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- 3 replies
Whenever I play Aoh2, I love building and investing in every single province. The problem with that is that the more provinces you get, the more time it takes because you have to invest in each province individually. What if, instead, you could unite a bunch of provinces into one state/region, so you'd just invest into all the provinces inside that region with one click? For example, you're playing with russia and have 1000 provinces so you cant build in every single one of them. But, if you unite a bunch of provinces into their own regions, you now have 30 regions, so it would only take 30 clicks to build all the 1000 buildings in each province.
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
- 2 replies
I propose colonial expansion/expansion in case of its announcement, relations with some countries will deteriorate, as well as countries may be against expansion / colonial expansion, they can create a coalition against the state that announced expansion / colonial expansion, the purpose of which may be the neutralization of the former country that announced expansion, or to seize the occupied territories during expansion or weaken the aggressor-country.
Last reply by BIGCHUNGUS, -
- 1 reply
Hello Łukasz, I hope you see this idea for your game. Casus Belli: The casus belli must be created to declare war for various reasons, which may be to conquer the territory, make it a vassal or, on the contrary, liberate it from another nation. annexation system: When a neighboring country is smaller than us and we have a 75+ opinion with it, it will ask us to be annexed by us but for this to happen we will have to have at least 10 more provinces and our neighbor must …
Last reply by Sleier, -
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Last reply by gran germaniaball, -
- 2 replies
As the title suggests, this'll be everything we need Mod making/Scenario making wise for AoH3. I'll try to be in depth, and clear. I'll also organize it in different groups. So, lets begin! Leader Customization Leaders should, without a doubt, be far more Customizable. And, i have a few ideas. 1. More Advanced Buffs/Debuffs (Traits) - AoC2 has this, but it's pretty simplistic. In the new game, it should be far more advanced, similarly to Hoi4. So for example, there could be a 'Charismatic' trait, which improves improving relations. Or, as a negative trait, you could have 'Selfish', and have a debuff to gold earning. 2. Leader Descriptions…
Last reply by Historia, -
- 0 replies
Hi Lukas, please, create all the follow systems like victoria 2: a crisis system between great powers , a influence system from great powers that can influence minor countries that are not great power, a great economic system, infamy system and a casus bellis system.
Last reply by Ryzer, -
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Islamic expansions 1830 1700 1400 1000 900 500 40 0 -60
Last reply by DBABI DZ, -
- 0 replies
I propose to divide the puppet states into several parts: (for example) I. They will have many rights, despite vassalage, and may even be able to get involved in wars. II. They cannot declare wars (to them either) and they are limited by several rights. III. They transfer part of their industry and the player has the opportunity to take the province away from this country (but she will have a desire to rebel). IV. Almost a part of the country - you can ban them from having an army, change their ideology, and so on (in addition, 50% of their industry is transferred to the overlord). Also, I want to suggest making a bunch of names for these four par…
Last reply by Uksus147, -
Mr. Lukaz, I know you are busy, but can you tell us about the navy? I know it could be done with mods, but I think it needs to be in the base game, please think about it.
Last reply by gabo4040, -
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Fog of war like eu4
Last reply by useruseruser, -
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Hi Lukasz. We age of history players are eagerly waiting for news about navies and multiplayer features. Of course we know how busy you are and we don't expect detailed explanations from you right away. What we would like is a little bit of information on these topics, because navies are vital for this game, and multiplayer is an important element for the game to reach new audiences and compete with other strategy games. I know you will see this article, good work.
Last reply by mysta, -
- 2 replies
Is it possible for lukasz to add events that hard code themselves into the game after being added via the in-game editor?
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 0 replies
The game needs to have casus bellis in it to have a more realistic way to declare war, rather than just beign able to do it whenever you want to whatever nation you want without any consequences.
Last reply by SrKactusJaen, -
- 18 replies
In the current version of the game, resources are only human and economic resources. Also diplomacy and steps points. In my opinion, this is too simple a resource system that needs not only processing, but complete creation a newer, more interesting and most importantly expanded system of resources and economy. The first aspect I would like to touch upon is the above-mentioned resources. I don’t want to “discover America,” but it would be nice to do a resource extraction system, a separate map and the creation of industry, the industry of which is determined by province, to which resources are tied. For example, coal, iron, tungsten, gold, silk and various dish…
Last reply by Bastien, -
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I would like to suggest adding a mission tree system (like in the Europa Universalis IV) that will allow you to complete mission branches for more interesting gaming campaigns.
Last reply by Fire, -
- 0 replies
Multiplayer system can be added to the game
Last reply by EMOBABEY48, -
- 1 reply
Hello! I suggest adding the police to the game as a mechanic for maintaining order / stability and organizing this mechanic as a separate kind of troops or something similar
Last reply by transhumanist0, -
- 2 replies
1)The Ottoman city Edirne is not a desert 2) Ottomans are not pagan 3) The head of the Ottoman Empire is wrong Suggestion: In the game, you can put vassals on states, we call them to war, they rebel, we fight with them, they provide us with income.
Last reply by Mert_551, -
- 0 replies
The game should also be added to the Epic Games store. After Steam withdrew from some countries, most players switched to Epic Games. Therefore, it might be a good idea to add the game to the Epic Games store.
Last reply by FlashPower, -
- 0 replies
I think Not one such person who wondered how will be realized combat in AOH3, since the game is present Units from modern times, I would like to ask how will be implemented this system ? If it has not yet thought about it, then I will offer my idea. In the Json files for units will be able to choose true\false whether the troops will besiege the fortress, or they will capture provinces. If there are enemy troops in a province, a battle will start, and the invaders will immediately take over a part of the province (this is visually displayed) in case of parity, the province simply begins to formally have two owners, it will be possible to choose the tac…
Last reply by HUSKYFRESKO, -
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Don't forget it
Last reply by xox, -
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Self explantory
Last reply by xox, -
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Would the retreat system be different in each era, like in WW1, the army retreat after a battle lost of only one province insteat of coing back in their country ? Would I be able to customize it too?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 replies
If not, will modding allow you to create it?
Last reply by Russbear, -
- 0 replies
The game could have a slightly different government system, for example: Forms of government: Republic Democracy Monarchy Dictatorship Ideologies - Conservatism - Nationalism - Communism - Socialism - Anarchism - Reactionary - Fascism - Liberalism - Federal Republic - Congress - Representative body - Party Systems - Political parties - Conservative Party - Socialist Party - Communist Party - Liberal Party - Reactionary Party - Fascist Party - Anarchist Party And so on, the government instead of just being a republic or a dictatorship, they could have ideologies that can give…
Last reply by Ulisses Zago Xavier,