General Discussion
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When will the game be available on iOS? Is there a date listed?
Last reply by CroToni1357, -
- 5 answers
Well, I'm playing AOH3 and I have taken Greece from the Ottomans, I would like to create the Greek state, does anyone know how I can do it?
Last reply by Ragronr, -
- 7 replies
Last reply by AmericanLiberia, -
- 0 replies
I'm starting a series on my YouTube channel (CrimsonNeko) where I am going to conquer the world (or the land/countries available to me) in EVERY campaign and scenario as EVERY country within them. This is obviously going to be incredibly long, but I know I'm going to learn a lot (I already have) and it'll be a lot of fun. The plan is to move on to mods right after. Here is the first video if anyone is interested:
Last reply by CrimsonNeko, -
- 2 answers
Where did Luckasz get these ambient sounds from? I would love to listen to them while I sleep haha
Last reply by empyao, -
- 8 replies
Comment down below🔻
Last reply by DRM, -
I didn't have this problem before please someone knowledgeable tell me the solution to this
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
Is it just me, or are the peace treaties really dumb? You can only make demands to the nation you declared war on. So if you declared war on Andorra and they were allied to Spain, you could only take land from Andorra. Another thing that is really dumb is alliance limits. You should be able to have more than two nations in an alliance. I understand the reasoning behind the limit itself, but it should be at like three or four nations.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
Ground texture on mobile.
by Guest- 9 answers
Is there is any way to habilitate the ground texture in mobile, when zooming in? In mobile it just looks dull and boring, unlike what was shown in the videos.
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 10 answers
LLukasz why can only ally with one country that is so absurd i consider this a bug not a feature
Last reply by GREAT VIỆT, -
- 0 replies
Hello I'm Code Engineer, the main developer of the ETAM mod. Many time passed after I made announcement post of the mod, the game even released! In this post, I'm gonna say to use that this mod currently under active development. First release of the mod are not that far away. Discord server To get daily news, to have my mod early, to join developer team, you can go to my discord server made specially for this project. Ask questions, propose ideas or join the development process. I'm online every day, so you can ask questions to me directly. Link:
Last reply by Code Engineer, -
- 7 answers
i'm curious how it runs on Android devices, and how fun it is with less provinces, also curious about controls since all buttons on the mouse where used so how does that carry over?
Last reply by Taquito_Dictador, -
- 0 replies
Show off screenshots of your playthroughs in this thread! I'll start:
Last reply by Chairman Baad, -
- 1 answer
Hello Mr. Lukasz! Even though the game has only been released on PC for 1 week and Android for 3-4 days, you have fixed the problems of the game with a few bugs and adjustments, which is a really good thing, but I have a few questions for you. Most of the players feel a few shortcomings, these are mostly the old Age of History 2 diplomacy mechanics, navy and alliance. What do you think about these on their features? I have previously asked you the question of whether there will be multiplayer, but you said you are not thinking of such a thing for now, but you did not say no. This means that you will add multiplayer. Will you do this (Kerem Yılmaz mod team has st…
Last reply by kroryen, -
- 2 answers
I meed my vassals to join to my war how can i make it happend?
Last reply by kroryen, -
- 1 reply
It's not avialbe on my tablet :-[
Last reply by YouravaragebrazilianAoCfan, -
Как вступить войну за другую страну
Last reply by Степа, -
- 4 replies
New Age of Warcraft is out now in steam workshop. CLICK HERE Contacts: Discord
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 2 replies
My mod that adds a harder difficulty level
Last reply by Rodak Polak, -
- 1 answer
Hi, since I find assimilation overtime being too slow. I wanted to modify it. So in the gameValues folder > GV_Provinces: I am trying to modify it for faster assimilation: Can someone please explain, what everything does ? What is what > auto_ssimilation_perc < is this for how fast it assimilates or for how long is taking to establish a core, when you invest in core building ? auto_assimilation_min < What this means and does ? auto_Assimilation_all_if_bellow ? auto_assimilation_update_steps < Or this one actually affects the assimilation speed over time ? AUTO_ASSIMILATION_PERC: 0.255, //default: 0.075 AUTO_ASSIMI…
Last reply by Łukasz Jakowski, -
- 2 replies
I am making a mod for AoH3 that adds as many historical borders as possible, and i would like suggestions for borders i could add. Anything is welcome, no matter how obscure, just remember that historical border will take priority over alt-history ones. Done : Panama Canal Zone Suez Canal Zone Planned: Better borders for Canada, Australia & Brazil 1947 Korea
Last reply by mariobot128, -
- 0 replies
New Age of Space will be out soon... Click Here Contacts: Discord
Last reply by eNeXPii, -
- 1 answer
I'm playing a smaller nation, Potidea on the 550 BC campaign, and nations will just declare war on me and kill me immediately and there's nothing I can do. I have an army, so they're not sensing I'm weak, and even when I have allies, they lose too, so I just get taken out instantly when all I want is to build my economy. How am I supposed to survive when nations will declare war on me for no reason and they ALWAYS have a bigger army than me with better stats? I try to have mine match the battle width, even though I don't exactly understand that mechanic or how I'm supposed to build efficient armies.
Last reply by Question, -
- 0 answers
Last reply by Milklord, -
- 1 reply
It would be great to have one because of mobile users that want install mods too
Last reply by reau,