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343 topics in this forum
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So, I started playing as a tribe in Australia, but even though I don't have the technology, I'm able to colonize. Is this supposed to happen?
Last reply by evo, -
- 2 replies
when you try and change the type of government Monarchy appears twice.
Last reply by JohnnyDoe000, -
- 0 replies
some things are not saved after exiting the game, such as audio settings, civilizations that were manually renamed during the game, and manually edited colors of civilizations
Last reply by Zaschkwarrior, -
- 3 replies
The fact is that at the beginning of each game, each country begins to create an alliance with another, when you don’t even have time to improve relations with the country in order to invite it to the alliance. I don’t know, maybe somewhere you can disable alliances altogether?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 3 replies
This is how game looks when you close "Load game" window: Steps to reproduce: Click “Load game” in the main menu Click on the cross in the upper right corner of the window @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
To recreate the bug you need to: 1. Open the land units window shown on the photo 2. Drag your mouse over the thing my cursor is at This gives you a big regiments limit boost. You can just do it over and over again to make the limit preety much infinite. If you close the game and open the game and the save again, the limit resets to what was before doing the bug
Last reply by PatrykSuper, -
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and I liked the game very much, but I hope to bring back the feature of adding civilizations that are not present in the scenario of the puppet🥹🥺
Last reply by ARWD, -
- 5 replies
Lukasz, i download your game today and kaspersky was detected the aoh3.exe as a trojan. please fix this soon as possible. By the way this game on fire🔥
Last reply by BugglyIsHere, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
When i create a new army in my vassal province the game does not let me select it for move to another province for war
Last reply by Nizar Producciones, -
Black Screen
by Ceto- 0 replies
I bought the game from Steam and when I opened it, it gave a black screen but there was sound.
Last reply by Ceto, -
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Instead of Volgograd, Saray is written on the map
Last reply by T0rpeda, -
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When ı try to satrt the game it says access denied how can ı fix it?
Last reply by KemalPasha16, -
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Last reply by Zaschkwarrior, -
- 5 replies
Gra losowo się zatrzymuje, nie wiem jak to wytłumaczyć, nie, że czas w grze ten który można kontrolować pod spacją i przyciskami - i + ale chodzi mi o to, że po prostu nawet jak pisze, że nie ma pauzy czas w grze nie leci, i losowo się to dzieje, przydarzyło mi się to już drugi raz.
Last reply by Wronislaw, -
- 1 follower
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Title, but basically it's different from AoC2 where you not only don't see the full window due to the task bar, but there isn't the 3 buttons on the top, please fix this emperor lukasz
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 1 reply
I Bought the game, was happy to finally play it, tried to open it, firstly there was a problem where my antivirus was deleting exe of the game, i got this problem out then i have another problem, im opening the game and for it instead of open shows a black screen for about half a second, then it closes in steam. My pc is suitable for minimum requirements of the game. Lukasz,check ur email i send a video for the report.
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
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even 0 ui scale is big compared to ı watched peoples who is playing on youtube
Last reply by ket bey, -
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i think the description should be different
Last reply by eyov2, -
- 2 replies
Zgłaszam błąd kiedy w menu głównym klikam opcję od wczytania gry, po czym zamykam to okienko (krzyżykiem w prawym górnym rogu), to jest niebieski ekran na cały monitor (nie blue screen, chodzi mi, że jedyne w grze co jest to kolor niebieski)
Last reply by marszalek, -
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where is it? i downloaded the game on steam @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
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When there are ai wars, the casualties are the same for both sides. Do you guys know why?
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
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When I want to change or add any civilizations in scenario (I've only tried in 2022 scenario), in editor i can do this, but if I start new game with updated scenario that added civs are missing (territories of this new civs changes to some "zombie empire" or neutral). + it's impossible to create new civilizations. every created civ hasn't name, flag, religion (named as civ ID) 4 my opinion, it might be related with kinda antivirus programms (same problem with "trojan" in aoh3.exe file). may be antivirus blocks every changes in game files, which causes this bug/problem. how 2 fix it?
Last reply by saekisa, -
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the vassals' alliances get in the way, because when I go to war with someone who was an ally of my vassal, he enters the war on the enemies' side, even though I have a good relationship with the vassal, I lost my vassals about 5 times, warred> vassalized> continued expansion> vassal entered on the side of the enemies> won the war> vassalized the enemy> fought with the former vassal> the current vassal entered the war on the enemy side I don't speak English, I hope you can understand
Last reply by EDUribeiro, -
- 1 follower
- 0 replies
I tried to change settings and this happened(with default settings everything is fine, problem is only with changed settings)
Last reply by miraclesr,