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I know this is rng but it doesnβt make it any less funny
Last reply by Just a History Nerd, -
- 0 answers
Hello! I'm owner of small news-centrated social group about Age of History. The release of multiplayer will definitely be a big breakthrough for the game, both technically and socially. Since there isn't much additional information on the DLC page on Steam, and there's no additional news from you on the forum, I'd like to ask a couple of clarifying questions about the new update in order to understand more precisely what's in store for us. Thanks in advance! 1. Will the new DLC be free? If not, any estimated regional prices at the moment? 2. Will multiplayer support modifications from Steam Workshop? If yes, how will this system be organized? 3. Will multip…
Last reply by justiamtgm, -
β Project E.R.A : Legacy of the Old World β - In an alternate world of 2032, Project E.R.A immerses players in a reality where geopolitics has radically changed following a devastating war in Ukraine. After winning the war of 2022, Russia finds itself in a weakened military situation, but in return, it strengthens its geopolitical positions with annexations in the Caucasus and the east, including the establishment of a satellite state in Ukraine. Meanwhile, NATO establishes buffer zones in western Ukraine, notably in Galicia and Volhynia, as part of Operation "Iaroslav." - As the world plunges into multipolarity, the social and economic crisis intensifies in Wes…
Last reply by ConRadical, -
- 0 answers
Czy DLC dodajΔ ce multiplayer ma byΔ pΕatnym dodatkiem?
Last reply by Corgi X, -
- 0 answers
h1 people, I've noticed although I have perks and discounts for my Administrative Buildings in the Buildings Tab. The cost for example for a Temple from default price of 75 gold, at the begginng was going down to 64 gold after the perks (advatage points). But no idea what happens now the cost is increasing and from 75 gold it can cost up to 85 gold.... please someone explain ?
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 replies
System sending things like links to reset password on gmail is fucked up. For real. I'm for last hour trying to log in to my account on PC but I can't because it is not sending the link to reset the password. @Εukasz Jakowski You made great game that I love but forum isn't your best creation @Εukasz Jakowski Wiem, ΕΌe i tak mnie zignorujesz jak praktycznie zawsze, ale i tak mam nadziejΔ, ΕΌe jakoΕ to naprawisz
Last reply by Historyk, -
- 1 answer
Is it possible to make hidden events? So that they don't appear in missions, or in the upper right corner of the screen, or anywhere.
Last reply by malek, -
- 3 replies
With Fire & Sword 1335 - The Hundred Year's War We are in year 1335. France and England are soon to begin one of the biggest wars in History. Byzantium is on the verge of collapse. Germany is divided yet United in the Holy Roman Empire. Wittelsbach family is slowly losing power; Soon Bohemia and Austria will fight over who will become the Holy Roman Emperor. Poland is just before its golden days. It is in conflict with the strongest in history Teutonic Order. - Scenario 1335 - Mission Trees for Byzantium, Poland, France, England, and German states - Few flavour events of the era, including Hussite and Hundred years' wars. - Unique event …
Last reply by Wielki_Czlek, -
- 0 answers
How can I add more variety of images for advisors, generals and leaders?
Last reply by xSmithz, -
- 0 answers
Any updates on multiplayer? @Εukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 0 answers
@Εukasz Jakowski You said that there would be civilization specified units. Now, in the current game I can't see any value for that. Are you still planning to add that? Or you rejected the idea?
Last reply by Casual, -
Why? @Εukasz Jakowski entire list of hidden people from Polish (names are from files): Ibisz Bosak Braun John Paul 2 Rydzyk Dziwisz Czarnek Gawkowski Geremek Giertych Gilowska BanaΕ Bartoszcze Bartoszewski Belka Beger Biedron Bielecki Blaszczak Bober Borusewicz Buzek Czaputowicz Czarzasty Czerwinska Dekoninck Domanski Fotyga Glapinski Gowin Gronicki Gronkiewicz-Waltz Holownia Jakowski Kaczynski (JarosΕaw, Lech) Kalinowski Kalisz KidawaBlonsk…
Last reply by Εukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 answers
No modding for mobile players because they pay less than PC players. Lock some good features and allow to unlock them by using mod. Treat mobile players bad than PC players.
Last reply by angamo123, -
- 11 replies
Our goal is to make one of the greatest mods in the future history of AOH3. CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR DISCORD AND HELP US WITH OUR GOAL! for more info check out our discord server
Last reply by SVH, -
Will there be any bigger updates? For example update adding air mode? or update adding multiplayer? any update that changes something more, than just bugfixes, and adding something that mods can add for example scenarios @Εukasz Jakowski
Last reply by Nowarhia, -
- 5 answers
Can you add the great continent of Antarctica as an update to Age of History 3? Add this map to the game please.Can you add the great continent of Antarctica as an update to Age of History 3? Add this map to the game please @LukaszJakowski Games @Lukasz @lukas add go to
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Hi guys.
Last reply by BurgerMan, -
- 4 replies
I started fixing some borders inside my own country, Brazil. Guaranteed changes are: subdivisions on most countries (ex. Argentina) more historical borders and subdivisions (German Empire) Unguaranteed changes (you will decide!): more provinces (yes, will include vatican city) micronations all subdivisions (except ridiculously small countries) hope y'all like it π
Last reply by maxia, -
- 6 replies
Happily, it's my birthday, and I'm glad to have been part of this amazing forum with great and incredible people for some time now. I'm not asking anyone to say "Happy Birthday"; I just want to express how grateful I am to be here. π
Last reply by MisterT, -
- 0 answers
I'm genuinely confused on whether the game is going to be updated or not, I would really like to see improvements to the game such as an actual tutorial, the things Lukasz posts to Steam workshop being added to the game, AND PLEASE AN IMPROVED SCENARIO EDITOR JFNOUERVNOUVR
Last reply by Anhadsp, -
- 2 answers
So far we have seen bug fixes which are for some reason posted on the workshop, which leads me to ask this question: When can we expect a new update adding the wanted features into the game?
Last reply by qxz, -
I made some custom leaders for 1440 scenario, but when leader from which reign since 1440 die then the next leader is always some random ai even though i set which leader should be next. I also made sure that next leader is not too young
Last reply by Avinetta, -
- 3 replies
Last reply by HaSa, -
- 1 reply
can some give me the link mod of extended governments for non steam users, i will apreciate it very much
Last reply by SrWilson, -
- 1 reply
Replace vanilla music and add more than +25 soundtracks from Debussy, Dvorak to Mozart, Bach etc... Steam page: Discord:
Last reply by Nay_13,