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Please help its on the smallest scale yet looks so big ! @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 answers
Hi, You have a country and someone else's country they declare war on you or you declare war on them but they are either in an alliance or have a bond. You conquer all the territory ( even the territory of the vassal or alliance), you have 100% so you go to peace talks, but there you can only claim the territory of the first country, not that of the vassal or alliance. Why is that? Thanks.
Last reply by Vasek4444, -
- 0 replies
Lukasz Jakowski, can you add more civilizations (just sets of countries with flags) so that the game is not empty, you can look at the civilizations from the mod for Age of History 2 called Sieg Edition, there are a lot of different civilizations that just fill and enliven the game. I hope you like my idea!
Last reply by X_X, -
- 2 replies
I played as germany and i changed to national socialism and this cool portrait of adolf hitler showed
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 20 replies
"Chicos y caballeros (no creo que haya muchas mujeres aquí) Mañana es el día, MAÑANA ES EL DÍA, ¿debería decirlo más alto? La espera ha merecido la pena, Łucazs, definitivamente hiciste un gran trabajo, lo digo en serio, amigo. No me importa si mucha gente dice que abandonarás el juego, ya has hecho tu trabajo, hacer FELIZ a tu comunidad 🙂 Tómate tu tiempo, amigo, y relájate, porque esta comunidad que has construido con amor y dedicación te va a dar mucho. Te aprecio mucho (como desarrollador de juegos 😜). Demostremos todos nuestro apoyo y amor a nuestro querido Łucazs, se lo merece :)" @Lukasz Jakowski
Last reply by DRM, -
- 1 reply
I'm waiting for mobile version please send videos for us mobile people.🥺
Last reply by Turtley, -
- 3 answers
When It's Ready 😠 What Day, Month, Year Will AOH3 Be Released? Can Someone Answer Me? Or Maybe Jakowiski Himself? I Can't Take It Anymore, I Want to Play This. Game Now, lol.
Last reply by Turtley, -
- 2 replies
I don't know anymore. I'm creating new nation and when I tryna to place nation on the map then my nation have big flag with white "?" I don't why its happening...
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 4 answers
I played as Ukraine, then got an alliance with Moldova, but now I want to disband an alliance. Help pls.
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 1 answer
Hello I have a question about the civilizations being formed, I'm currently playing England and England has 4 civilizations that it can create, I'm wondering if if I create, for example, Great Britain, then I will be able to create others? Or will the creation of one of these civilizations block the creation of the others? I'm wondering whether to wait with the creation of civilization or I can create it when I have the opportunity, thank you for the answers :)
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
At the beginning I congratulate @Łukasz Jakowski a great premiere of the game, I play about two hours and I really have a lot of fun, there are a few errors in the translation but overall the game is really well done, I started with England with the idea of making a colonial empire, I started in 1440, I already know that I will spend many hours in Age of Hisotory 3, and the price of the game, which is really low, reinforces my belief that @Łukasz Jakowski is great, full of passion, thank you again @Łukasz Jakowskifor creating Age of History 3 and I hope that the game will be even more successful and allow you to grow even more! Greetings :)
Last reply by ADReM, -
Привет, Лукас, у меня есть вопрос. Когда Age of History 3 будет портирована на Android?
Last reply by Max_2462, -
Hi Lukas I have a question. when will age of history 3 be ported to android?
Last reply by Max_2462, -
- 0 answers
Can i play age of history 3 with the steam deck??
Last reply by bjlbeen, -
- 0 answers
I passed the colonisation law and realized that it colonised lands without asking me first but by then i already had a huge border gore so I want to just abandon those lands like in aoh2. I can't find any option for this though? ( I later banned colonisation but lands are still getting auto colonised for some reason? I think this is a glitch) One more thing, I think there should be a different province options section for when we zoom out because it looks a lot different and what looks good when zoomed in, looks like an eyesore when you zoom out. Edit: I'm not sure if you even would want to add this but after winning wars, we should also be able to…
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 answers
I have an old card, the GT440, and is there no way to fix this? :(
Last reply by Anyone, -
- 0 answers
How can I convert a AoH2 mod to an AoH3 one?
Last reply by ItalianB4ll21, -
- 1 answer
You said earlier that Age of history 3 is priced at 42 RMB in China, but why is it 50 RMB now?
Last reply by china peple, -
- 1 answer
Is there any way to make an event trigger another event?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 answers
I have a question, how can I release a vassal? or puppet state, Idk how u name it
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 2 answers
Last reply by Brianman, -
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My ui is big even tho it's on size 0 how do I make it small like warmaster has it in his video @Łukasz Jakowskiplz help
Last reply by xox, -
- 0 replies
@Łukasz Jakowski Widzę, że lubisz ukrywać takie małe "smaczki" w Kanadzie 😛 +10 do patriotyzmu za orła białego 😄
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 0 answers
And one more question, can you give provinces to you ally in the peacy treaty?
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 1 answer
When the game will be released on the mobile platforms?
Last reply by Lewandowski,