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I have an m2 macbook air with 16gb ram and the game is just stuck on a startup loop, crashing before even loading. I have java 22.0.2 from my java sdk. Here is the crash log: ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: Age of History 3 [43903] Path: /Users/USER/Library/Application Support/Steam/*/Age of History of History 3 Identifier: aoc.kingdoms.lukasz.jakowski.Age of History 3 Version: 1.0 (???) Code Type: X86-64 (Translated) Parent Process: launchd [1] User ID: …
Last reply by canpacis, -
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It doesn't display properly the name of the country
Last reply by Mali_Yuda, -
- 4 replies
Last reply by rinefalk36, -
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Hello, I swear I don't want to be annoying, but I have kept trying to change the false to true in the GV_Logs file and the game keeps closing, the Tab is on and it doesn't even work, I don't know what else to do, uninstall and install the game?
Last reply by sc00614, -
- 2 replies
Today, the game suddenly won't start, saying there's a file error. When I click the exe file in the folder, it says the game has a virus. Adding the game to the firewall whitelist doesn't work either. (I have already removed all the mods and reinstalled the game, but it still won't start)
Last reply by sc00614, -
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Öncelikle merhaba, oyunu Türkiye'den oynuyorum ve 10 saat önce geçtim fakat yaklaşık 1 saat önce ordu oluştururken mouse'un sol tuşuna hızlı basmam sonucu mouse takılmıştı sanırım, oyundan çıkıp tekrar girsem düzelir diye düşünmüştüm fakat bu sefer steam bu oyun için işlemi başlatamadı: "Erişim engellendi." (0x5) şeklinde bir uyarı geldi ve oyun açılmıyor, oyunu sildim bilgisayarı yeniden kurdum, sürücüleri güncelledim fakat aynı sorun hala çözülmedi, lütfen yardımcı olun.
Last reply by sc00614, -
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Me pasa muy seguido que en una partida (no importa cuál sea el escenario) hago cualquier cosa como reclutar o mover un ejército, iniciar una construcción, interactuar con otras civilizaciones, invertir en una provincia, etc. El tiempo se detiene sin estar en pausa, luego de hacer una de estas acciones el tiempo se detiene y no avanza, es bastante molesto porque me pasa seguido y antes se solucionaba reiniciando mi PC pero ahora ni siquiera eso funciona, espero lo corrijan pronto
Last reply by OregonBeau2022, -
because of this bug or lack thereof, it creates a huge inequality in the game and I ve always felt that because of this, his army is far, far more powerful than AI's army
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
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Colonializations are still possible even without the law required. (I have latest version 1.02 as I post this)
Last reply by Mendax047, -
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I bought the game on Steam but when I click the Play button, it just loads and doesn't open the game. I would appreciate any help you can give me. :,)
Last reply by Keroseno, -
- 1 follower
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I bought the game 26/10/24, My mac is Catalina 10.5.7. I bought it from steam no emulators. Please help me and tell me what could be wrong D-:
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 reply
Not really sure if it's a bug but it feels to me as one. After forming Japan in one of my games i had two formable options, sakura empire and east asia co-prosperity sphere. In terms of occupied land the latter is a straight up upgrade above the sakura empire as both of them share the same basic piece of land while co-prosperity sphere expands on it further. But despite that, after forming the sakura empire, an option to form the co-prosperity sphere becomes unavilable.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
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In the 2022 scenario it says latvia has a population of 7.9 million people while in 2022 it was only 1.8 million
Last reply by zygis229, -
- 2 replies
Burundi's flag is wrong This is correct Burundi flag: @Łukasz Jakowski Please fix that🙏
Last reply by audrikney, -
Played for the Austrian Empire since the 1830s, and at one point in 1999 all the countries that bordered me simultaneously declared war on me, and they had no alliance, but the war was considered common. Granted there were 25+ relations with Russia, 60+ relations with Turkey, and a non-aggression pact with the Papal State. All this did not prevent them from declaring war on me, along with France, Sicily and Denmark. Somehow I defeated France, the war ended, there was an armistice. And just a week later I was again declared at war by these countries without a truce. How does that even work? Is there a script in there that does this? There's no way they should declare war a…
Last reply by Neerofler, -
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В Age of History 3 нашёл несколько багов: 1. В русском языке Нидерланды не были переведены (она называется Netherlands). 2. У Республики Крым в современном сценарии установлен рандомный правитель. На самом деле правитель Крыма - Сергей Аксёнов. 3. Россия почему-то называется Россией, а не Российской Федерацией. 4. На карте почему-то отсутствует Ватикан. Лукашу респект, надеюсь заметит и исправит!
Last reply by Ineramperex, -
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When i make a custom civilization. The flag doesnt seem to work. I get a black flag with a question mark on it. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong?
Last reply by Luca_0466, -
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Greetings, I play with the French version and yesterday, I check the different scenarios to find error of forgotten translated countries. When I checked the scenarios, I have found one country with the wrong name and another that is incorrect. Scenarios Great War and Modern World : Spain is called Second Republic but the Second Republic lasted between 1931 and 1939. So the correct name is Spain (Espagne in French). Scenarios Great War and World War II: Dominica (Dominique) is not at the correct place! The country next to Haïti is Dominican Republic…
Last reply by Mortek, -
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Te dwie prowincje zaznaczone kolorem czerwonym należały do Cesarstwa Niemieckiego aż do końca I wojny światowej. Na drugim obrazku widać błędną flagę Bułgarii i stolicę (Sofia jest stolicą od 1879). Błąd ze stolicą jest na scenariuszu ,,Wielka Wojna'' i ,,II Wojna Światowa''.
Last reply by PatrickReich, -
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Argentina presidente javier milei Pls fix
Last reply by Nogers, -
- 1 follower
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It saves the civilization twice for some(????) reason And here is the vid (its gif cuz i cant load mp4)
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 1 follower
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Self explanatory
Last reply by Queen Elizabeth II, -
- 2 replies
Here I have translated all the names of civilizations, but “Rzeczpolita Pierogowa” and “Zapadoslavia” ignore the translation, and “Imperium Lechitów” does not. The file seems to be fine, so I think it's a problem with the game. Although I don't understand what exactly could be the cause.
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
When country sends you money, you dont get it, it needs to be fixed.
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 1 reply
When I play in fullscreen mode, the mouse cursor doesn’t appear. After I disable fullscreen, I can play with the cursor. Sometimes, it disappears after I click "New Scenario" or when I'm playing the current scenario. I'm playing on Windows 11. My system specifications: Intel i5-11 16 GB DDR4 RAM RTX 3050 Ti I have some game testing experience and understand that system information can sometimes be helpful.
Last reply by Beter Griffin,