General Discussion
- 2 answers
Each army type has certain attack, defense and movement speed values. So, when these types of combinations are an army, are these values added up or are they the average? And when the number of a species increases, do the values increase? (for example, 5k tank values are 5x) @Lukasz Jakowski
Last reply by THE_Ibrahim_Pasha, -
- 2 answers
Will there be trade routes in the game?
Last reply by qxz, -
- 2 answers
Hello, when will it be released, anybody knows? I mean the exact date. I want to be the first one to play it. 😝 Thank you!
Last reply by qxz, -
- 50 replies
pretty much the title, people are actually bringing up so many great idea's that i cannot see being immediately added on release, especially in an indie game developed by one polish guy with little resources or help, all your features aren't coming in release, the game hasn't even hit beta phase and we don't have cultures or nav and we're over here talking about a POP SYSTEM?!! the truth is, the game will be unfinished on release because that's what alpha is, it's not lukasz fault, he will update after the release, we just need to wait AOH3 will likely feel very underwhelming/boring at the start after a bit but that's normal because this isn't mean…
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 3 replies
I think so, cause, no overpriced, no dlc, and no (too) complex. The NNN for AOH3 I feel like it's gonna go [Initial boom] > [drew durnil] > [more YouTubers playing] > [millions of players]
Last reply by Naval, -
- 10 replies
YEAR 1940, AFTER THE GREAT WAR THE GERMAN EMPIRE TOOK OVER WITH ITS ALLIES ALMOST ALL OF EUROPE. WILL YOU HELP THEM MAINTAIN THEIR HEGEMONY OR INTERFERE THEM? THE CHOICE IS YOURS! WRITE YOUR OWN HISTORY AFTER THE GREAT WAR WON BY CENTRAL POWERS. THIS MOD CONTAINS: >>> Bunch of new types of government, such as: - Kaiserism - Constitutional Monarchy - Absolute Monarchy - Colonial Government - Regency - Interim Government - Jewish Communism - Anarchy and more >>> New armies >>> Chemical warfare units >>> New leaders >>> New advisors >&g…
Last reply by SVH, -
- 10 replies
So. My idea may be relevant for years (unlike the ideas about the Age of History series of games, the game will be released and the ideas will not be relevant) So. The ideas themselves: 1. The topic from the offtopic should go to the top in -100% -200%, unlike the difficulty of going to the popular of other topics. 2. The topic of the Ideas should go to the "Popular now" in 25% — 40% 3. The topic of the Questions should go to the "Popular now" in 80%-55% 4. The theme should go out of mods in the top at -300% — -400% The idea of what to add / change to the forum 1. Make unlimited the possibility of attaching files to …
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 answers
The conditions should be the fact that both states are monarchies, they have a common border, and high standards. At the same time, the creation of the union is initiated by a country that is an order of magnitude stronger than the second. An example is the Swedish-Norwegian Union, where the Swedish Crown dominated.
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 answers
Will the growth rate go down in case of war ? Maybe even become negative (-30%). This would happen mostly in occupation and besieged provinces, and will be higher with the progress of technology. And also during a disease outbreak
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 3 answers
In the old game, military aid could not be sent to a country without participating in a war. So, in the new game, will we be able to send our military units without joining the war?
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 27 answers
There are already 80,000 subscribers. What can we expect for 100,000 subscribers? Maybe game release?
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 2 answers
I have a question, what kind of civilization editor will there be? It’s just that in AoH2 it was very limited; you could only make a name, stripes and a flag. I would like to be able to download a flag and add flags when changing ideology.
Last reply by Naval, -
- 5 answers
I noticed that since flags appear to be torn up at the bottom. 1440: as you can see, the bottom of the Austrian flag is turn up. 2024: As you can see, unlike the flag of Austria, this Ethiopian flag isn't torn up at the bottom.
Last reply by Ethan Marie tritant, -
(I used setarmy)
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 1 answer
Have you thought about it? Is there a chance that you will add the possibility of creating a demilitarized zone in the game?
Last reply by Mirolit, -
Last reply by OwnM3Z0,
- 2 answers
After long efforts, you have reached 100k Subscribers! First of all, I congratulate all Aoh players and Lukasz. And Bomb question: WHAT WILL YOU DO FOR 100K?
Last reply by qxz, -
Congratulations on reaching yet another milestone. I wish you many more milestones in the future! 200K When TM?
Last reply by Hüseyin Balcı, -
- 0 replies
I don't have pic but HES AT 100K
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 3 answers
Mr. Lukasz‚ There is really morale in the game! But is there discipline?
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 13 replies
Last reply by Erkan Skywalker, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Hüseyin Balcı, -
- 2 replies
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 0 answers
This possibility can be added as one of the requirements for peace treaties, or land leases from underdeveloped civilizations in Africa or Asia. As for example in Qingdao (German Empire) or Port Arthur (Russian Empire)
Last reply by mrx,