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Glyco Balance Australi Glyco Balance Australia works best as a component of a complete wellbeing procedure including a decent eating routine and customary activity. Suplements are intended to help and upgrade your body's normal capabilities however are not a fix all arrangement. When joined with solid way of life decisions, the dynamic fixings in Glyco Balance Australia can essentially further develop glucose guideline and add to in general health
Last reply by Zabuza026, -
- 0 answers
I’ve noticed my battle width is 24/40 and I have 43 regiments, the game is putting my cavalry on the front line and when I look at the army deployment menu, I can hover over frontline cavalry and see them classified as “frontline”. Even when I split into two armies this still happens? How can I manually change my cavalry to be set in the “flanks”? also any idea why I can’t upgrade my light footmen to swordsman? I can’t even build any more light footmen anymore in the recruitment menu, which makes me assume because I unlocked swordsman I unlocked the next upgrade for them, but it says I still have no upgrades available? thanks.
Last reply by KingCammus, -
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Hello again This is hoofries How was your reaction to ages of history 3 What is your favorite things in aoc3?? yall u are good male/female :)) thanks for answering/read Feel free to follow me or scroll to see other posts of people! Have a good day
Last reply by Hoofries, -
- 0 answers
hello, I want the president of a certain country to change after a certain period, for example, a certain president changes every 5 years in a country, how can I do this?
Last reply by nak1waga, -
- 0 replies
"Sé que Age of History 3 para dispositivos móviles aún no se ha lanzado, pero decidí hacer una predicción o análisis para tenerlo en cuenta. Lo basé en los requisitos de Steam para PC. Lo más probable es que se recomiende entre 4 GB y 5 GB de RAM para jugar, y un procesador de gama media como el Snapdragon 732G o 778G será adecuado. Otros procesadores podrían funcionar, pero me centré en el Snapdragon. Los requisitos de almacenamiento probablemente oscilarán entre 1 y 2 GB, siendo 1 GB el más probable. En cuanto a los gráficos, es probable que las provincias se reduzcan en tamaño, aunque no estoy seguro de que se pueda ampliar. También …
Last reply by DRM, -
- 0 answers
Where can I see Age of History 3 timelapse?
Last reply by emrf, -
- 2 answers
hello, I need help, I want to increase the limit on allies in the alliance and change the duration of the alliance
Last reply by nak1waga, -
- 5 replies
Beginning with the Civilizations. Redania Impostoria Zombie Horde Antarctica - And His Excellency, Phil Consoles - All KNOWN Nuke: Provides 1 Nuke Gold: Provides 500 Gold Explode: Will explode the nation you are currently hovering. That be it, I guess. For now..
Last reply by BlakeTehGreat, -
- 0 replies
Hi, so yesterday I decided to test out the game, starting as Brandenburg in 1440. It has been rough in the beginning, but when I became comfortable with the game I just.... Broke it? So, I started pretty historically, planning on just recreating the German Empire borders, but after some time of development I basically had infinite gold, i.e I had so much income I could just do whatever I wanted, and after some time I've realized my technology and army got so big I became U N S T O P P A B L E. I don't wanna really unveil my secret how to, but just know I was declaring wars on every nation I could. I've had atomic bombs somewhere before 1800 already, and …
Last reply by H Teresken, -
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finally after 3 hours i conqueres the required lands to form the Bohemian Empire (it took way too long than i excpected)
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 3 replies
Welcome everyone to my modest post in which I would like to discuss AoH3 and its problems on release. WARNING: This post are my own opinion of the game. The game haves tons of great features that I'm grateful for but this post about its drawbacks. 1. Bad battle mechanics. The battle mechanic we have now better than in AoH2 but still needs more attention. The current battle system feels like it made only for medieval warfare. Currently it's uncomfortable to play with that warfare in modern day scenarios. It also have much more drawbacks that need to be fixed or reimagined. 2. Poor diplomacy. The charm of AoH2 was great diplomacy. You could do man…
Last reply by Noobs Dudes, -
- 0 replies
"manpower" - adds 7500 manpower "diplomacy" - adds 100 diplomacy points "legacy" - adds 250 legacy points
Last reply by AOH3simp, -
- 1 answer
Although the "Great War" Scenario takes place in 1910, the Balkan borders also include the borders of 1914.
Last reply by AOH3simp, -
- 0 replies
Hello Mr. Lukasz, can you tell us a clear day for mobile? 1 year, 5 months, 3 weeks or 24 hours. Please give us a clear answer considering the work you have done.
Last reply by Revo, -
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Bu lanet oyunda 2 saatimi ekonomik gelişme istikrara verdim ekonomim oldukça genişledi ordularım fena değildi. Yunanlar 55k birim 2 askeri birlikle beni işgal etti söylesenize manpower kaç olucak bu amınakodumun oyununda? yunanlar nasıl 55k basabiliyor bu oyunda bariz bir savaş dengesizliği var bu bir bug istersen ABD ol yine göt kadar ülke inanılmaz sayıda asker basabiliyor ya oyunun ekonomi paritesi bozuk ya da sistematik bir savaş dengesizliği var çözülmesi gerekiyor.
Last reply by cilgin balik, -
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Do translated get a free copy of the game? To motivate them to make it and update it?
Last reply by Sem, -
- 0 answers
old vassal, peace treaty and alliance systems, ultimatums, trade, union etc.
Last reply by mmorin, -
- 3 answers
What are all the flag tags for alliances?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 answers
Hello, I want to help with fixing localization file and I also want the updated translation to be added to the game. Where can I send updated file?
Last reply by CodyMaster, -
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I know it seems small but thank you Lukasz not only for creating this great game but also listening to ideas and adding suggestions from fans, it means a lot to me a probably the rest of the community also, imagine my surprise when two of my idea formable nations where added (both Anglosphere and Austrian Reich) It really does mean a lot, and i'm sure other people how have had their suggestions added are also feeling quite happy, i'm looking forward to see what plans are next
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 1 answer
Hello, I have a question how can I enter golden age of science and military??
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 answers
I play on the Ukrainian localisation and when I load the game, the tips are displayed in English
Last reply by CodyMaster, -
Czemu kiedy walcze z kim kolwiek kto jest w sojuszu i podbije oba kraje to nie moge sojusznika zaanektowac? I nie wiem czemu 90% kraji ma sojusz
Last reply by Evin210, -
- 1 answer
Why @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Dipto479, -
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En Age of History 2 puedes, pero no sé cómo hacerlo en Age of History 3😞
Last reply by vicente29392,