Quality of Life Improvements
188 topics in this forum
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Funny story short, My very first moment, while going around the UI, and exploring the left vertical bar, and clicking on Economy, Infrastructure, Tax Efficiency Tabs and so on. I accidently spent all my money on investing in random cities/provinces while exploring for example the infrastructure tab. :D I thought myself it happens because I am new and not used to. Well, actually this happened several times afterwards. Because I notice I intuitively, would drag the map to see my big nation with the Left Mouse button. While tab is opened for ex. Economy Tab, I would intuitively drag the map with LMB, to choose a province, which wasn't visible on screen. But by…
Last reply by Question, -
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I have a mouse with a broken mouse wheel so its kinda annoying to zoom in and out because its not possible via a keyboard key, im a huge fan of the age of history series so i hope that you can zoom in and out with for example with + and -.
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
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Dear @ŁukaszJakowski , Adding an Pop-up bubble with detailed information describing the category or option that you hover your mouse-over. Not only for the main menu, when choosing scenario. But also for in-game too. Since there so many new mechanics and new things to consider(missions, technology trees, economy, trade etc.). It's a must feature! Although it may take time to add this option, I would strongly recommend it. I've read half the forum. And from those observations, actually many people. Don't know how to do stuff. It reminds me of the old games where you had to spend 3-5 hours only experimenting with every feature in order to understand it …
Last reply by Question, -
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Make it so if you're on easy or very easy and/or on sandbox mode you should be locked from getting achievements, this is to make it an actual challenge, so you have to work for the achievements, rather than cheating to get them.
Last reply by sharky, -
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Will AI fill the gap in the front line like AI in Hoi4?
Last reply by tddff, -
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It would be cool if colonies in this game appeared akin to how they do in EU4: This would make the game a bit more 'immersive' and also prevent nations that colonized the old world from blobbing too much.
Last reply by Queen Elizabeth II, -
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The sliders in the audio tab are not draggable, making it very difficult to set them to 0 or 100.
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
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We currently can only release vassals that were already conquered by us. This is a downgrade because in the second game, we were able to release not only every civilization in the game but also custom made ones. This was a feature only this series had and removing it kind of ruins the game's uniqueness.
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Praefectus Italicum, -
- 4 replies
Resolution: 1600x900. Game interface is too large and there is no way to make it smaller (already the smallest scale possible). Also i don't understand how to select many regiments at once. Do i need middle mouse button? Make it accesible via Shift button, please. The game is great!!!!!!! @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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The game is good looking. But not without problems. What immediately catches your eye is balance. At the beginning of the company, a microstate can take a couple of improvements that will put it in power on a par with powers much larger. And the limitation on monthly research generally does not fit well with the current effects of scientific buildings. Two libraries are enough for the whole country, but the rest are demolished when the land is seized. Now, if technologies were studied using the formula “population * modifier”, and buildings improved it, there would be some sense.
Last reply by Matvey, -
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I hope Age of history 3 will add a widget at the last minute so I can send pictures to my friends on social networking sites, thanks!@Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by china peple, -
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if a country has all provinces around Wasteland province, that means the colors/ Ownership of that Wasteland province will be that country. (like Hoi4). or something like that. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Dipto479, -
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Will there be ports in the game If yes. What do you think on making them constructable only on limited Provinces (just like in real life) Ports are crucial in war , considering that you can stop an overseas enemy from attacking you simply by occupying their port cities and defending it , which creat a really emerging experience and forces you to act strategicly
Last reply by Thiago I, -
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A lot of provinces in Germany are very ugly and innacurate for most historical borders so i used 1836 as base to map the errors i noticed ( the lines aren't 100% accurate as well, its just to have a notion to what needs to be fixed use the sources for better borders ) Sources i used: Neuchâtel ( use translate ) Galicia and Lodomeria Romania Germany Belgium Italy Serbia
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
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1. if one mission tree ends another starts for one country. (TNO (hoi4mod)) 2. Multiple choice option (hoi4).
Last reply by Dipto479, -
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Just what the titles says, because most of them are abreviatted As you can see only 4 out of 18 missions have the full name displayed.
Last reply by selenhogamer, -
- 2 replies
Here’s the translation of your suggestions into English: Add a border to the lord's flag: The idea of adding a border to the vassals' flags is great. Also, allowing the border color to be edited, with gold as the default, would add greater customization. Option to remove the lord's flag: Including an option to remove the lord's flag is useful for those who want to keep a simpler or different design for their flag. Version with a coat of arms to simulate colonies: This would be a step further in customization, allowing the use of coats of arms from different civilizations. Researching historical emblems and coats of ar…
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 3 replies
When the real leaders and advisors in modern day die, the random generated advisor and leaders portraits used look like they are from 1800s (most of them), as seen in videos where modern day scenario is showed. I think advisors and leaders for scenarios after 1900 need better portraits, just like how generals after 1900 have been changed and look better, what do you think?
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski I have an idea to add a function to the game that will unite provinces into regions, republics, autonomous districts, governorates, uluses.
Last reply by Aleksandr123, -
- 2 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski Add thermonuclear weapons to the game. They should destroy many provinces.
Last reply by Aleksandr123, -
- 4 replies
The mission tree in the latest Aoh3 video is really cool! I have a suggestion for missions if we choose to make missions that dont need requirements and want to prevent the ai/players from completing most of them in a day, I suggest a cooldown of some weeks (30 days, could be editable in game files) preventing from clicking and completing another mission until the cooldown ends, what do you think ?
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 9 replies
in case Lukasz wants to fix some errors, I listed border errors to improve the game, and whoever finds others can list them in the comments 1- Tibet independent (it was actually part of China) 2- Nepal part of India (it was actually independent) 3- Bessarabia Romania (was part of Russia, however) 4- Country state scenarios are not really that important to have to be 100% correct, but these Brazilian borders are a bit strange so I marked them I think there are others but the ones I noticed are here
Last reply by Joaoj, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Could you add crusades to the game? Some civilizations of one faith recruit an army, unite and join a crusade against countries of another faith.
Last reply by Aleksandr123, -
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski I have an idea to add to the game a function of organizing color revolutions in other countries, thus changing the government in these countries to one loyal to us. Lukasz Jakowski is it possible to add this function to the game?
Last reply by Matvey,