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Mod on the universe of our RP game in minecraft. Many players participated, many wars, diplomatic agreements and other events took place. For the mod will be completely redone game, to be more precise, will be redone : 1. Units 2. Technologies 3. Legacies 4. Advantages 5. New map + scenarios with events 6. Sounds 7. Music 8. Rebalance diplomacy, AI, wars, battles 9. Ages 10. Governments 11. Fonts 12. Stability, rebellions, religions Looking for helpers for mod development : Mappers, graphic designers If you are interested - join my discord server or DM me DM - ckobbrf Discord Server Chronology : …
Last reply by ckobbrf, -
- 0 replies
This mode is an improved version of Provinces on the Korea. In AoH3 original, Korean Provinces is not right shaped or positioned. So I improved the existing Korean Provinces more appropriately. I've kept the number and location of Korean Provinces as much as possible, so I'll have no problem using the original scenario. Steam Workshop:
Last reply by Basilio Paleologo, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Das Moss Man, -
- 0 answers
game just came out but I still want to ask when major updates will be coming Of course, I think there should be no major updates until the game is almost perfect
Last reply by YusufAliDE, -
- 1 reply
My New Mod: Kepler 22-B I ported the Kepler scenario from Age of History 2 to Age of History 3. I'd appreciate it if you could download the mod and share your feedback. 💖 Steam Download Link:
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
Hello to everyone who remembers me, I recently made a Plusic API program that allows you to add modifications that change the game code. I immediately released 2 mods with it, Fullscreen Borderless and Extended Console. 2 days have passed, I have not seen any response, except for two comments from people I know. But statistics say that the work was visited by about 158 users, of which 33 people subscribed. And I have a question, who are you 33 warriors. If someone used my mods, can you tell me if they work stably and have you figured out how to install them? As a coder, this just worries me.
Last reply by Mega4oSS, -
- 10 answers
Every time I want to open the game this comes up and I don't know what to do, does anyone know how to fix this? @Łukasz Jakowski Same with Jar file.
Last reply by Keguca10, -
- 0 answers
Is there a way to add leaders/generals on IOS?
Last reply by Frederick the Great, -
- 5 answers
I don't know why, but when i play +/- 100 years on any scenario, the game keeps crashing in random situations such as upgrading economy or signing a peace treaty. When I'm restarting it I can play for about 5/6 years and it happens again. I tried every fix i've found on the internet (exxcept that they were fixes for crashes during starting the game, but i think it's still pretty similar situation). Does anyone have or had the same problem and know how to fix this?? It's really annoying restarting the game every 5 minutes..
Last reply by Mov, -
- 0 replies
Source: Recently, the game has been detected by antiviruses as a virus. Let's figure out what happened. What is the source of the problem? The game uses an open source library called “libgdx”. This library is a very popular framework used to write game engines. A recent update to this library has caused it to be detected by antiviruses as containing viruses. This issue is known. Why is it being detected as a virus? This can be caused by many factors, but most likely it is a simple mistake on the ant…
Last reply by Marerjh, -
Недавно скачал пару модов через мастерскую стим, хотел запустить, но вылез выбор между запуском обычной age of history 3 и неизвестной AoH3 - Run as JAR File ( раньше не было такого). думал, что если удалить все моды, то пройдет, но даже после удаления оно не проходит. подскажите, пожалуйста, это у всех так? если нет, то как это убрать? а еще не получается запустить старый вариант запуска. иногда показывает какие то вопросики, вообщем что-то странное
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 2 replies
I am a Chinese player and I have created a mod for AoH3. Its name is' Thousand Years',As the name suggests, this mod is from ancient to modern times. How should it download files? Due to China's network firewall, it is necessary to use VPN to access China. What languages does it support? It supports English, Chinese, and Russian. I think only these are needed because there are many players who use these languages. Add my Tiktok to get the module file: 62520589411.
Last reply by 德意志人民共和国, -
- 4 replies
Here is my little mod to improve the balance of the game. Currently, it improves the regiment limit and manpower balance, making the distribution of forces in the Middle Ages fairer and the battles in modern times longer and more exciting! It also changes the conditions for obtaining the ranks of civilization and makes the prosperity tier more important. Will be more in the future 😛 Steam Workshop:
Last reply by Marerjh, -
- 5 replies
It feel so empty now :-[
Last reply by Popooy, -
- 3 answers
as the title says, mine is this guy 289 years old this was without any of the leader extension perks as well so I wonder how far we can push this
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 1 answer
Why do we need electors in the HRE if the strongest state becomes the emperor?
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 answers
What is this???????????????????????????????
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 0 replies
Moscow Cossack Choir Download:
Last reply by sanitar4ick, -
- 0 replies
Music from HOI2, HOI3, HOI4 Download: Review:
Last reply by sanitar4ick, -
- 0 answers
Hi, i was About to play the game on pc but when i clicked on play it showes me Jawa verification i dont know Why, i clicked ok, then it showes error to log In and saif its an Jawa SE problem please Help??? I have already player 70+ hours and it never happened now randomly it appear.. what do i do?? @Lücasz
Last reply by Mansoor, -
- 1 reply
My New Mod: What If USSR Won The Cold War In this alternate scenario, most states have come under the control of the Soviet Union and become communist, while the United States has fragmented into separate states. Mod Download Link: ❤️ I would appreciate it if you could rate the mod on Steam. ❤️
Last reply by Sovietr, -
Hello Łukasz, I deleted the civilization game after the Android version went into edit mode, it started to be unresponsive, what's going on
Last reply by zhe3, -
- 0 answers
just asking, also what are some things that could make an event not work? im trying to make events for 1440 but it wont even let me activate a mod, even if i make a copy of the scenario it still says lukasz jakowski is the author
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 0 answers
Last reply by Warnnexx, -
- 2 answers
Android has the option of choosing between the smaller mobile map and the bigger PC map, and that was stated clearly by Lukasz, but it wasn't clarified for iOS. I haven't bought the game yet and I have a pretty strong iPad, so I would appreciate it if someone clarified whether iOS has the map option as well. Thanks.
Last reply by anonymous8,