General Discussion
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1. The civilization legacy points and advantage points feature is garbage because it is unrealistic 2. Lukasz idea is problematic the game has more things that need to be controlled the good features from age of history 2 are removed and redundant features are added 3. Obviously economics can control management more than we can attract foreign investment to set up companies and it is funny when the product does not play any role for example iron create weapons without iron what are they made of the game economy market is so bad the idea is sketchy 4. The Navy educates ideological parties that age of history 3 is clearly worse than a game in Roblox Rise Of…
Last reply by Superzen_game, -
- 1 answer
i installed (Purchased) Aoh 3 on my iphone IOS, and later you removed it to fix, but when you upload it do i have to purchase again??? becouse i already have parchased it
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 5 answers
I subscribed to a scenario from the workshop to add it to AoH 3, is there any way I can delete it from my game? @Łukasz Jakowski
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
- 3 answers
Hello, I have a question how does HRE reforms work in AoH3 ?? I want to do the achievement for uniting HRE with those reforms, but I dont know how they work.
Last reply by {Ray}, -
- 0 answers
the game has been really good, and im really enjoying the new features BUT there are alot of bugs so far as expected for any newly released indie game, letalone one with this high a quality and this cheap, and like any other game, it is in need of frequent updates to keep the community alive im not asking for an update right away or for lukasz to drop working on linux and fixing bugs to give us a new feature, what im asking is: Will there be an update or two by the end of 2025? and can we know what it MIGHT be about?
Last reply by OwnM3Z0, -
- 5 replies
You can help me with ideas or bugreports in my Discord Server! Download Steam Version of Mod! More Governments Added Bonapartism, Socialism, Social-Democracy, Liberal-Anarchism, War Socialism, Liberalism, National-Conservatism, Kemalism, Ultranationalism, Anarcho-Communism, Anarcho-Capitalism, Syndicalism, Red Junta, Radicalism, National-Populism and Anarchism. Fixed 1836 scenario, added 1815 scenario Fixed civ techs, economy level. TOTAL REBALANCE Rebalance of AI, battles, peace conferences, diplomacy, economy, loans, government, politics. Base alliance limit has been raised to 4, AI tries to conclude as many alliances and mutual defense pact…
Last reply by ckobbrf, -
- 1 reply
AI did it alone💀
Last reply by DRM, -
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Last reply by daniiiiiii, -
- 0 answers
On my Android device (samsung galaya a32), the game is experiencing lag problems as time progresses, and it also lags when you try to see the whole map or drag it! When you want to create a new scenario or change a country and click on the option to remove a country, the game crashes and closes. Will this problem be fixed? How do we access Mods in the Android version? Are you planning to make a big quality update or will you leave it to DLC and mods? If you are going to make big or important updates, what will these updates be about? Is there anything you see missing or will you make arrangements according to the demands of the players? Players mostly …
Last reply by muhoaga, -
- 1 answer
Is there a mod that allows you to see a timelapse of your current game from the beginning to present?
Last reply by Applehead, -
- 0 answers
Basically, every war, no matter how big (even if you're fighting a coalition) is INCREDIBLY easy to win on ANY difficulty since all you need to do is capture the main country that declared war on you. Even if it occupies a single province. Once you do that, you win the entire world war. And if you enabled the setting to be able to take stuff from their allies? You just conquered every single country by taking one (1) province. This is way too easy, makes the threat of losing almost non-existent. My suggestion is to make the war score scale with how many countries you're fighting. Make it divided among them, not just get 100% from conquering the one you declare…
Last reply by CrimsonNeko, -
- 0 answers
I would love to transfer a save game to a diferent android device what should i do?
Last reply by kroryen, -
- 0 replies
Age of History 3 has great success on the Play Store; it is already a good game and is among the most successful.
Last reply by DRM, -
- 0 replies
Write down🔻
Last reply by BigCrow, -
- 3 answers
This is a file that changes the name of cities depending on the country that owns them. At first I put them in a folder with other files that were already there initially. But there were no changes in the game. Then I put it in the mods folder creating a new folder in it as a name for my "mod". But the result is the same as the first way. What went wrong?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 0 replies
Last reply by Денис Живков, -
- 1 reply
я давно хотів зробити карту (подібне на Age of Civilization 2) - але на Age of History 3
Last reply by Mihael1, -
- 0 answers
@Lukasz Jakowski basically, when you add a feature, how do you decide what should be a mod and what should be a direct update?
Last reply by BaldingFox77558, -
- 0 answers
A Few Months Ago I Requested Greater Majapahit Civilization Complete With Its Map And Flag But After Age Of History 3 Released I Feel Like My Request About Majapahit Was Granted Due to Several Factors Including Its Very Accurate Maps and Flags And After I Searched for Majapahit in This Forum, I Was the Only One Who Requested About Majapahit Civilization Was My Request Fulfilled By Lukasz Jakowski...? Well I Don't Know... This Is The Flag I Requested From Lukasz Jakowski And This Is The Flag I Requested From Lukasz Jakowski I Feel Grateful For Creating Formable Civilization For Greater Majapahit Thanks @Łukasz…
Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
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Last reply by Frisk Bloodbun, -
- 8 replies
any ideas about what I should do first?
Last reply by Ilovethisgame2, -
- 0 answers
Last reply by Dr.AzulBR, -
- 0 answers
I would like to change gameValues of exploding the civ because everytime the countries are exploding, how to fix the chance of it?
Last reply by Brunoo1103, -
- 0 answers
Will AoH3s pocket edition map (especially on mobile) have formables and cores added in upcoming updates? Especially formables, being big part of these "map-painting" games does feel missing in the pocket map.
Last reply by Langoš, -
Is it possible to transfer saves from phone to PC?
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski,