focus for AI in AoX3? (for historical scenarios). It would make the game process much more thoughtful and logical.
Last reply by Strategy, -
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Various natural conditions affecting troops Mountains - the army cannot overcome them. Forest, plain, hill, field - some types of soldiers have different pluses and minuses when they are in that area. Rain, thunder,snow - Appears randomly on certain tiles, delaying troops and weakening them. Whirlpool - Appears randomly in seas and oceans on certain tiles and delays ships and causes damage. Deserts/icy areas - Delays the movement of troops. Rivers - Only infantry can cross it/ But you should be able to build a bridge, after which everyone will be able to do it The game will become more interesting and unexpected. It will …
Last reply by DualTo, -
- 1 reply
Essentially the main idea here is that the names of unit types will change based on the time period as well as what religion/culture is being played. For time period, normal soldiers could go from being called Hoplites[1200-350BC], to being called Legionaries[349 BC- 450 AD] to Knights[451- 1400] and then perhaps just calling them Infantry after that. Now the idea is that based on your continent and maybe a special culture group, you’d get unique names. Like the Polish could get Hussars for Cavalry and the Chinese could have the Shi as pre-modern infantry. Doesnt add anything gameplay wise but would be a cool touch, or maybe this is something Łukasz could a…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
Last reply by jufyduck, -
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EN:Will multiplayer come to Age Of History 3? How will the multiplayer system work? Pl:Czy tryb wieloosobowy pojawi się w Age Of History 3?Jak będzie działał system wieloosobowy?
Last reply by Anonim hesap, -
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A Few New Ideas for Age Of History 3 Armies: I think we should position the armies ourselves and make them fight by ourselves. So we will draw a battle plan for the selected army and that army will fight that way. Generals: In ancient times (for example, 1453), we could appoint a commander and an army to the area covered by that castle and assign him to suppress the rebellion there. In the New Ages, we carry out this process by opening the arming of the people from the development tree and appointing separate commanders to each state without appointing an army. Development Tree: As I said in the Development Tree, there may be a system where arming the peopl…
Last reply by Typik Recep, -
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Pls add multiplayer like hoi 4
Last reply by Fake god, -
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Hi Lukasz! I thought that, especially after your post on elections, it would make sense to completely review the ideology system. Normally, what makes an ideology is the choices made in the economic, productive, and governmental spheres. So, to have a wide range of ideologies that can span across eras, I have developed an Ideology Tree. It consists of Economy, Organization, and Production. Through some mechanism, different elements of this Ideology Tree can be unlocked during eras and the game, effectively realizing one ideology over another. For example, if someone wanted to have a Dictatorship, they would need to unlock Isolationism on the Economy axis, D…
Last reply by Aliex999, -
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Animation can be added to atomic bombs, such as launch or descent animations.
Last reply by Aybexs, -
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Lukasz, I feel like it would make the game more realistic if you can add Battle points/Experience points that can be used to improve army stats, These points would be gained after every battle won, You would also be able to allocate those points in to areas Such as Attack, Defense etc (they would have a limit of 10 points to stop them from being too OP). In my opinion I feel like this would be a good addition as it would make the game feel more realistic as it's gives smaller armies even more chances to win battles if they have experience gained from previous battles (this applies to large armies too)
Last reply by Samuel05, -
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"I'm not sure if you're familiar with Plague Inc., a very popular video game where you create a pandemic to destroy the world. 😁 Anyway, it features a useful mechanic to make the game more dynamic: world news scrolls on the screen as if it were a news broadcast. In my opinion, it would be great to add this idea to AoH3, having a bar where important news, the most crucial ones, can be seen and, if needed, reread. This way, it would also serve as a kind of history log. In AoH2, for example, there was a side tab with victory conditions, war outbreak alerts, and so on. Imagine how nice it would be to have something more vibrant like news scrolling at the bottom…
Last reply by Aliex999, -
- 2 replies
Also that the Manhatten project should just be called Manhatten project only when playing as USA but when playing as another country it should be called its corresponding nuclear program name or simply devolop nuclear bombs Also I suppose the temple dependinngon each civilization would change to its corrsopening religion for example Pagan Buddhist Hindu all have temples so ig that could work But as for judiasm a synagogue, chrisitans churches islam it shall be a mosque am i right?
