General Discussion
- 0 answers
Will it be possible to rename countries, both your own and others, like in AoC2? If so, will the new names be saved after reloading the game? The same question applies to provinces. Will it be possible to rename them, and will the new names persist after reloading the game? In AoC2, you could rename them, but after reloading, the name would revert to the default. "Can't vouch for my English, I translated it using ChatGPT."
Last reply by staldemo, -
- 0 answers
Hi guys, I honestly haven't caught up with the latest leaks and what AOH III will be like also because from what I know Łukasz Jakowski (the developer) hasn't released much information about the game. So according to you besides has the change of provinces a slight change of graphics is some combat systems, how will be geometry dash breeze efectively the new game of the saga? I hope it will at least be made more realistic even in the AI. You guys tell me your opinion.
Last reply by louisewalden, -
- 1 answer
206 / 10000 224 1. Will there be a translation into Russian? 2. Lukas, can you make the game translate into most languages using neural network? 3. Will it be possible to make your own events in the scenario editor like in Age of History 2?
Last reply by Casual, -
будет ли в aoc3 альянсы в новом времени по типу NATO?
Last reply by Guguge, -
- 0 answers
When looking over the custom leaders system (particularly having one set of leaders per tag), I got to thinking about the modding implications. If you can only have one set of leaders that take over at set times, then how could you create events and the like to choose between different leaders and have branching paths? Is there a way to have multiple sets of leaders, or otherwise another way to create a mechanic where you choose which person will become your leader during the game?
Last reply by Shiite, -
- 11 answers
1. can we Recruit army from vassal territory? (like EU4) 2. Will there be an autonomy system? 3.Can vassal have vassal? 4. Can a vassal's army go to another vassal's territory without asking? 5. can we make a custom nation/vassal mid-game like AOC2?
Last reply by RamonMercader, -
Чи буде у грі мультиплеєр? Якщо ні, то чи можливо його створити за допомогою моддингу?
Last reply by W1zario, -
- 0 answers
can do a research tree for only one country? for any mods with zombie virus or allien attack will be nice Or we need to do this in 1 research tree?
Last reply by myrzik1333, -
- 0 answers
What do you think about releasing the game on Xbox and Microsoft Store has a feature called xbox Play Anywhere.
Last reply by ARWD, -
- 0 answers
will the game be on early release like it says under the release date in Steam? Early access my apologies.
Last reply by AgeOfOz, -
- 0 answers
What are the system requirements for Android
Last reply by Степа, -
- 7 answers
Just to see how it looks. Maybe add an option to put black names, and show capital names too
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 3 answers
With less than a month to go, I'm sure we are all very excited to play AOH3. One thing that I have been thinking about though, is whether games will be 'winnable', as opposed to 'playing until you get bored'. For example: 1. Be the first city state to form a major civilisation. 2. Be the first civilisation to control more than 75% of a resource (e.g., grain) 3. Conquer more than 50% of all known land 4. Have more than 20 wonders in your empire 5. Be the first civilisation to conquer Byzantium. My concern is that without win conditions, the game might lack direction, and therefore replay value. The examples of win conditions above just rough ideas, but I'…
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 0 answers
Will AOH3 support a global search function to make finding buildings, resources, armies etc easier? Example, if I want to find all of the barracks, libraries, or grain resources across civilisations? Likewise if I want to get an overview of all current wars happening, or instances of rebels currently active?
Last reply by PiePants, -
- 0 answers
Can we send volunteer forces without engaging in war?
Last reply by yshehshshs, -
- 0 answers
Queria muito que começasse uma grande guerra pois eu ou a IA declarou guerra em um país sem necessariamente uma aliança fixa por favor @Łukasz Jakowski faça essa função
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 4 answers
Alright so I have 2 Questions about Age of History 3. Question 1: Will the IOS and Android versions of Age of History 3 be released at the same time or will they be released separately? If they are not gonna be released at the same time then which will be released first? Question 2: Will we be able to give the scenarios we make descriptions? Like in the Scenarios video we can see a description of that scenario above it every time you hover over it. Will we be able to give those to our own scenarios?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 4 answers
1.Is HRE/Emperor going to do something in case of internal conflict and external conflict or is it going to be like Age of History 2 ? 2.can a country join or HRE. (diplomatic tab and Peace deal)
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 answer
there are both real leaders and ai made up leaders in the game, when creating a scenario do you decide weather it will be a real figure or a custom made up person?
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 2 answers
Why were ten diplomatic points not deducted?
Last reply by ARWD, -
- 1 answer
Will there be a surrender system in AI-led wars? Because in the videos the AI only makes treaties when the war reaches 100%
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 answers
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 7 answers
If a Country with vassals joins the alliance or changes its ideology (And color), will the same thing happen to the vassals (As in Hoi4) or not? And will the vassals also give the captured provinces to their owner?
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
- 0 answers
If a vassal have vassal will original lord color will be in vassal's vassal or not. @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Dipto479, -
- 1 answer
What I am wondering is whether all countries will have the same technology score in the modern scenario or the World War II scenario. I don't think European and African technology will be the same. I think if England and France had the same technology as their vassals in Africa it would make them unstoppable.
Last reply by Marerjh,