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342 topics in this forum
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game/_FAQ/Logs_EnableSaving.txt Open the file: game/gameValues/GV_Logs.json ################### And change to true to enable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: true, ################### Set to false to disable saving logs to the file: SAVE_LOGS_TO_FILE: false, ################### ## The logs will be saved in the logs.txt file ## It can be useful if something doesn't load or work properly.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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Describe the Bug in Detail What happened? Describe the issue you encountered as clearly as possible. When did it happen? Mention when the bug occurred, such as during a specific action (e.g., during battle, loading a save, in the Court menu). How often does it happen? Let us know if it’s a one-time issue or if it happens repeatedly. Steps to Reproduce Provide a step-by-step guide on how to reproduce the bug. This helps the development team track down the issue. Example: Start a new game. Select the "Custom Scenario" option. Click on a province and notice that the names do not display correctly. Provide System Information (optional) …
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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- 5 replies
After I examined the files the problem seemed to be quite complex. let me start with saying that after deleting one of the following files that are highlighted in red, the map editor seems to start open again! deleting one of them caused the map editor to open, BUT it appeared broken. But If i kept ALL the files and deleted none of them. The map editor refuses to open. I am not smart enough to look for the problem. But I dont think deleting the files would fix it either. This is how it would appear to me when I delete one of the files:- Obviously missing alot of provinces. But then what is the solution for this bug?
Last reply by jannick, -
When you create an army through the menu, the game uses the base unit cost to determine the cost of creating an army, but after clicking the “Create Army” button, the real (reduced) cost is deducted from the treasury. Check this issue on the Trello board to get all the relevant info
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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Everytime I load in this message pops up idk why it does before it I was adding formable for France but I deleted it and the message now pops up everytime I load in how can I make that this message will stop from appearing?
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
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For units in the technology tree, the attack strength is displayed instead of the defense strength. If, for example, the real attack/defense strength is 10/4, then in the technology tree it will be displayed as 10/10 Check this issue on the Trello board to get all the relevant info.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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The outcome “bonus_loans_limit” increases the number of possible loans by a percentage, not by an absolute number. For example, bonus_loans_limit=1 will “increase” the number of possible loans by 1% (not +1) Check this issue on the Trello board to get all the relevant info.
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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Im playing 1440 scenario as Uesugi and Im trying to load up my game but its only showing neutral territories as countries?? Im playing on PC Map Mode but when I load up my other games with the PC Map it works? Im on iPad Air 4 btw
Last reply by nxtune12, -
- 1 reply
If you specify random IDs for resources in the Resources.json and then assign these resources to provinces, the editor will assign the wrong resources to the provinces. Example of Resources.json: Resource1, ID 0 Resource2, ID 214 Resource3, ID 2 In the map editor, these resources will be placed in a list, and their IDs will depend on their position in the list. (Indexing starts at 0, obviously) 0. Resource1, ID 0 1. Resource2, ID 1 2. Resource3, ID 2 When I assign Resource2 to a province, the game will record that this province contains resource ID 1, not resource ID 214. This results in: The game misunderstands what resource is availa…
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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I tried making a formable for french algeria where they can turn into Algiera, but for some reason when i save the formable it just doesnt appear in the formables list or in the french algerian government tab.
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
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Feedback! -Flag editor is broken, you cant add overlays in mobile, and I would also like the addition of importing images as flags -It randomly glitches out in the middle of gameplay, maybe its cause of my storage but I dont know -When I choose a government for a country, the flag doesnt appear for that selected government, so it only shows the normal flag. Thats all for now that i saw, thank you!
Last reply by nxtune12, -
- 1 reply
Ex.Persia With "Constitutional Shah Regime" or "Caliphate", it appers as "Communist", i already changed the tags to different letters and none worked) What can i do to make appear the correct custom government?
Last reply by 11:59 Development Team, -
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I need help with one error. In the settings, I set the display of the game in a window, and after restarting the game, it shows the icon and also protects the music, but there is no window. Any ideas for a fix?