Last reply by General A1, -
- 3 replies
Hello Lukasz. I demand from the entire Ukrainian community to add Ukrainian localization, if you need help, I have my own team that can translate texts (without a translator). WE NEED THE UKRAINIAN LANGUAGE. There is also a need for a Steam workshop for the game so that the game does not die! p.s Якщо ти українець то підтримай цю тему! Слава Україні!
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
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Hello Lukash, can I ask if there will be a regime: age of civilization like the good old days from age of history 2?😀 (Sorry that I don’t know half of English, I’m translating through an automatic translator)
Last reply by OutsideRus, -
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To explore you have two options, maritime and terrestrial ways: Maritime way To explore maritimely you need to have advanced technology, enough to explore the oceans. It would also depend on the tranquility and the route, following the winds it would be easier to explore. In the event that the exploiters reach the new lands, pray that they do not die along the way, whether due to tropical diseases, mutinies, foreign armies, starvation or a storm, in which case the territories would not be shown and an event of destruction would be seen. loss of confidence and investment in future expeditions. If the expedition is profitable, the territories would appear as new, …
Last reply by Magnum, -
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Esto es para que añadan al juego estas 3 peticiones para mejorar la experiencia del juego o no tienen que añadir todas añadan las que quieran y un árbol tecnológico mejor CAUSUS BELIS: Estará bien que los hagan parecidos a EU4 (Europa Universalis IV). O tambien que se pueda causar incidentes de alguna manera OOOO que era igual a HOI4 (Hears Of Iron IV) ÁRBOL DE ENFOQUES: Lo que pienso es que deberían agregar un árbol de enfoques parecido a HOI4 osea que cada nación tenga sus propios enfoques UN MEJOR ÁRBOL TECNOLOGICO: Es mejor un árbol tecnológico con varias ramas y que allan 3 secciones económicas militares y diplomáticas. …
Last reply by gran germaniaball, -
- 1 reply
We need an improved Invasion system for countries and civilizations Beside the historical invasions that can be added to game's scenarios by events, I think there should be a dynamic systems allowing a few civilizations to launch a great Invasion (It is better to both players and AI be able to invade) Conditions: Every civilization should be able to launch a massive and great Invasion when some conditions are true For example: * A leader with high Popularity and influence *More advanced technology, military,economy etc than the neighboring countries *Some specific events that can trigger or increase the chance of a Invasion t…
Last reply by General A1, -
Dear Lukash,I want to offer a couple of (not new) ideas for a new Age of History III The first and most important suggestion will be that can add forgest to tab buildings. It can be located here, next to the factrories. Thanks to them,can improve the characteristics of weapons. It will be in the separate tab with troops.Pressing on the troop type and the weapon tab will pop up(I'll come back to this later) in the second tab there will be a forge in which that same weapon is placed for improvement.It is improved naturally with the help of materials that we receive from the provinces. Upgrading og weapons will take place in …
Last reply by wingstone, -
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Anyone who wants a multiplayer add-on to Age Of History 3, please comment more and it would be really sad if there is no multiplayer, please bring this, lukasz. Players who love you
Last reply by johnny31, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Hello Lukasz! I would like to suggest something. Well, I would rather ask you if you have already thought about putting the following things that I am going to mention to you. In the previous Age of History games the sea is quite useless, troops can cross the sea without any problem and there are no units or elements that affect navigation. So what I mean is if you plan to put military ports in which you can build many different types of historical ships, these ships would have different stats like the troops and these would serve for various functions including: Transport x amount of land troops, reach more distant seas, make maritime blockades to t…
Last reply by Keguca10, -
- 1 reply
Religions and ideologies is good but we don't need religions on TNO mod or Red flood mod and on 1000 secenario we don't need ideologies. So add just a Off-On religions and ideologies
Last reply by General A1,