General Discussion
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Is it normal that in Lukasz's latest video, Picardy is a vassal of the King of France in 1444 ? Will it be changed, or will it stay as is? In 1435 the King of France ceded the “towns of the Somme” (in red) to the Duke of Burgundy (which became French again in 1463 thanks to the purchase of the towns by Louis XI) Also, Le Treport being part of Picardy and half cutting Abbeville and Amiens is a little weird
Last reply by Nay_13, -
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Learning dumps the increasing emphasis on ethical practices within professional communities, coupled with advanced methods of detecting cheating, contributes to a climate where the risks associated with using Learningdumps outweigh the potential benefits. As awareness grows about the long-term disadvantages of relying onLearningdumps or similar resources, including the potential for career repercussions, the demand for these shortcuts is likely to diminish. Consequently, the future may see a decline in the prevalence of brain dumps, as both candidates and certifying organisations move towards more authentic and meaningful methods of learning and assessment. In summ…
Last reply by Hosseed67, -
- 6 replies
This could be a hard topic, but since Germany allows to use the Nazi flag in video games, it is possible to add it ? We all know that it has done very bad things in the past, but it's still part of history. Maybe put the current German Reich flag for fascism and Nazi for National Socialism. I am not a German Reich fanboy, and Mr. Łukasz Jakowski, you aren't obligated to add it, some modders could. I wouldn't be more happy if you added it. IT'S JUST FOR EDUCATION PURPOSE.
Last reply by AleksGame, -
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When making a scenario, will it be possible to build buildings so you don't have to do it ingame?
Last reply by Gualic, -
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in aoh2 you could do many things with scenario editor, decide when event pops up, make civs form other civs, make civs annex other civs or become independent, make civs occupy territories, remove and add cores etc... will all the things from the aoh2 event creator be in aoh3? And How WIll we transfer territory using the Written files?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 4 replies
Hi, I just saw the latest lukasz video and noticied that the name of a French province was wrong, Le Touquet was not a town before the 20th century, and just didn't even exist before the 19th century. This province should be renamed to "Boulogne", this city was and still demographically and economically superior to Le Touquet.
Last reply by Nay_13, -
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What happens when the event disappears after 130 days? Is a random decision chosen ? With the effects ? Or no decision is chosen at all and there is no effects on the game ?
Last reply by Outlawexperience, -
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Hi, I have several questions about AI's and their behavior with buildings and technology First, AI will build according to their needs? Will AI replace old buildings or replace/destroy buildings they do not need ? Buildings can be upgraded ? When the game comes out, will the tech tree be editable or can be fully modded ? Will the AI behave normally with modded tech trees ?
Last reply by Nay_13, -
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will be age of history 3 supported on linux?
Last reply by zdislav, -
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@Łukasz Jakowski Habrán guerras civiles en el juego para las civilizaciones? Si es así, como serán? Yo tengo mi humilde idea de como podrían ser las guerras civiles dentro del juego.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
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ENG: Napoleon Bonaparte, as we (hopefully) all know, created a free Polish Kingdom, The Duchy of Warsaw, which was kind off a Vassal, just like the Confederation of Rhine, so I was wondering, if in Aoh3, as France under rule of Napoleon, I could make The Duchy of Warsaw, and still be able to recreat The French Empire? 'Cause in Aoh2, if your vassal has the land, that you need to recreat a nasion, you cant recreat that nation, so will it change in Aoh3? Also, I think that it would be a cool idea if, for example, Kingdom of Poland would need to turn the lands of once Prussia, into a vassal, to recreat the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, or maybe after reacreating it,…
Last reply by Kamernikosz, -
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Deze omstandigheden dwingen iemand om een streng dieet te volgen en beperken de deelname aan intensieve fysieke activiteit. Minder activiteit betekent een hoog suikergehalte in het bloed. Tegenwoordig is Sugar Defender heel gewoon geworden en is het essentieel geworden om te zoeken naar duurzame en praktische oplossingen om suiker onder controle te houden.
Last reply by sugardefenderprijs10, -
- 4 replies
Could you add more names in mediterranean sea and in asia ?
Last reply by mozza, -
- 1 reply
Hello.I Have Question.The AOH3 Have Modern World Scenario Or Modern Civs? And Second Question.The AOH3 Have Election System Or Voting System? (Long Live Lukasz Jakowski And Hope Luck For He) Good Luck.
Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 3 replies
I have a questions WHERE IS AOH3 LINUX VERSION There is for Mac but how about Linux Lukasz? I hope you see this thread, after all, as the Linux community, we expect an excellent game with official support for Linux. :) Please write +1 for this post to be featured.
- 1 reply
H Good morning/afternoon/evening, I would like to ask a slight question about this topic. As I am used to creating events with the help of the editor mode, they show us the trigger and result options. But in a json file I don't think there is that help, so how could we know to put a trigger or result? Example: if Germany captured Paris, France surrenders, how would it be like in trigger and result? Drink water and don't forget to eat healthy.
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 7 replies
Apart from morale and discipline, will there be such a thing as the organization of the army depending on the technological level? This could help countries with the same military technology still be different in some way. After all, good organization was one of the most important advantages of the army of the Third Reich. The army may be good, but the country and the command are poorly organized due to for example bad comunication or conflicts between generals
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 2 replies
Czy jest to całkowicie losowe, czy AI rekrutuje tak, żeby zapełnić wszystkie linie odpowiednimi jednostkami (np skrzydła jednostkami oskrzydlającymi), czy AI wybiera najlepsze dostępne jednostki nie patrząc na to z której są linii, czy ewentualne zmiany przez graczy w pliku (np, żeby czołg był jeszcze lepszy) wpłyną na to, że AI będzie częściej kupowało czołg?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
What does this mean ? Will flags change when we progress over time ? I want to know more about it.
Last reply by Wayne23lololh, -
- 5 replies
I Was Wondering @Łukasz Jakowski where do you get the material to map things like the HRE and the french microstates? as you know im going to make a historical AI mod and i was wondering where you get the historical borders from? because As i started researching the history of france and Timurids they aren't as divided as displayed (ajam and south france etc), if there is some overlapping or your source is more detailed then i would like to have it so i can match the scenario buildup from 1200 to look exactly like 1440 start date
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 2 replies
How will forts work If i have a fort in a province will the enemy be able to go through it or would they have a speed/power debuff and what about the provinces that border it
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 0 replies
It was a very fun gamemode, will it be included in AOH3?
Last reply by Thefernofrommars, -
- 1 reply
Dear Mr Lukas I don't know if I rightly understand missions. Will it be possible to create (in editor/text file) missions that are only available to one country? For example mission for Ottomans in main scenario to conquer Constantinople. In other words will it be possible to create similar mission system to Eu4.
Last reply by IKayzerI, -
- 2 replies
I would like to ask what are you going to do after the game is released? I have several options. 1. You will update the game 2.You will do aoh 4 3. You will go on vacation and then update or make a new game 4. You will stop doing anything with the game and the series of games and will make other games or stop doing them altogether. It is very important for me to at least understand what will happen in the future with the game. Thanks in advance for the reply.