Report a Bug
342 topics in this forum
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I have identified a potential bug where several nations—regardless of their size—experience a drastic increase in regiment limits and maximum manpower shortly after the game starts. This occurs through “Bonuses” that do not appear proportional to the nations’ size, resources, missions, or events. This creates a significant imbalance, as even small nations rapidly gain excessive military power, even surpassing empires while holding only a single province. (For instance, Brixen—with just one province—is more powerful than France, England, and Castile combined in my save. Like what?! 🤣) Example Observation: It would be interesting to investigate the source of t…
Last reply by DrakeDarkson, -
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It shows civilization that was chosen in scenario before loading save game. If civilization wasn't chosen it will show bonuses of neutrals. Pls Lukasz do more optimization for google play version, after i click diplomacy button game freezes and crashes so i can't continue my playthrough as large 200+ provinces civilization 🙏🙏😘😘
Last reply by YuraTheGreat, -
- 2 replies
Even though I have over -30 relations, when I press "declare war" it says "rejected"
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
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Artificial intelligence in the game uses strange tactics at an average level of difficulty - it makes millions of modern drones and completely forgets about other types of army. I didn't pay attention to whether there is such nonsense without the technology of the "future". As a result, thirty thousand drone armies lose even to a small balanced army. I perceive this behavior as a bug.
Last reply by DeFFyo, -
- 1 reply
A black screen appears when I click on new game
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 9 replies
After this is allowed I am not required to destroy allies wich means I can eat up allies of my enemy even if I didnt touch their land. It leads to exploits like -> I want to destroy Bohemia lets say. They are allied to mainz for example. I stack up armies in mainz and immediately kill them off and war is won, I can eat up bohemia.
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Beter Griffin, -
- 1 reply
Every time, i save and exit the game when I start the game and load a save, all advisors and generals are gone so I have to recruit them again. And the ai control arny feature are turn off every time I load a save. Android
Last reply by angamo123, -
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On the left of the screen, i can't tap anything on map. I think that area is for showing the name of those icons at the left of the screen. Android
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 0 replies
in the events file for the 1440 scenario, the event has two options and other things, but i tried MULTIPLE TIMES and it still doesn't pop up, this issue is with all the other events aswell
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 2 replies
1.Religion percentages not shown 2. Why there is no formable civilizations in Android? 3. Why map editor, manage mods and steam workshop is disabled atleast enable the map editor.
Last reply by muhoaga, -
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Today, suddenly and for no reason, when I want to play and select a scenario, I am returned to the main game screen. Checked the integrity of Steam files, no results. I can continue the previous game and also load a save, but I can't start again. ------------ Сегодня, неожиданно и без причины, когда я хочу поиграть, я выбираю сценарий, который возвращается на главный экран игры. Проверил целостность файлов Стим, результатов нет. Для завершения этой игры я могу, как и загрузить сохранение, но начать заново нельзя. Демонстрация:
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 reply
When you're opening Budget menu with Russian language, you can see what the right far taxation level button is pops out from it's UI. Looks like it's need a margin. With English language, this bug goes away. Shot on Fullscreen, 1920x1080. In other resolutions may be another situation.
Last reply by Neerofler, -
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If the "CONSTRUCTION_COST" indicator in the game difficulty selection was supposed to affect the cost of building construction, then it doesn't work, because the cost of buildings is the same at every game level I don't know about other indicators in game levels, but this one definitely doesn't work
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
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If you're dealing an alliance with some nation, it's army's are still looking as unknown on the map, until they move. But I can still see amount of their army if I'll click on it. Looks like a bug, I think.
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
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in the scenario of the Thirty Years' War the indigenous army is the same as the developed countries, which doesn't make sense because they didn't have muskets or cannons yet... please Lukasz, fix this by putting a weaker one (I forgot to take a screenshot but this happened yesterday)
Last reply by Joaoj, -
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When we start the game, the game will not load the charset of the file "" in the mods folder. This results in the additional charset in the translation file being ineffective (and thus causing missing words). If I want the game to display alomst all the words, I need to overwrite the translation file to the local. Can this issue be fixed ?/ Can this situation be improved ? new, use the mods folder to load : new, use the local path ( game/languages) to load (covered local files ) :
Last reply by Greyeon, -
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Hi, Editor > Map Editor > Map: Earth (13892). If you want to modify something here, the world map won't be everytime shown. For example. If you lastly started a game in the Campaign: 550BC. Choose a nation, then go back to the Main Menu > Editor > Map Editor> Map, It will only show the map from the 550BC ERA (which as you know is only Greece and Part of Turkey), and the rest is shown blank. This is the same for every game that you choose which doesn't play out in the whole world map. But only limited to specific region. Meaning this happens when you choose specific Campaign. If you choose the Norse campaign. then after go to the map editor, it w…
Last reply by Question, -
- 2 replies
At some point during my game, while nothing was happening (days were passing but I was not doing anything) my gold suddenly goes negative (-100/-150) and my manpower goes almost to 0. Also I've noticed that when I hit a particularly high budget surplus (+5/6) after sometime it plummets back to +2/3 even though the economy remains the same
Last reply by RennyTheSimpatic, -
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- 3 replies
I searched in characters folder, and found one character with file name as "Iliński.txt", and I think some programms (like a some compilers?) can have troubles with understanding of Cyrillic characters. For now it's not a big deal, but I think it can be better, If you'll rename it to avoid Cyrillic, because it can escape some problems in future.
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
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I conscripted settlers in these provinces and they disappeared. There are armies with no generals in those provinces but I'm unable to control or see them in the map. Conscripting more soliders doesn't seem to fix it. I think I had encountered this bug in some more provinces before too. Edit: They reappeared out of nowhere. I conscripted more settlers in different provinces and sent them to the empty provinces to colonise them and that made all the other armies appear out of thin air.
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
Last reply by zan23333,
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When I try to save my scenario of the kaiserreich the scenario doesnt save the changes.
Last reply by Elsebastian144, -
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so when I attack a country that is in an alliance, I can only annex the provinces that are owned by the country i attacked, and not his ally, and when i want to attack they's ally, i cant because it says that its already at war with me, also, when im a big great country, i still cant annex all the provinces of countries like Turkey.
Last reply by kao, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
I don't know why this has happen
Last reply by OwnM3Z0,