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Does it perhaps mean fourth quarter of 2024? Hence in the period including october/november/december?
Last reply by Interesting, -
- 3 answers
I've seen a resources mechanic in your AOH3 videos. Are they randomly generated after choosing the country or being preset? If not I would like to see a feature to mix resources in their respective environments (like, no lemons in tundra and no grains in desert)
Last reply by yd12, -
- 11 answers
1. flagi państw w ich stolicach powinny być wyśrodkowane ponieważ jak widać niektóre flagi są poza granicami państwa. 2. Czy będziemy mogli zmieniać nazwy miast tak jak w aoh2?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 answers
Hello! Is there going to be Chinese scenarios like, Warring States Period, Post Qin, Post Han Dynasty scenarios? That would be good. Thanks in advance!
Last reply by chefegg, -
Hi. What about the bug with '0' Country Relationships in Age of history 2, was this fixed in Age of history 3?
Last reply by adcssa, -
- 0 answers
Will it be possible to control which province the AI army goes to ? And maybe add an outcome related to it, like whatever if the army wins or loses, the country annex/lose X provinces !
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 answers
Are leader profiles made with artificial intelligence?(google translate)
Last reply by omerfa, -
- 8 replies
If Lukasz wants to make a civilization for himself, this image is for you.
Last reply by ISyncradar, -
In 2022 scenario you put Luiz Inacio Lula as brazilian president, when in fact the president was Jair Bolsonaro, probably there are more errors like this, can you fix them?
Last reply by WARISHEAVEN, -
Will the ideology in a foreign country change to yours if you seize it and make it a vassal?
Last reply by Viktor1, -
- 7 replies
I've noticed an little thing one the age of civilization forum section (here). And you'll see TONNES of Chinese bots. Going unoticed. But its not too serious, so If Łukasz does anything that would be nice
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 3 replies
Specifically mods, nobody archives the links nobody has a working download like. Example: medieval scenarios. Nobody has a working link. Archives I is very important. Libraries of Alexandria level for this community
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 3 replies
Hello my people I been searching for this mod for a long time, I've searched reddit. The forums. EVERYWHERE. PLEASE RESPOND ANYONE
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 2 answers
i haven't seen anything about it, will it be delayed until some sort of solution is found for the issue it had (that cultures were needed to categorize when civs changed the city name)
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 1 answer
Some cities don't exist for example before the 1900s such as Brasilia, Lagos, Astana, Putrajava, and more.
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 0 answers
After watching the "Government types" video on the second channel, I noticed that when the government type for Russia was changed to Communisim, the country name and color changed in the way formables would in AoH2. I was just curious if formables are going to work similar to the way in AoH2, or if they will be based more so of government types. Secondly, will AI build all available building types and research at their own pace? I heard awhile back from some indie game developers that it is very difficult to develop the AI to do their own research, and they follow the same research pace as the player. I noticed this in one of the videos involving an espionoge on Ven…
Last reply by Rick Oppenheimer, -
- 0 answers
AI seemed to be working fine in the last video Is AI completed now Mr. Lukajzs?
Last reply by general72, -
- 2 answers
How would colonialism work in this game? When you set up a colony, will the colony be directly run by you, or will it be a separate civ like in the WW2 scenario video?
Last reply by qxz, -
- 1 answer
I was wondering what the title says 😛
Last reply by Kiwi, -
- 1 answer
i have question, will be added new easter eggs and references in new game who can be unique and useful for campaign or can be just funny and also for full found easter eggs and references you're can get secret achievement? my expample: can adding some part about half-life lore or star wars like for easter egg or references. also you're can add some old easter eggs/references who was in aoh2?
Last reply by Siamese, -
- 1 answer
Hallo Lukasz I have a question about how population will effect economy and rankings of the countries In the second game there was a population score so a country who had millions of population but a very small economy could still be a major power, and with India and China having such a big population would this inflate the rankings of the countries? Also in the second game a higher economy would also increase the income of a country so will the populations also effect that? Massive respect towards you and your hard work 😃
Last reply by Matvey, -
- 1 answer
Does it means that the state religion will be the religion of the ruler and will the probability of drawing the ruler's religion be the same as the percentage of religion in the country?❤️ For example in contry we have 60% catholic and 40% orthodox and the nwe ruler will be propably catholic (60% chance) and then ours country religion will be catholic?? This is awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 0 answers
When we call vassal war, do we need to pay something like gold and legacy points or even make them more wanted to be freed ? It would vary according to the number and how strong the vassal is. Additionally, when the lord is losing, it should be more expensive.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
Last reply by Das Moss Man,
- 0 answers
Will it be possible to convert to other religions or is the religion of a civilization fixed for the whole game
Last reply by Tdrr,