Last reply by JurMax, -
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- 32 replies
Please help I tried to download age of history three on my PC, it is windows 10 so should be supported. First I downloaded steam and it was flickering after a while it stopped flickering. But the screen turned black and only when I hovered on buttons or things that are interacted with. So went on the Aoh3 steam page,and cluck on the play button there were two options one that lead to winrar the other lead to Java both weren't helpful so anyone knows what's going on?
Last reply by xSmithz, -
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(I may have missed it) These three city views are the only city views in the game: But there are multiple city images in the game folders Frankly, I assume that this is a mistake because it is better to have so many city views (graphically and in terms of realism) If you want more details, I can give them to you
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 reply
@Łukasz Jakowski There is an error in the game code when calculating the morale bonus. When the game analyzes the resource bonuses and proceeds to calculate the maxmorale bonus, it treats the general's defense bonus as a morale bonus. civ.maxmorale = resource.generalDefense * 100 Wine increases a general's defense bonus by +2, but it also causes a +200% increase in morale. This can be seen for France in the 1440, 1618, and 1821 scenarios as it is the largest wine producer.
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
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I tested the effect of bonuses on the outcome of the battle. I created two completely identical armies in civilizations with identical bonuses in the base scenario of 2022. After the battle, the losing civilization increased the number of its troops by 59% (+130k recruits / +13 regiments). After the next battle, when the civilizations had different numbers of troops and different bonuses, the number of troops did not increase. The mod I am using increases the size of the regiment from 1000 to 10000 and also increases the number of recruits by 10 times. It does not change the calculation of battle results. Below is a video where you can see it:
Last reply by Marerjh, -
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At the top-left corner game interface stuck. I pressed "Earth4" and after that an ingame downlaod has been done and game crashed. System requirements. Intel i5-11500 RTX 3050 TI 16GB RAM DDR4
Last reply by Atelis, -
- 1 reply
Czy jeżeli odebrałem Gdańsk księstwu Pomorskiemu to czy nie powinien zmienić nazwy?
Last reply by Gilop0lkGD, -
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I just played ok on the public server with another guy. Everything was normal while we were selecting countries. But when we started the game this happened: (and yeah capital cities were also broken, 'cause i was playing Poland, and my capital city was Warsaw... ...But Warsaw was a province of the South Africa) Its the first time when i see this. Platform: Windows 11 Scenario: 2022 Language: Russian AoH3 version: The latest
Last reply by Gilop0lkGD, -
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I am trying to open "game.jar" in the files with java as instructed. but it wont open. I have re installed and un installed but it wont open. Can you guys help me? a vid with an example
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
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I played multiplayer. Suddenly, the game crashed. Before it happened, I sent the message I had just written and did not do anything else. Judging by the log, the crash is related to the movement of the army. Steam continued to consider the game to be running. Here is the log file: By the way, after the latest patch, the multiplayer seems to be working more stably, although it is still sometimes not possible to create an army, buildings, a military academy, and so on. Also, for some reason, sometimes the price and duration of creating an army and buildings on the server becomes shorter, I thought it was due to the reduced difficulty, …
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 1 follower
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When I click "Start new game" I literally see the blank bar. edited: re-instalation of the game doesn't help
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski I'm testing the multiplayer. I'm not sure if this has always been the case, or if it's caused by multiplayer (I don't have time to test it). My game has never crashed before. When I create a lobby and start the game, the RAM usage increases and I see this (note the three peaks): Over time, usage drops, but then increases again: I didn't take a screenshot, but after the drop, it starts to grow slowly and steadily, taking up all the free RAM + pagefile, and then clears again (I think this is how the Java garbage collector works? just an guess) and drops to lower values. I've determined that the crashes in multiplayer that I observ…
Last reply by Marerjh, -
So there is something happend with the images, i don't know why but I think the general image cause it, im not sure. Android version @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by angamo123,